
Chapter 2

Evelyn recoiled at her wolf-like growl, and before she could say anything in her defense, Grace rushed up to her, raising her arm high, her bright red nails like a branding iron.

Evelyn knew she was about to get a good beating. She tried to hide from her stepmother's beating by curling up and holding her head in both hands. But the next second, the fiery slap didn't land on her as her father, Tyrone, angrily stopped Grace, shouting at them, "That's enough!"

Grace's arm stopped in mid-air and looked at her husband incredulously, "Tyrone?"

In the past, no matter what she did to Evelyn, her doting husband would never have intervened. She was used to giving orders in this family, and no one dared to disobey her. But this time, Tyrone actually yelled at her for this obnoxious stepdaughter.

Evelyn trembled and showed her face, saying with a sobbing voice, "Daddy ......"

A strange warmth welled up in her heart, Tyrone was her father no matter what , he wouldn't watch her get beaten and sit back and do nothing.

"Damon's men will be here soon, and things must not go wrong before Evelyn leaves the pack." Tyrone glared impatiently at the room, his eyes finally landing on poor Evelyn, saying with a warning, "Evelyn, Grace is your stepmother, apologize to her!"

Evelyn's face, which had only somewhat eased, instantly turned pale, but she was too sad to apologize now; the implication of her father's words could not be clearer; he still abandoned her and was going to make her to be Damon's maid.

"No!" Evelyn cried in despair, "Daddy, I beg you, I don't want to marry Damon!"

Grace hugged her arms and said sarcastically: "My dear girl, it's because you've been at home so long, relying on your family to provide everything, that you've developed the bad habit of begging. If you are still so useless when you are with Damon, your life will be hard and with no happiness."

Evelyn broke down and covered her face: "Happiness? I haven't been happy since a long time ago ......"

"That's enough!" Tyrone looked grim, majestically repeating the previous call, "Evelyn, I want you to confess your mistake to your mother!"

Evelyn lifted his pale cheeks and looked around at the few cold and numb people in front of her with sadness. They were obviously her family, but they were as cruel as vampires, trying to squeeze every last drop of value out of her before kicking her out of the house.

Grace is not even considered her mother. Her only mother, Nina, has dead for a long time, and Evelyn spends her days reminiscing about the happy, happy life she once had.

Grace's words reminded her that it was useless to plead with them. No one in the room would help her, they would only mock her and rub salt into her wounds with hypocritical smile.

She swallowed a mouthful of spittle and raised her hand to wipe her face, but the tears kept spilling out of her eyes like a small river. Evelyn's body was cool after a heavy rain, but after the intense emotions, her skin felt like it was on fire again. She gradually couldn't tell she was hot or cold, and felt slightly dizzy, her thin body shaking.

"Father, she doesn't look good." Carl, who had been watching for a long time, spoke up with a conspiratorial tone in his voice, "Perhaps Evelyn needs to be sent to her room to rest for a while."

Tyrone frowned sternly and didn't answer Carl's words. He was still waiting for Evelyn to apologize to Grace, and the majesty of the head of the family would not allow anyone to challenge it.

"Evelyn!" Tyrone's patience was worn out by the long wait, and a lurid spark appeared in his eyes as he said threateningly, "Did you not hear my orders?"

Evelyn was in tears, but she was too broken-hearted to give in again to the father who had disappointed her before.

"Daddy, I'm not wrong ......" Evelyn said, suddenly missing her mother Nina very much. she was the most loving person in the world, only to have Nina leave her forever when Evelyn was very young.

"You're a bitch!" The dictatorial Tyrone wouldn't allow a hint of contradiction. He scolded the young girl on the floor fiercely and kicked her in the leg, "Ungrateful thing!"

Evelyn groaned loudly and fell crookedly to the ground, kicked until her calf spasmed up, hurting so badly that it seemed like even her bones were in pieces.

"No! Daddy! Please don't hit me!" The kick awakened a horrible memory for Evelyn, Tyrone had hit her too, he never showed mercy once he did, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Grace, I know I'm wrong, please talk to Daddy!"

Grace smiled with satisfaction, and only slowly walked over to them after Tyrone continued to kick Evelyn viciously a few times. evelyn was beaten to death and slumped in the corner like a rag doll.

"Well honey," Grace took Tyrone's arm and glanced gloatingly at Evelyn, "she learned her lesson, Carl's right, Damon's men are coming and if Evelyn turns out to be a cripple, things are going to get ugly. "

The manic Tyrone finally stopped moving and straightened the folds in his shirt, taking his eyes off Evelyn.

"Carl, put her upstairs and don't let her out until dinner is over." He ordered majestically, "I want her to face the wall."

"Yes, Father." Carl smiled slyly and looked at Evelyn greedily.

Evelyn crumpled to the floor, both legs already unconscious and in pain. Her father's legs and feet were too heavy, kicking her in the dull pain in her lower back, and she couldn't breathe.

"Get her out of here!" Tyrone sat back down at the table in disgust, "I don't want to see her again!"

Carl darted over to Evelyn, lowered himself and said, "Let's go, sister."

Evelyn instinctively cringed at the uncomfortable stepbrother and said in terror, "No! Don't you touch me!"

"How dare you disobey your father's wishes, little fool," he said, picking her up by the waist despite Evelyn's protests, "Come on, dear sister, I'll take you upstairs."

Evelyn resisted him, but she had just been beaten and had no strength to escape her stepbrother's harassment. When they got out of the restaurant and reached the empty spiral staircase, Carl's movements became unrestrained, one hand heavily kneading Evelyn's body beneath her wet clothes.

"Carl!" Evelyn cried out in fear, her eyes wide and red, "I'll call my father! Stop it!"

She had enough, she really had enough! This shameless devil, shameless lecher, how dare he lay his hands on his nominal sister!

The stairs were so close to the dining room that if Evelyn shouted recklessly, Tyrone would surely hear. carl didn't want to make a big deal out of it and be punished by his father, he just wanted to get Evelyn before she left the house for good, so he wouldn't have to be responsible or worry about his parents finding out.

"Well, relax," Carl smiled slyly, "I was just trying to play a joke on you, Evelyn, let's go upstairs."

"Put me down!" Evelyn said in horror, resisting his touch, "I will go by myself!"

Carl threatened her viciously, "You better behave yourself, you little punk. If you're nosy again, I'm going to beat the hell out of you."

Evelyn didn't dare move, she suppressed her sobs and let her terrible stepbrother lead her up to the second floor.

Evelyn had always played the role of maid in the house; she had no separate room, lived only in the stairwell, and occasionally slept in the kitchen. Long ago, when her mother Nina was the mistress of the house, she had a room of her own. When Grace arrived with Ashley, her sister was jealous that Evelyn had such a beautiful and comfortable bedroom and brutally took it for herself.

There was no room for her on the second floor, so Carl put her in a utility room at the end and hurried back to the dining room. The family was still waiting for dinner, and he didn't dare delay too long.

Evelyn leaned against the foot of the bed, which was covered with a dust sheet, and shivered as she clutched her cold body. Every now and then, she choked and coughed on the muddy air.

The flowers she had picked from the garden in the rain had fallen to the ground and had become faded and wilted, just like her difficult fate. Night came quickly, and within a few moments the unlit utility room was dark, filled with the shadows of furniture that looked like cold, horrible coffins.

Evelyn huddled in fear. Suddenly the door panel creaked, followed by a series of locks, and was opened from the outside, and her blonde haired sister Ashley, holding her nose in disgust, came in and said to her, "Mother sent me to take you to your room for a bath."

When she finished she rolled her eyes and muttered, "What a sweeper, it's filthy, why are you taking my room?"

Evelyn shakily got up from the floor and dragged her heavy, aching legs to move. ashley turned on the light in the hallway and led her from a distance, as if she was afraid of getting bad luck.

"I don't have any clothes." Evelyn stood in front of what used to be her bedroom door and spoke in a whisper to her sister who was wearing a disgusted expression, "Ashley, I don't have any clothes to change into."

Ashley said miserably, "You want to wear my clothes? You don't deserve it. Hurry up and get in the bathroom and take a shower while I go find Mother."

Evelyn swallowed her sour emotions, closed the bedroom door and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

The layout of this bedroom is still very familiar to her, but the decor inside is completely different, just like her former identity was erased, the world has long been no AlphaTyrone's daughter Evelyn, only a servant girl who works hard and is lonely.

Evelyn went into the bathroom and put on the hot water. The warmth of the water dispersed the chill on her body, but could not drive away her sad state of mind.

Her fate was irrevocable, no one was going to save her, she had to be turned over like a piece of cargo by the ruthless Tyrone to that tyrant, Damon, the Alpha of BloodThristy pack.

The bedroom was quiet, and Evelyn could almost hear the seat clock ticking as she hid in the bathroom. The sound of time passing was like a countdown to her life, making her panic.

BloodThristy pack's Alpha Damon was notorious, and she couldn't imagine what would happen to a delicate young girl in the hands of that Blood Thirsty pack tyrant.

The hot bath soaked her skin red, Evelyn did not feel a little more relaxed, but more nervous, her heart was pounding and it jump out from her throat.

She didn't want to marry Damon, but she had no place in this family anymore. She was the daughter of an Alpha, who should have received respect and love, but now she need to be a slave.

Confused thoughts overtook Evelyn's mind, and as she panicked over her fate, she didn't notice the bathroom door being gently swung open by a hand.