
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

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12 Chs

Chapter 8

Izuku bit the inside of his cheek, feeling nervous. With four simple words, he already felt like he was losing the majority of his courage. Would his Shouta even believe him? Even for a people who had Quirks, transmigrating bodies or somehow hopping dimensions was pretty unbelievable.

Watching the disbelieving expression that shone in his teacher's eyes, he struggled to explain himself in a way that made sense.

"Okay, I'm not specifically from the future. I'm from a future, but not the future of this world. Possibly? I'm not too sure yet, since I haven't been here that long. I haven't been able to make sure of all the subtleties, so you could say that I'm actually from an alternate dimension? Or perhaps it would be better to say a parallel dimension."

Izuku carefully watched Shouta's face for any change in expression, but was ultimately disappointed. "There seem to be a lot of similarities in my dimension as well as this dimension, but personally, the reason why I knew it was a parallel dimension and not the past was because I'm an Alpha here," the dimension hopper said, blurting everything out in a single go. He was afraid that if he didn't say everything at once, he might end up losing the courage to say anything altogether.

The green-haired teen tried not to show any signs that he was feeling perturbed. He looked into the messy-haired teacher's eyes, trying to show his sincerity. He watched as Shouta ran his thoughts and ideas in his mind.

It was honestly quite mesmerizing. The closer you stared at Shouta's eyes; you realized that they weren't a pure black, but an extremely dark shade of gray. They were flecked with lighter shades of gray, creating a whole kaleidoscope.

Shouta's eyes flickered slightly. Izuku resisted the urge to swallow, his inner Alpha growling at him not to show any weaknesses if he wanted Shouta to believe him. He still felt slightly nervous, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He had no evidence, nor did he have anything that he could use to prove what he said without a doubt. In fact, Izuku himself still felt slightly disbelieving.

He ended up spending a heat – wait no. He'd ended up spending his first rut with Shouta, whom had been his long-time crush. His heartbeat suddenly sounded very loud in his ears as he remembered the way Shouta's eyes had glistened as he lay under his body, the sound of Shouta's little cries that he tried to muffle. The way Shouta bit his lips trying to muffle the little sounds he made.

Izuku shook his head, his face pinking slightly. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of this. Damn this new body. It was throwing all his reactions out of whack. He didn't know what to expect. Hearing about and experiencing was a whole different thing altogether.

The teen waited patiently for Shouta to get his thoughts in order, ready to answer whatever questions the man had. He didn't know if he would be able to answer them or not, but Izuku would try his best. He owed him that much.

Izuku felt slightly apprehensive. Trust was an important factor in a relationship, and if they wanted this to work, then they had to get this out of the way first. The ex-Pro Hero felt slightly bad that he was using this as a way to test his teacher, but he had to know. He couldn't shove away that little voice in his head unless Shouta showed him something that he could use to shut it up.

The voice was a mix of his new Alpha consciousness as well as a mix of his old Omega instincts. It was very confusing. He didn't quite know what he wanted. It felt like the moment he made up his mind, something new came along and changed his mind again. It was greatly confusing, and it was causing him to feel off-balance now that his immediate rut was over.

Izuku fought with the voice, trying to give himself a little room to think. He didn't know if Shouta had seen the struggle within him, because he finally spoke up.

"Since you said 'I'm an Alpha here', I assume you were an Omega in your previous life? The way you seduced me so skillfully can only be attributed to you being an Omega previously. Some of the actions you made unconsciously back then, now that I think about it, make sense with the explanation you're giving me."

Izuku fought down a rare case of his 'delicate Omega' reflex, also known as a blush, feeling a once in a blue moon feeling of shyness at the description of how deviously he previously acted. The green-haired teen had actually fallen so far from the typical Omega-seen stereotype that people had speculated what his secondary gender really was.

He had been described as unnaturally aggressive for an Omega, and Izuku didn't know if that was because other inheritors of One for All had been Alphas or Betas as well, so he tended to disregard any stereotypes about secondary genders in general.

"If that really was the case, I can see why you would be convinced that you're in an alternate or parallel universe instead. Other than that, I can see that your personality underwent changes that can be attributed to growing up, like every other teen," Shouta paused in his musing, a gentle smile breaking out on his face. "You've grown up well."

Izuku's eyes zeroed in on Shouta's gentle smile. The green-haired teen had never seen such a gentle smile on his teacher's face before. It made him want to push the other man down and ravage him – izuku stopped himself there. The sense of relief he felt was almost overwhelming. The little blush on his face exploded into a full-blown one. He was so glad Shouta really did trust him. This meant that whatever future relationship that they tried to build had a good chance of working out well, and – fuck Izuku could feel his Quirk activating by itself.

Izuku tried to fight down his smile, but he really couldn't! Being around Shouta made it hard for him to control his feelings. Being in the midst of puberty was not fun. He cried inwardly, cursing his hormones for causing him to be this out of control. He did not miss being in puberty at all. He hadn't lost control of his Quirk like that since he was a teenager. Well, technically, he was a teenager again now, but he should have better control over it, dammit!

He'd kept his Quirk to the absolute minimum when he had been having his rut with Shouta. He didn't want his Quirk to influence the way the man felt about him. It felt too much like taking away one's free will and clouding another person's judgement for him to use it in a situation where he would spend his heat or rut with someone. It would have made him feel dirty using his Quirk that way, not to mention that his partner would probably feel violated.

Izuku groaned when he realized Shouta had a slightly dazed expression on his face. That was so embarrassing! He waved a hand in front of Shouta's face, hoping to snap him out of it faster. Unfortunately, he'd probably used his Quirk full blast on the other man in the midst of his happiness. Izuku buried his face in his hands. He couldn't believe this was his life. People usually looked cool and suave when they confessed to someone, but here he was, making a fool out of himself.

"What was that," he heard Shouta say, still sounding somewhat out of it.

Izuku buried his face harder in his hands, not quite able to stop himself from feeling sheepish and embarrassed. "There's something else I haven't mentioned," he said, voice muffled from his hands. "You know how I actually inherited One for All from All Might? Well, it turns out I'm actually not Quirkless."

The green-haired Alpha finally buried his emotions, getting serious. This required his whole attention. He lifted his face, staring Shouta in the eyes to convey his seriousness.

"There actually aren't any Quirkless people. Everyone possesses a Quirk. The currently known Quirk types are Emitter, Transformation and Mutant types. In the far future, scientists will discover that another type of Quirk exists. They call it a Passive type of Quirk. That's the type I have. Everyone who currently falls into the category of Quirkless right now actually possesses a Passive Quirk."

Shouta was staring at him in great interest. Izuku could see his mind whirling over the facts, trying to determine if this was true or not. He looked slightly frustrated. Izuku could understand why. In recent years, the amount of 'Quirkless' people had drastically fallen due to the combination of many Quirk types. As All Might said, it was harder to find someone who was 'Quirkless' nowadays. It was likely that Shouta didn't know anyone other than him and All Might, and just the two of them weren't enough for him to make any substantial conclusions.

"You saw…flowers blooming around me, right?" Izuku asked, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. Why? Whyyy did his Quirk sound like it came out of a shoujo manga?!

Shouta nodded.

"I call my Quirk Charm. Because when I smile, I tend to activate it unconsciously. Most of the time, I'm able to control it rather well. Or rather, it has always been running on a low voltage, but when I really want to, I can affect a person's emotions and thought processes. Of course, I usually have my Quirk on the lowest possible setting unless I need it against a Villain."

"Did you use it against me previously?"

Izuku flushed, fidgeting. He felt like he didn't know what to do with his hands. "Erm…Maybe a little more than usual," he confessed, waiting for Shouta's judgement.

Shouta smirked. "So devious," he teased. He wasn't afraid that Izuku had done anything to his thought process. He already had those feelings before this, just that he might have been able to hold onto his self-control better had Izuku not used his Quirk against him.

Izuku pouted, but felt relieved that the other man wasn't blaming him. "We call it Passive Quirks because it can't be turned off, just like Mutant types. Passive Quirks can still be disrupted, and we're able to control how much of it we use, but we can't ever stop using it, unlike Emitter and Transformation types. In a way, we're like Mutant types, but our Quirks are all classified as a mental type instead of physical, like two sides of a coin."

Shouta hummed, running through things in his mind. Some things clicked into place, and he wasn't sure how he had missed it. Then again, the Quirks seemed to be exceedingly subtle, so it wasn't surprising that no one had made a discovery just yet.

The black-haired man hadn't noticed, but whatever doubts he might have had earlier about Izuku's words had been completely blown away. He'd always known that Izuku couldn't lie to save his life, so it might have affected how he thought about it a little.

"This is actually the reason I was looking for you a few days ago," Izuku said, feeling the embarrassment creeping up again. "I was going to ask for a few days leave from school."

Shouta smirked. He knew why Izuku looked embarrassed. It had probably been hell on him having his inner Alpha react like that. They needed to work on his self-control.

"I was going to try and jump start the research about Passive Quirk types. A lot of people would get help sooner, and some of the Villains that appeared later on were actually due to the unfairness that they faced while they were classified as Quirkless."

The teacher ran things through mentally, before his mind stumbled. "Wait. What type of Quirk does All Might have, then?"

Izuku's eyes brightened.