
Chapter 5-01

The bell rang and I picked up my stuff from the bench, throwing the leftover food in the trash can on the way inside. As we passed by the tables in the cafeteria, I noticed everyone in Jared’s table was already gone.

"What class do you have right now?" Zev asked, walking dangerously close to me.

I took out my schedule and checked. The next class in my schedule was History, which wasn’t exactly my favorite subject.

I was more than thankful for being a Legen when it came to classes I disliked. My skills when it came to school subjects surpassed that of a human. I didn’t generally slack off in my classes, but when I did, it never took a toll on me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone grabbed my shoulders and roughly moved me aside. Zev tugged me out of the way and saved me from face planting on a door.

"You were about to crash," Zev said, still holding my shoulders.

I shrugged out of his hold and turned to face him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was distracted."

"No worries, I noticed you spacing out."

"I wasn’t spacing out, I was simply thinking about something," I stated, crossing my arms.

I immediately felt bad with how bitchy my comment sounded. I was irritated with myself and how bad the day was turning out. Zev was trying to make it better and helping me out. He was the last person I should’ve been treating badly.

"You didn’t tell me what class you had."

"Oh right, I have History with Mr. Peters," I replied, looking at my schedule again to make sure I had the right teacher.

This time, I made my voice nicer, friendlier.

"You’re a sophomore?" He questioned.

"Umm… yeah…?"

"Well, that’s okay, I guess," he said after a while.

I didn’t understand his response, but I didn’t question it either.

"What are you?" I asked after we continued walking.

Posters of timelines and former presidents covered the new hall we entered

"What do you mean what am I? Why are you asking that?" Zev asking, looking worked up about something.

Without asking my permission, he wrapped his hand around my arm and shoved me into a room.

"Why did you ask me that?" Zev repeated his question.

His expression was no longer playful. He was staring at me intently, and his body was closer than it had been before.

I could feel his breath blowing across my face as he stood only inches away from me.

I didn’t know why he was mad. I told him I was a sophomore, yet he was making it seem like a crime to ask his grade.

If there was a moment to panic, this should have been it. What kept me from shouting or trying to protect myself was my confusion with the entire situation.

"Answer me."

"Let her go." I was surprised to hear someone else in the room.

Zev’s behavior distracted me from noticing that someone had walked in.

When I tuned towards the door, I saw Layton standing next to it, glaring at Zev. He looked dangerous and ready to attack.

"Stay out of this Pierce," Zev threatened.

"If I were you, I’d watch my tone. Now let her go." Layton was taking careful steps towards us.

I wasn’t sure what to do.

Would I be able to stop them in case something happened?

I didn’t think it would be hard to keep them in place. My only fear was exposing myself. Among the rules my father had, showing my gifts to anyone was number one.

"Can you guys please stop?" I asked, moving from Zev’s embrace so that I could stand between the two.

There was a look of distrust clear in Zev’s eyes and Layton wasn’t far behind.

"Come here, Cassidy," Layton said with a tone that sounded like an order.

I looked at him incredulously.

"Why would I go with you?" I asked him, feeling annoyed that he was even in the room.

I didn’t understand what was happening, but things weren’t as tense before Layton arrived. I had to admit it was nice seeing him and knowing that he wanted me to go with him. Despite that, I couldn’t forget that he had been rude to me. Besides, I hardly knew the guy.

"Don’t be stubborn and just come here. You’re late to class," Layton said, looking annoyed himself.

"Crap!" I muttered to myself.

I checked my phone, and fair enough, it was 12:15. I was fifteen minutes late to class, meaning it would be awkward walking in, like it had been during Art. I was considering skipping class all together.

"I’ll walk you to class. I have History right now as well," Zev told me, keeping his eyes on Layton.

"No. I’m taking her to class. You stay away from her," Layton growled.

They were both getting on my nerves. I didn’t understand what the heck was going on, but I needed to get to class pronto.

"Enough! I’m walking to class on my own and you two, stay!" I ordered.

They both looked taken aback by my outburst. Zev started chuckling which made Layton look at him darkly.

"You have to admit that was funny," Zev commented, looking at Layton teasingly.

"That was offensive. You might be a dog, but I sure as hell am not," Layton huffed.

I shook my head at the two, and headed for the door. Layton growled when I passed him but I ignored his behavior and continued to head out. With one last look towards Layton and Zev, I left to my History class.

I was forced to introduce myself in my History class. The class wasn’t so bad. I had the chance to talk with some girls and Mr. Peters was a nice teacher. Other than doing some reading and catching up with the assignments for the week, class went by without a glitch.

Science, which was my next class after History, passed by in a blur. I liked the teacher and my lab partner was Tyler. Surprisingly, he had been talking to me and explaining things about the class and school. It made me wonder why he had been so quiet during Art.

I was excited when the last period came along. The only thing putting a damper on my good mood was that the last class happened to be PE.

I was in good shape since I trained with my dad very often. It was mandatory that I be fit and ready for anything. My parents still didn’t trust the reason I was a Legen after so many centuries.

The problem with PE was that I always felt out of place. I was stronger than the rest but I had to be careful with my strength. I had to be careful with my gifts and I had to be careful not to hurt anyone by accident.

Tyler had PE with me as well, so we walked together to gym. When we got there, a few people were sitting in the bleachers. I noticed two coaches around, ‘supervising’ the students. Tyler pointed toward the one that was our coach, and I made my way to him.

Coach Walker was sitting in the bleachers on the other side of the gym. He was distracted reading something off his clipboard.

From afar, I could tell he was young. He was wearing black sweat pants and a white t-shirt, which was regular attire for a coach. Unlike the coach from my previous school, this one seemed to be in shape.

"Who are you?" Coach asked when I approached him.

"New student, I’m Cassidy Lockwood," I replied, handing him my schedule.

He took a look at my schedule, marked something on his clipboard, and gave it back.

"I wasn’t aware there would be a new student. Did you bring an extra set of clothes?"

"Not really, I didn’t know I would have PE today. Sorry," I replied, not really feeling sorry at all.

Why would I even think about bringing an extra set of clothes?

"I figured. I’ll have a uniform ready for tomorrow, but you can bring your own clothes if you want. For today, you can sit out in the bleachers."

I smiled at the idea of having a free period. I made my way back to Tyler. Nick had arrived as well and he’d taken a set next to Tyler.

"Hey, I hadn’t seen you since lunch," Nick greeted with a bright smile.

"I know. I had Tyler for Science but I hadn’t seen any of you guys either," I replied.

"Aren’t you two changing?" I asked.

They were sitting down in the bleachers acting like if they didn’t belong in the class.

"Na, I have an excuse and Tyler doesn’t feel like it," Nick told me with a grin.

"Well, lucky me. I don’t have clothes so I have a free pass ‘till tomorrow."

While I was talking, Tyler’s gaze moved to the double doors. When I turned to see what caught his attention, my smile vanished. Jared was coming in through the door with Layton by his side, walking like he owned the place.

Layton had been in deep conversation with Jared. As soon as he saw me, he held my gaze. I narrowed my eyes at him and turned back to face Nick and Tyler.