
Alpha x Alpha (BL)

[ NSFW chapters: 5-6-7, 24-25, 63-64-65-66 ] . Alphas are naturally attracted to Omegas; that's a fact of life. Liam is an alpha male, one of the best in his generation, so why is he head over heels for another alpha male who lives next door? Alphas are supposed to be attracted to Omegas, so it makes no sense for Liam to swoon over his best friend Mar. Besides, Mar's already courting a female omega, so it's kinda hopeless. Hope came up again when the female omega broke up with Mar. Mar the alpha male is single again, so Liam's gonna shoot his shot. Wish him luck. Meanwhile, Mar is hiding secrets of his own. No matter how much he tries to deny it, he finds himself falling face first into Liam's comfort. It's both of them against the world, but they're not as alone as they thought. Will they survive as their families and their lives are falling apart piece by piece? ______ A/B/O, Omegaverse, World building, Family Drama, Slice of Life ! Please keep in mind that this book's A/B/O dynamic and biology is the author's interpretation, so it might be different from what readers of this genre are used to. !

Twelve_Cats · LGBT+
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74 Chs

Chapter 23: The Aster Children II

"Have you seen him?" Mar moved on to his next brother.

"Young Master Alexandrov?" The new butler nodded eagerly. "He arrived yesterday, and he will be sharing a room with his fiance, who isn't here yet."

Ah... Alex is following Madison's footsteps, even down to going to the same business university and having the same sense of fashion, but instead of having several omegas surrounding him at all times, he's the lucky one who got with one of Blue's cousins. Blue and her cousins were sent to the mansion in their youth for that sole purpose of pairing up with Mr. Aster's children.

Liam doesn't know when it happened, but Alex and Rita started their friendship out of their love for specific books and their hate for literally everyone else. Just a few years ago, they think they're better than everyone else. However, something changed. The platinum blond alpha doesn't know what happened, but suddenly one summer, specifically the last year when Mar brought Laura to this same mansion, the couple was humble as they revealed to their parents that they're engaged.

By "humble", he meant they weren't shoving their unsolicited opinions down everyone's throats and actually tried their best to create meaningful connections with the family members involved, even Laura, but Mar's ex wasn't having it. Blue wasn't there to see her most prized cousin stopping herself from having a screaming battle with Laura, but it's for the best Blue wasn't there to help.

"You don't have to worry about Alex. He's an asshole, but he's self aware." Liam commented, and Mar laughed at his words. "Don't ask him about his sunglasses collection."

"That's his fiance, by the way." Slender fingers moved to the bottom of the page where the Devins are listed. A beautiful omega, looking like Blue but less round and more sharp around the edges. Rita is on her way to be the next best fashion designer, funded by her soon to be father-in-law, of course.

"And this is Star." The black haired alpha introduced the new butler to his only sister. "She's also going to be engaged."

"To my sister." The taller alpha pointed at the second to last line where his family was listed. "You saw her coming out of the plane with us. She goes by Meg."

After Liam lifted his finger, Mar wrote "Meg" underneath the female alpha's name. Star is as old as Blue, and both omegas aced their school years, skipped grades and got into universities at the prime age of sixteen. Currently, they're both twenty one and actively pursuing their master degree, Star in robotics and Blue in IT. Again, women in STEM are amazing. Another similarities is they have questionable taste in partners. Star fell in love with Liam's beloved sister Meg, who's a bitch on a good day, but she's still loveable. Blue is going to court Rex, and the platinum blond alpha can raise two hundred reasons why she shouldn't. The only difference between Blue and Star is that Star doesn't like hanging out with them. The omega didn't like it when Mar and Liam and Blue were two feet deep in sand and kept digging until people had to physically pull them out of their hole.

Green eyes looked at the line of Velisons, parents and their two kids. The resemblance is there, Liam is a clone of his father while Meg is a clone of her mother.

Mar wrote a bunch of words underneath Liam's parents' names, ranging from "Doc Velison" to "Also Doc Velison" to "Doc Velison 1" and "Doc Velison 2". The nicknames earned a laugh from Liam when the black haired alpha continued to label Meg as "Doc Velison 3" and Liam as "Doc Velison 4".

"Okay, where were we?" Mar grinned.

"Young Master Marlin and Martin?" Arkham pointed at a photo of two people together.

Those two people look exactly the same, from their curly ginger hair to their bright ocean blue eyes to the freckles lining their peachy high cheek bones. The identical twins are a few months older than Mar, but they're riding a soccer sport scholarship to another university. The twins are inseparable, and they're as mischievous as Mar is, but with the exception of the fact that they don't poke Rex. Liam can't even tell who is who in the picture because the twins intentionally match their wardrobe to confuse people.

"Yep! Are they here yet?" The black haired alpha excitedly wrote "Lin & Tin" underneath the twins' picture.

"Yes, they arrived last night. I honestly can't tell which one is Young Master Marlin and which one is Young Master Martin." Arkham admitted with a small voice.

"Me, too. Don't beat yourself up." Liam grinned as he pointed at the line of Devins. "Now let's start with some guests who aren't here yet."

"Mr. Devin, Mrs. Devin, and their daughter..." Slender fingers wrote Blue underneath her real name. "Our baby Blue. She doesn't like people calling her by her name, so Blue is the way."

"I see." The new butler nodded.

"This is Rita, Alex's fiance." Mar continued his introduction. "Her parents are this other Mr. Devin and Mrs. Devin, and their other children... Hua and Tian. I don't know about the old people, but us kids don't like it when you call everyone Young Master Devin or Young Mistress Devin. Maybe you can try Young Master Hua or Young Master Tian with the Devins, but not Blue. Blue is Blue."

"Thank you, young masters." The new butler smiled as the black haired alpha handed him back his list and his pen.

The wet clothes are starting to get uncomfortable, so Liam stretched his arms and stood up.

"I'm using the shower first." The platinum blond alpha announced as he picked up his towel and headed straight to the bathroom.

"Bro, fill the bathtub for me!" Mar called after him.

"Hot or cold?" The taller alpha didn't close the bathroom door, instead he opened it wide to let his best friend see that he's actually doing it.

A grin came from his companion's lips. "Hot!"

Both of them forgot that Arkham was watching their interactions until the new butler cleared his throat lightly.

"Young master Mar, would you like me to draw you a bath?"

"Nope. We got this." Mar shooed the butler out the door. "Go sit down and scroll through social media or something. Dinner will be hella busy, so save your energy for that."

"Yes, young master." Arkham barely finished his sentence when the black haired alpha slammed the door.

Liam chuckled as he took off his wet T-shirt, then he moved on to his sweat pants and underwear. He heard movement in the room and the familiar sound of wet fabric hitting skin. Blue eyes wandered from his own clothes on the bathroom floor to the expanse of light tanned skin glowing in the warm light of the afternoon sun.

Liam shallowed as a smile graced Mar's lips when those purple eyes drank in the sight of nude pale skin inside the bathroom. Marbella made a masterpiece, and he's here to enjoy a piece of art.

The platinum blond alpha reached into the shower stall and turned on the water, just to have sounds in the background because the bath alone isn't enough.

Thanks for reading! Comments and power stones keep me alive! I appreciate all the gifts!

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