
Alpha's toy (rejected)

Alpha's Toy Henry's POV Taking my puff and a slip from my whiskey, I make my way into the shower which I stepped out from after a short shower. I took another puff before dressing myself up for today's event which gives me this feeling that it wouldn't be like the rest. I shouldn't do this anymore due to the last time but I have this pull towards it which made me go back on my words for the first time. Although I still have this same feelings that this wouldn't be the first time I would have to go back on my words but yet, am triggered to know what exactly is happening over there . This is the same thing that made me send my beta instead of me because it would really be embarrassing to show up there after all the last drama and vows Making my way towards the room, I couldn't help but feel somehow yet, I thought it was because I was thinking about the left overs paperwork. The door was opened for me by the guards and I walked in only to meet the shock of my life. WTF...... TBC

Authoressfikky · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Alpha's toy 1

Crystal POV

Waking up to the sound of mom's feat panting softly against the wooden floor, this only one thought ran into my head.

Mom is coming to wake me up by herself since the maids have tried their best by making me get off the bed, but I didn't even bulge neither did I move off from my bed for an inch.

This is what she does Every time, sending mads to come wake me every morning but as usual, that time is when I do feel exhausted and needed the sleep the more, but mom wouldn't let me.

She said it's a bad character and shouldn't be expected of the future Luna to be like this. Every so often I do wonder what exactly is special in being a future Luna because of the way mom talk about it.

Of course, mom is the Luna of the pack while dad is the Alpha, but to me, these two post are the stress for me. I mean, I will have to always wake up 6:00am in the morning just to supervise everything going on that day.

Moreover, because of those living in the pack house breakfast, mom always wanted everything ready like thirty minutes to the main time. She doesn't want errors, neither does she preach perfection.

But at least, it's better than having to run around looking for one or two things when the time is up or having your client complain about the food or meal you prepared for them.

Especially whenever one or two kitchen maids retired, and it's time to pick another one. That day, every member that attend the party would be able to eat and still take home for those who are unable to come.

This doesn't leave out the visitors who are present at that moment as well as some great, and we'll honor people from the neighboring packs who hold great position in their packs.

Time would be set, ingredients would be brought out as well as foodstuff which would be used, but it's mom recipes that are being given out to them. Furthermore, a particular number of dishes are assigns to them to make before the time-lapse.

It's them who would know how to calculate in what way they can make it work out, as well as manage the ingredients placed before them. Each and everybody began at the sound of gunshot, while the time does it work.

Once it reaches, they must stop and anyone that trespass would automatically disqualify from participating further in the challenge.

The warriors are to taste before the Luna does, whom would be the one to sever her husband (the Alpha) respectfully. That part do make me dream about my time, but my friends would always make jest of me that I am too small to think about mate.

Unknown to them that I have always secretly pray for mine to locate me early especially during the red moon where everyone would gather around in their form just to worship the moon goddess aside for me.

Why? Because every Luna can only generate the power to turn to their true form during the full moon thanks to their mate, painlessly. Although, the painless part would only happen if they have mated but if not, it would be painful like death feels.

This alone scares me because I have seen people scream out in pain while changing to their real form due to the mate bound which is yet to begin between the male and female werewolves.

Their screams always make me wonder if this would be my portion, or it wouldn't. Not wasting more time by watching those werewolves change to their colorful and beautiful wolves, I go down on my knees and began to pray for mercy and quick salvation.

As well as for him to make my mate so sweet and loving, just like mom is towards dad. I mean, mom can go any length just to make sure her husband is okay in whatever position it is in.

Every so often, I get jealous of how she care for him but then my wolf do assure me that it's a matter of time, I will meet him very soon. Sooner than I expected.

Back to the food party like I do call it, after the Alpha have the taste than those with big position in his pack as well as those invited can take theirs. Lastly, the villagers get to take theirs also giving different sound and the voting would begin.

I never thought or expected food party to be this stressful until I was given the position of broadcasting the winner every time we do this. At first, I feared different eyes staring at me, which might make me pronounce someone else for the post.

But surprisingly, when it's time to that section, it's always like it has always been part of me. Facing those we rule on and speaking seems easier than expected.

Talking to mom about this, she told me it's in the blood. I don't need to be scared to speak outside the home, especially those whom I call my people be it hold or young, they would listen to me not matter what I say.

She also added that they can't overlook my rules because I am the one talking to them, not just anyhow person. But I should always consider them as the same thing in my mind, even if I pretend to be fearless before them.

She said a good Luna would always think about the well-being of her people alongside the Alpha of the pack. But mostly, the Luna must always be more caring than her Luna.

I love having mom around for this kind of communication between us.

But whenever I offend her, which doesn't happen a lot like before.

I do pray for my dad to do something so that she would forget about me.

Not that she would beat me or punish me, but she will set me down and talk for hours which do make me feel awful, like I prefer mom spanking when angry than having to set me down.

'' Crystal!'' Mom voice came loud and clear straight into my hard breaking my thoughts making me jump off from my bed straight to the bathroom. I am a dead meat already… TBC