
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Found You

Ethan Kane

"Sire it's been almost a decade since you have attained your age... You need to find you mate... The packs need their Luna Queen... We need the Luna Queen.... You need her " Said my  Royal Beta

"I know Zander.. I know... It's not like I'm not trying... I have visited all the packs over the year but my mate wasn't there... Atlas could not even get a whiff of her scent till now" I replied as I took a sip of my whiskey

"Sire we have a meeting with the moon howlers today, if you mate isn't there then according to the laws made by the ancient wolves for the royals .. You will have to marry a girl who passes the tests and is fit to be Luna during the wedding auction" Said Zander

"I will not marry marry a wolf who is not mate... Even if it means that I have to give up the throne and pass it to my younger brother David." I replied angrily as I crushed the whiskey glass in my hand.

Atlas was fuming at the idea of having to marry a woman who is not his mate.

"If we don't marry our mate, I'll disown you Ethan remember that... You may have partial control on this body but the moment you give an ounce of our love to a girl who isn't our mate be prepared to lose me" He said

"Don't worry Atlas, I may be a jerk, but I also know that if I marry someone who is not my mate then I will become weak and a become a puppet to the council and everyone in the living in the wolf realm knows that Alpha king Ethan Kane is no puppet to anyone except his mate" I growled back at Atlas who growled even louder back at me

"Don't growl at me Ethan, growl at our beta who dare suggest us to marry someone else other than our mate" He growled

"Sire, please call control alpha Atlas, the walls are shaking due to his ferocious growl" Said my beta as he stabled his body with the help of the table

"Forgive me, beta Zander, you suggesting me to marry someone other than my mate has ticked Atlas off and now he demands you to apologize else controlling him will become tough and I would have to initiate my force shift again" I said as I watched zander's eyes widen.

The last time I forced shift, Atlas was on a blood lust, all he could see was red, he demanded the death of anyone in his way and he even killed our previous beta, who dared to say shit about our dad, I remember chilling in the back of his mind as he tore the beta into shreds of muscle and bones.

"Forgive me alpha Atlas, I am ashamed of myself for suggesting such unforgivable words... I meant no harm and I request you to please forgive this mutt" He said

"Altas forgives this mutt... Just because he is our only friend in the entire of the wolf realm. " Growled Atlas

"We forgive you beta Zander, please rise. Let's begin our journey to the moon howlers and see why the situation there requires our presence. " I said and Zander bowed

"Of course sire, I will prepare the carriage for our departure" He said and I nodded.

A mysterious letter came in addressed to me from the moon howler pack, describing how brutally the few humans in that pack were treated.The letter was written by some omega, because of the scent covering it. Humans in our realm may be less than 2% but that does not mean that they shall be treated as garbage, out of those humans,if my mate is one of of them, then I swear to the moon goddess above, the alpha and his beta shall be executed and shamed publicly in front of all the alphas in this realm.

If my mate isn't one of them, the alpha shall be executed publicly but not shamed.

"If mate is abused, I want to be let out, I want to be the one killing that stupid alpha" Growled Atlas as he began to think of all the possibilities of our mate being a human who has been abused.


The carriage ride wasn't the most comfortable but it was somewhat efficient.

"I can't believe that our gamma forgot to bring that plushy with him, he knows how much I like to bite into it " Said Atlas as he paced around in my mind

"I'm glad that he forgot to bring that plushy, I'm not sure it would have been ideal for a king so mighty to be seen biting into a plushy like a toddler. " I replied

Before Atlas could retort,  beta Zander spoke

"Sire, we have arrived, the moon howlers are in the training go find training, the omega who sent us this letter is over there in the bushes hiding, she is very scared sire, I request you to be patient with her" He said with a bow

"I will try to be as patient as I can ,beta, but I can't make a promise that I shall be able to hold the act if patience for long, after all Atlas is definitely not patient, specially when he does not get his plushy to chew on" I said with a chuckle and Zander smiled as well before allowing me to get out of the uncomfortable carriage.

"I'm your wolf Ethan, you can't humiliate me like that" Growled Atlas

"I can Atlas, specially when it's the truth being told" I replied and he growled

"I smell cinnamon, mste is nearby... Keep your nose functional and eyes peeled for her, Ethan, if you fail to find her.... I'll disown you" He growled

"I'll be alert, alright, just  stopping threatening me that you will disown me, you my wolf, my other half, you can't just disown me" I replied

"I will if you dont take me to mate today" He said

I walked to the bushes and saw the brave omega hiding

"Alpha king" She spoke as she bowed. I noticed that she was pregnant with a pup.

"What is you name brave omega? " I asked

"Amelia, your majesty" She replied as she kept one hand below her pregnant belly.

"Is it true that your alpha over here abuses his humans" I asked

"Yes it is true, my king. He abuses his powers, he beats the life out of the Omega's and hardly even feeds the humans. We Omega's try to feed them but when we are caught he kills us in front of the pack. " Said the omega

"Where are the humans right now? " I asked

"On the training grounds, alpha will be giving them 20 lashes today" She spoke.

"Zander, tell  Delta Christian to take  Amelia to the Royal castle, things are about to get bloody" I said

"Of course sire, shall we evacuate the children and women as well? " He asked

"Yes... Children don't need to witness blood shed" I said and he nodded.

Zander, I and Gamma Brian along with our massive Royal army made our way to the training grounds

"Mate near by... Mate need help... I feel her fear.. I feel her pain... Mate is hurt... She is giving up... Rescue mate now" Whimpered Atlas

This was the first time I heard him whimper. He didn't whimper when momma was killed, he didn't whimper when dad was killed but he is whimpering just by feeling our mate in pain. Things just got serious, this alpha will die right now.. Forget about the steps of death.

We jogged the rest of the way to the grounds, I scanned the area and saw that pathetic alpha, holding the leather whip, I saw who was being whipped and before you know it, Atlas took control

"Mate! " I said

"Mate! " Whimpered Atlas before he growled the most ear shattering growl, forcing everyone in our vicinity to go on their knees..

Running on all fours in our wolf form, Atlas punched above the most gorgeous girl I ever saw, she had the most luscious brown hair and the most electrifying blue eyes, rosy red lips and the most delicate fingers, god could ever create.

Atlas stood above her protectively, engulfing her curled body completely, he was growling at the alpha who had fallen to his knees in front of us

"You dare try to hurt our mate, Queen Luna of the wolf realm... You really wished an early death mutt" Growled Atlas

The best thing about being king was that I could mind link anyone, without them being a part of the pack.

"Forgive me your highness, how can a human be our queen, she is weak, just look at her" Said the alpha

"She is not weak, she is strong. The only person weak over here is you. Abusing your power over defenceless humans, is an act of weakness you mutt. You already committed a grave crime by abusing the Omega's and humans in you pack, you even committed the crime of harming the Royal queen luna, on top of all that shit you dare question the decision of your alpha king? "Atlas growled.

" Your highness I am not questioning your decision, I'm just questioning fate" He said

"Well fate has decided that you shall be killed this very instant along with that beta of yours, the gamma of this pack shall become alpha and the Delta the beta... Death for you shall be torturous and death for the beta shall be swift" Growled Atlas before commanding, beta Zander to finish the job.

Zander  dragged the alpha out of the scene while  Brian dragged the beta, my Delta  Christian made sure the pack followed him to witness the death of their alpha and beta, while Atlas whimpered while judging our mate

"Mate, are you okay? " He asked softly as he gently licked the blood away, healing her body with our saliva

She didn't say much but just nodded her head softly

"Who are you? " She asked

"Your mate, sweetheart. The name is Atlas, human name Ethan. We are the Royal king of this realm and you are the queen. You know what a mate is, right? " He asked as he shielded her body with his furry torso

"Mate, as in soulmate, my other half... The person a wolf waits all his life? " She said and Atlas nodded

"Holy moly... I'm mated to the alpha king... Today I was going to die but look at me I'm mated to an alpha king" She said and Atlas smiled, his wolfy grin, I'm damn sure we looked creepy right now.

Atlas gave me back control for the first time , without me commanding him to do so. One of my Royal men threw me a pair of joggers and I immediately shifted and wore the scratchy joggers.

"Hello love" I said as I looked down only to find her unconscious

"Mate? " I said as I scooped her in my arms

"I let you meet her, despite me wanting to stay and talk to her and you put her to sleep! Your a dumb human and a even dumber mate. " Said Atlas as he watched me pick her up and place her in the carriage. Ignoring what my wolf said.

"The Royal Palace, please" I said to the chauffeur and he nodded.

I cuddled her as the carriage began to move.

"Please be okay love, I only just met you, it's meant to be the first page of our story... Not the end" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

"Mark her, human, she already is sleeping, marking her now will help heal her, quickly" Said Atlas

"You're right. Sorry love but I need to do this for both of us" I said as I bit into her soft skin, right at the junction of her neck and shoulder.

I felt her whimper in her unconscious state before she finally relaxed.

I kissed the top of her forehead before I adjusted her properly in my lap, watching her for the rest of the journey.