
Alpha hunter.

Two werewolves who never wanted mates finds out they are each other mates in different circumstances. Both have their own reasons but will these reasons let them fight the bond between them. The bond that the moon goddess has created for them. - - - Preview: It was my turn. I opened the Truth or Dare app and clicked on Extreme. I chose dare, then later regretted it. I gulped and showed it to Kate, she smirked and read it out loud. "Group members will choose a person of opposite gender and you have to give him/her a lap dance." I took a glance at Alpha Hunter and saw him staring at me but then looked away. They all laughed but Alpha Hunter had an amused face. "Give George a lap dance or strip," Kate said. "She won't do any of it," Alpha said. "Okay then, give Hunter a lap dance," Kate said. "No," I said. But then I had to strip and when I saw their faces it told me I have to as. It was easy for them to force me to strip because nudity was normal in werewolf world, however I would never ever strip in front of many people even if I was a werewolf. "Strip," Kate said. "No, she will give me a lap dance but not strip," Alpha said. - - -

DaoistvNYRTZ · Sejarah
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11 Chs

Chapter 2


"We crossed your pack by mistake please let us go we don't mean to hurt anyone," I said my voice shaking.

But did he listen?


I have heard the Blood Thirst Pack never cares about other opinions so who am I to talk?

"Follow me," the wolf growls getting off of Lucas. "If you don't then you can say goodbye to your life."

We bowed our heads and followed him inside, silently whimpering and limping.

"The alpha is going to deal with you,he will decide on what to do with you guys. One piece of advise, he never spares trespassers," I nodded.

Me and Lucas followed him and saw that we were in a very stinky sewer type place. The dungeon.

He shifted in his human form and I averted my gaze from him. When I looked at him he was wearing nothing but shorts.

He was muscular which wasn't a surprise since in werewolf world, the body comes naturally. He had blue eyes which reminded me of cold icicles.

We reached towards the cell and he put us together in a cellar and locked us.

"The Alpha will deal with you too," he repeated and left.

I peeked at Lucas to see him looking at me.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked him, looking away and pacing around the cellar.

"Lets see, I don't think he will spare us," he said, sitting down on one of the beds.

"Me too," I said.

"Can you promise me something?" he asked, his tone turning soft.

I nodded my head, slowing down, keeping my eye contact with him.

"If you find a escape go ahead don't worry for me," he said. My head snapped towards him.

"No Lucas, I can't make an empty promise I will never leave you alone never and you promise me that you will too," I said.

"Of course, I will never leave you I will die to save you," he said.

"Then-" I was cut of by someone opening the door.

And then guess what happened.

I smelled the most beautiful smell in a very smelly and stinky cellar, followed by a deep growl.


I looked up and saw that there standing was a very muscular man with dark chocolate brown hair and eyes, I could almost swear I saw golden flecks in them. I almost melted at the spot just looking at him.

My wolf Felicity started saying, 'Mate Mate.'

Mate? Shit!

"Why did you cross my pack boundary?," I heard a very deep, sexy and husky voice. I felt my legs weaken a slight bit.

I was shivering with fear under his gaze.

Alpha Hunter's gaze.

I knew he won't spare us, but I don't think he will kill a mate. But, he looks like he doesn't care about anyone.

"Tell me!" he shouted, his voice cold with anger.

My wolf was telling me to go calm him but I didn't do it.

"I-I'm sorry don't kill us we crossed it by mistake we had no intention to h-harm your pack," I said my voice stuttering.

I looked at him his eyes were cold sending chills down my spine.

Help me god!

"I'm sorry don't kill us," I begged.

"I don't fucking care," he said and with that he motioned the guard to take me. The guard walks over to me and I start running around trying to find an escape, but I get caught by a man. I quickly kneel my knee towards the man and knee his private part. I get another chance to escape.

I quickly run around the room and get caught again. By now tears were flowing out my eyes and I was screaming at the top of my lungs as I get caught again, but this time the guard pulls out a knife.


"No! Stop p-please!" I scream. The guard doesn't listen he lays the knife on my neck harshly. I could hear Lucas' faint voice at the background telling him to stop.

He was about to kill me but a voice stopped him.

"DON'T KILL HER!" I hear Alpha Hunter yell worriedly. Everyone goes quiet and he clears his throat. "You guards can leave now."

The voice was cold but held authority.

The guards nodded and left the room, there was no one in the room except me, Lucas and Alpha Hunter.

"Don't think I am letting you go because you are my mate its beca-," Lucas cut him off.

"Mate!?" He screams in complete shock.

I nervously nodded my head.

"DON'T EVER CUT ME OFF AGAIN!" Alpha Hunter angrily growls as his arm muscles ripple through his tight shirt. I shiver with fear once again.

"As I was saying, I did it because my wolf wasn't being quiet, I never wanted a mate," he said.

"The feeling is mutual," I said with some confidence that was left in me.

He looked taken back.

"Good for us but you will not leave this pack now you both will stay here," he said and left his scent still lingering in the cellar.

The door opened and in came the beta.

"Come, follow me," he said without looking back to see that if we were following.

We both followed him. I and Lucas held hands the whole way, us both completely in utter shock and fear.

He showed us two rooms.

"These two rooms are for both of you two, decide which one of them you want," he said leaving the rooms.

Well he's rude.

Lucas and I hugged.

We heard a growl and we pulled away.

I knew this growl because I smelt the husky and manly scent.