
Chapter 67: Bitch Ass Pussy

"Fuck..." Liam mumbled as he clicked the pick up option. His fingers immediately clicked on the speaker option so that the black haired alpha could hear what's going on, too.

He learned his lesson long ago that wherever Bitch Ass Pussy called, he must answer or else the door will be broken down; she can and will hunt him to the end of the earth if she really needs to talk to him.

"Good morning, little fucker!" His older sister's voice came from the other end of the phone, followed by Star's familiar laugh. "We need ta—"

"It's too early in the morning for anything, Meg. Please fuck off." The platinum blond alpha was pretty sure that his voice was barely comprehensive because he just woke up. His blue eyes finally focused on the only clock in the room. "It's fucking six fifty five in the fucking morning."

That's very hypocritical of him since he usually wakes up at 6 am on the dot; as soon as his alarm clock rang, Liam's hand will slap that thing so that it'll shut up, then he would begin his morning routine of stretching, bathroom and breakfast. That routine has existed since he started high school, and it went on and on every year except when he's on summer break. Since the platinum blond alpha is on summer break right now, inside their go-to family friend's vacation house which they've been visiting every year for the past decade or so, Liam thinks that he deserves to sleep in every damn day during the summer.

Meanwhile, his faithful companion fell back on the bed with a thud, so Liam gently ran his fingers through Mar's jet black hair. The action not only received a pleased smiled from his best friend but it also made the platinum blond alpha relaxed a little from the tension and anger of being woken up at unholy hours.

"Quit whining, baby boy." The alpha female said back. Her voice was as authoritative as usual, and she sounded like she's already wide awake. "Either you meet me in the garden or open your damn door."

A groan came from his partner on the bed, and Liam let out a sigh. Their shared room is polluted with pheromones and scents left ober from last night's sinful activities, so they're not letting her in. Even with the spray, their scents are still very potent. Any normal omega would faint from the overwhelming shit in the air.

It's common sense that an alpha female, Liam's older sister included, won't faint from two other alpha's scents, but it will definitely irritate her. Thus, it's also common sense to not let her in.

"Mar isn't allowed to come." Meg's voice was stern, and the platinum blond alpha let out a loud groan in displeasure. He could feel his sister rolling her eyes even though he can't see her. "It's just you and me, bitch boy. We need ta talk."

"Fine, fine..." Liam finally gave in, and his blue eyes looked at his partner who's laying down on the bed.

His fingers are tangled in Mar's jet black hair, and the sight of lightly tanned skin turning gold while basking in the early morning light made the taller alpha smiled just a little. He wanted to lean down and kiss his companion, but his sister's voice came back to yell at him.

"I'll see you in fifteen minutes."

"No!" Liam immediately snapped back to yelling back at the alpha female. "An hour. I'll see ya in an hour at least."

A dry laugh came from the other end, and her ensnaring voice whispered, "To make things clear, it's the same place where mom and dad lectured your dumb ass yesterday. Giving you thirty minutes to get there. If you're late, I'll—"


She knew that mom and dad talked to him. The question here is who told her? Definitely his parents, of course, but why would they? Well, no one ever said they won't tell the alpha female. The last thing that Liam wanted his Mar's secret spreading.

"You'll what? Beat my ass? Tell mom?" Despite the panic in his mind, the platinum blond alpha still kept his composure. "Get a grip, bitch. We're not kids anymore. See ya in forty five minutes. More or less."

With that said, Liam hung up. Then, his phone was thrown on to the nightstand before he collapsed on to the bed next to his companion. His back sunk into the mattress, and his blue eyes were closed shut as he breath out.

"Get up, Liam." The black haired alpha chuckled, but he didn't make any moves to kick the taller alpha out of bed. "Meg will kill you if you don't meet with her."

"She can go fuck herself." Liam groaned once more as he pulled the sheet to cover his face, protecting his eyes from the morning sun.

The alpha in bed with him also came under the sheet. "She has Star to fuck her."

Liam had to admit that that's funny, so he couldn't hide his laugh. His blue eyes focused on his best friend under the white sheet where the sunlight isn't as harsh.

He wished that they could stay like this forever, under the comfortable sheets and smiling at each other. However, there's things to get done, so Liam had to sadly kiss his partner one last time before he finally rolled out of bed.

It didn't take long for him to take a quick shower and got himself into a presentable state. He put on the first sweat pants and T-shirt that he saw in his suitcase, and with a small hair brush, he pulled his wet hair back so that it wouldn't stick up in all directions possible.

Just before he left the room, he took one last look at his best friend. Mar is still sound asleep under the sheets, and Liam couldn't help but plant another kiss on his partner's cheek. Then, he had to slap himself internally and gave himself a lecture about being late for the meeting.

As expected, the maids were confused when they saw him speed walking through the hallways. Of course, no one expected him to be up this early. Hell, even Arkham is no where to be seen. Talking about the butler... They need to find out about the entire thing that went down yesterday with his non-existent sister and the man whom she allegedly married to, who's also equally non-existent as their entire family.

That line of thoughts were casted aside when blue eyes landed on the beautiful garden with immodest statues of women and a gazebo in the middle. A tall woman with long and silky platinum blond hair was sitting in the middle of the gazebo; her ocean eyes were staring right back at him.

Well, shit.

Meg didn't have to say a word for her brother to understand that the matter is one of urgency. The look on her face was enough, yet the way she leisurely dipped her croissant into her large cup of cappuccino was an indicator that she's not in a hurry. Ah, that meant Liam arrived earlier than expected. Wait... There's food on the table, so the mansion staff members know where they are.

Liam didn't have any other choice but to sigh and walk towards his older sister. While he's dressed in one might call extremely casual wear, the alpha female in front of him was wearing a flowery white blouse that's transparent enough to show the lacy black sleeveless shirt that she has underneath. Fashion isn't something the platinum blond alpha is interested in; usually as long as he thinks he looks good, he doesn't care more than that, so he wouldn't know the technical name of whatever his sister is wearing.

He sat down on the exact same spot he did a while back when his parents took him here. Is this their designated lecturing sport now?

"About time you get here." Meg's voice remained steady as she pushed the plate pf croissants towards him. "Got extra just for you."

"What do you wanna talk about?" Liam got right to the point. Maybe if they get it out of the way quickly enough, he can go back to cuddling his best friend in the comfort of their bed.

Thanks for reading! Your comments and power stones keep me alive.

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