
Alpha's Pregnant Omega

After living in hellish prison for 16 years, you're finally rescued. But what do you do when you soon realize that there is now a thread, a connection to the warden you've escaped from? BLURB: He could clearly see the way the water droplets ran down her back. The brown curls, almost black due to being wet, stuck to it, gave such an alluring contrast to her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She turned, causing her ample breast to come into view. A single droplet hung precariously from a pebbled nipple. Was his eyesight always this sharp? It appeared like a pearl, begging to be licked away. He groaned as he could almost taste the cool freshness on his tongue before it was replaced with the heat of her flushed skin. Unzipping his jeans caused his member spring forth, drenched in the constant precum that flowed. Just the thought of sucking on her breast made him groan in frustrated desperation. He buried his face between the fleshly orbs. Biting and licking, he was pleased to see his marks on her skin. A fierce desire to possess came over him and even his wolf growled at the feeling. How is it that she smells even better that the soap she just used? Other Omegas used the same kind, yet their smell would cause his stomach to feel upset. Inhaling again, he pinning her against a tree. The same tree he was hiding behind before. Lifting her up, he devoured her lips while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Slightly bending his knees, he entered her in one deep thrust. She was hot and tight. So tight that if it wasn't for her juices, he wouldn't be able to move. Gripping himself tighter, his imagination became wild. Just thinking about her breathy moans or her screams of pleasure caused a shudder to pass through him as he came into the tissue he had thoughtfully grabbed. Why, why not just take what he so obviously wants? What's stopping him? If it were anyone else, he would have slacked his lust, had some fun, and moved on. The fact that this question ran through his mind without an answer was the reason for his pain.

Kelenne · perkotaan
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83 Chs

Chapter 33

Trishanna couldn't believe that she was finally leaving this place. The pack may have taken her in but failed in every way to ensure that she was included as a true member. As the black van drove away, she took one last look at what was her home. Even though she had few good memories there, it was still the only place she received anything, especially from her beloved Rosie. Feeling her hand squeezed, she turned to her best friend with a watery smile.

That day when she rejected James, the Councilwoman immediately declared her under her care and protection. With that decided, she opted to bring Trishanna to the Goldmoon Pack. Of course, she was not going without her best and only friend, so with the older woman's orders, Samuel was released, and they both packed their meager belongings. Sammy wanted to reject the pack as well, but Trishanna talked him out of it, at least for the time being. Rosie taught them the value of being grateful, and if it wasn't for the Bloodmoon's Gamma, he would not have had the opportunities that he did.

As the vehicles made their way to the main road, Trishann's heart pounded in excitement. She looked out the window and just for a moment, she wished that it was the handsome Alpha Bradley that was holding her hand instead. Blushing, she shook away the thought. Was it possible that he was really her mate? She wasn't sure, but this is a good way to find out. Besides, Samuel already told her that she didn't have to stay there if she didn't want to.

Speaking of Sammy, she turned to ask him about where they were going, but his attention was on Alexa who was sitting in the front seat. It turned out that Alpha Bradley asked for four vehicles. The first and last held their security detail since he wanted to protect his Luna at all costs. He and his aunt were in the second one with his Beta riding shotgun. The third held their most prized possessions, Samuel, Trishanna, and Alexa.

Turning to his aunt, Bradley wanted to know if they were doing the right thing. He already linked ahead and let them know that he'd met his Luna and she will be returning with him but hasn't accepted his yet. He asked that they treat her as a visiting guest and make her as comfortable as possible. "Do you think she will be happy with the pack? Should we make some changes is she going to like the colors we painted the buildings, or will she think it's too much? Bradley's questions rambled off one after the other.

"My darling nephew, please calm down, You're giving me a headache with all your worrying." Cynthia rubbed her temple. His usual deep baritone was reaching a higher pitch with each question. "If you were paired together, then I'm sure you are compatible. All you have to do is show her what a wonderful mate and Alpha you are. After all, you were raised by the best."

Bradley didn't feel confident. It was like everything he worked so hard to put in place for the move to his new pack grounds seemed subpar. His foot bounced at a dizzying speed with nervousness. All he could hope for was that he didn't mess up this opportunity to win Trishanna's heart.

Sam looked in the rear-view mirror and shook his head. Who knew that his big bad Alpha would turn into such a wuss? He's seen him in action from the field to the boardroom. To see him now was such a treat for the Beta who has lost more times than he can count. "Oh, come on man." he teased, "At least she didn't reject you. Yet." Bradley hit him on the back of his head. "You're not helping you jerk." The two began to bicker like children and all Cynthia could do was pray that the ride ended quickly.

Trishanna wanted to ask Sammy if he was okay leaving with her, but his attention was on Alexa. She could sense that there was a connection, and it was reciprocated if the red ears were any indication. Clearing her throat, Trishanna decided to break the ice between them. "Umm... Alexa, could you tell us more about where we're headed?" She felt more than saw the way Sammy held his breath at the mention of her name. "Your name is Alexa?" he asked.

Alexa felt the way his voice rolled up her spine, causing her to shiver in delight. Although it wasn't deep, the way her name felt on his tongue was enough for her to feel her private areas warm up. Clenching her thighs together, she simply nodded, not trusting herself to speak. It appeared that Sammy was disappointed not able to hear her voice, so Trishanna tried again. "Yes, we met earlier today, and she lent me some of her clothes." Sammy leaned in and took a sniff. "Beautiful" he whispered, but Alexa with her wolf hearing, heard him and blushed even more. Turning her head slightly, she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes and whispered, "Thanks".

Sammy saw her lips move, thanks to his training, and was captivated. Alexa had licked her lips before and with the dewy look, it made him feel his member swell as he imagined sucking that peachy fullness. Their eyes met and it felt like the world drifted to the background. Trishanna noticed the way they looked at each other, and she immediately remembered the man and the wolf she met. Closing her eyes, she recalled the feeling of being safe and cared for as well as the look of hurt on his face when she didn't believe that he could be her mate.

Sighing, she was still feeling confused. Rejecting Alpha James was fine, as she didn't believe for one second that they were mates, but rejecting the pack that she lived in took a mental toll on her. Due to that, she couldn't make any decisions and she hoped that Alpha Bradley could understand. Maybe she should talk to him and clear the air. After all, he was still kind enough to allow her and Sammy to stay with them until they figure out what their next move would be.

The car soon took a turn and they entered a private driveway that was freshly paved. Looking outside, Trishann gasped as she saw some wolves appear out of the woods and ran alongside the envoy. She knew that were warriors of Goldmoon, and she felt excitement rise in her as she got ready for this new chapter of her life.