
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Shouta stared at his student in shock, completely taken by surprise. He thought that this would be like all his other flings or arrangements. They'd make some small talk, exchange some pleasantries and part ways. He even thought that with the rut haze gone, his student might have second thoughts about what they just did.

The teacher felt a rare heat creep up his cheeks that had become rather familiar during the past couple of days. His mind was whirling in chaos. He wasn't prepared for this. What did he say? What did he want? Was Izuku being serious?

For all purposes and intents, the teen looked completely serious, staring him deeply in the eyes. Shouta needed some time to process this. The neurons in his mind immediately started jumping to decisions and conclusions that he didn't know if he wanted for sure.

Was the rut still affecting his thought processes? As a matter of fact, was the rut still affecting Izuku? He knew Alphas didn't always make the most stellar decisions when they were still being influenced by their hormones.

Shouta subtly licked the inside of his teeth. He somewhat did want to allow Izuku to court him. What was he even thinking!? He was a teacher, for fucks sake. Sure, it wasn't illegal, but he had always held himself up to the highest standards so that he could set a proper example of his students.

His inner Alpha was being surprisingly silent, but then again, it had been thoroughly fucked into submission the past couple of days. Not that it wasn't pleasurable. It had been highly, unimaginably spine-tingling beyond all expectations. He'd never quite seen what all the hype about sex was, but with Izuku, he almost felt like he could understand. Emphasize, even.

Did he want to do it again? Yes. But did he want to get into what could be a committed relationship with his student? Shouta wanted to be able to say that he didn't, but the feelings that he'd been desperately supressing before came gushing out like a tidal wave. It was like watching a train wreck. He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't, nor could he look away from the process.

Shouta was jerked out of his thoughts when he felt Izuku's touch lightly tracing over his abs. The black-haired teacher tried to ignore his student and put his thoughts back into order, but his mind kept drifting to the distracting shivers Izuku's fingers kept giving him when they brushed over a sensitive spot.

Shouta growled as his thoughts were disrupted once again, letting out a gasp as a finger brushed over his nipple, sending a wave of arousal through his body. "Stop it," he grit out. "I can't think with you distracting me like that."

He took in the mischievous look in the green-haired teen's eyes, suddenly realizing that the other was doing this on purpose. Shouta growled, rolling the both of them over so that he was on top, pinning down the distracting teen.

His eyes involuntarily traced the tongue that darted out to lick pink lips, unable to rip his gaze away.

"Maybe I don't want you to think, Aizawa-sensei. Maybe I just want you to feel. Feel how good I make you feel. How good I can make you feel. Today, tomorrow. Every day, whenever you want it, however you want it."

Shouta didn't bother to fight the shudders that went down his spine, feeling the heat pooling low in his groin, Izuku's words sending a surprisingly large wave of heat through him, considering that they should not be affected by the rut any longer.

Of all the things he could have learnt today, it should not have been this. In fact, there hadn't been the slightest inkling that this would be something his student possessed. Or had it been there all the time, with no one else ever realizing?

Midoriya. Izuku. Doesn't. Play. Fair.

It was a mix of his stubborn nature and utter determination with a dash of desperation and pleading. And Shouta. Damn it, Shouta, couldn't bring himself to resist. One look at those green eyes and freckles sent him caving down like a stack of dominos.

The funniest thing was, if he ever mentioned this to anyone else, he was sure he'd be met with disbelieving gazes. He could even imagine it now. Who? Midoriya Izuku? Deku? The Boundless Hero doesn't play fair? What are you talking about? He's practically the definition of fairness.

Shouta gasped as a knee made its way in between his legs, rubbing him with just the right amount of friction. Definitely doesn't play fair.

Izuku flipped his teacher over, his Alpha instincts roaring at him. He wanted to play. He wanted to press his teacher down and shake that blank look from his face. He wanted to lick his teacher's scar while his cheeks were still red. Wanted to make Shouta tremble from the exertion and make him moan, but he reigned himself in.

It wasn't the time for that yet. He wasn't really going to push Shouta into making a decision he would regret, but he wanted to tip the odds in his favour for a bit. He wanted to remind the other Alpha on a subconscious level what he would be able to offer him, perhaps appeal to the other's inner Alpha a little.

Izuku pressed a lingering kiss to the other's lips, allowing his feelings to feed into the gaze he looked at his teacher with. He hoped Shouta said yes. He didn't do anything else, letting his ex-teacher – Izuku paused, mentally correcting himself. Letting his teacher process everything. This was going to take some getting used to. Everything still seemed rather different. He wasn't sure if he should hide it.

Izuku ignored his knee-jerk reaction to hide and conceal everything. He didn't doubt that it would probably come out at the worst possible time should be try to, and he didn't really want to, no matter what his brain was screaming at him.

If he wanted to get into a relationship with his teacher, he should come clean so that it wouldn't affect their relationship, if they did have a relationship. He didn't want to be in a relationship with such a big lie hanging over their heads. Doing so would just be disrespectful to his partner.

Izuku took a deep breath to steady his thoughts, opening his mouth. Unfortunately, his teacher opened his mouth at the same time.


"Aizawa-sensei, I – " Izuku started to say, before his thoughts screeched to a halt as his mind haltingly processed the single word his teacher let out.

Shouta watched as Izuku's expression became pained, not quite expecting that reaction. This didn't seem like the happiness that his acceptation should have elicited. Unless…? The black-haired teacher's heart gave a loud thump. Don't tell me he's already regretting it? Fuck, fuck…

"Wait, sensei. Hear me out first," Izuku interjected, easily reading the various emotions playing out on his teacher's face. He knew what his expression might have caused, and he kicked himself, not liking that his teacher was doubting himself. He struggled to contain the wild joy that filled him with just a single word from the other Alpha.

"This doesn't have anything to do with you, but with me." Izuku hurriedly continued on before his teacher's expression could worsen. "If you still want me after this, then I'll be more than happy, but only if you know everything first."

Shouta puzzled over the words, getting the feeling that whatever Izuku was talking about was the drastic change that had happened to him. He still got the same vibes from Izuku, but there was something different, mainly in terms of confidence, but how could he possibly have undergone such a drastic change in a few short days?

"I'm from the future."
