
Alpha's Forbidden Love With The Witch

Charming Alex, the only son of great alpha Ferdinand of the silver moon park is intrigued by everything about Diana, the mysterious girl he just met. She was very different from other girls he'd come in contact with, half werewolf, half witch. There had never been anyone like her in history. The arrogant succeeding alpha, Alex falls deeply in love with this mysterious girl against his father's wish and vows to do anything to have her. Phoebe the daughter of one of the four subordinate parks was Alex childhood friend and everyone thought and hoped they'd turn out to be mate but when she turns sixteen, she wasn't to the disappointment of everyone but she's not backing down nor would she let Diana take her place as the Luna of the greatest pack...this means war and the survival of the fittest.

Liraphils12 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs



"What do you want from me? Diana asked almost in tears as she tried to free herself from his grasp as he pinned her to the wall. She would have done so lightly if it were any other ,man, who dares to hold her this way but it was not just any man, it was Alex, the soon to be Alpha, who she had unbelievably come to love...her weakness...

She blinked profusely to stop the tears that were gathering around her eyes from pouring. Tears was a sign of weakness to her, but she wasn't weak and she wasn't going to cry because of a man.

" I want you" Alex said hoarsely with that voice that always affected her, as he caressed her cheek.

"What about Phoebe? She asked before she could stop herself; memory of last night flashing back through her head.

"She means nothing to me" He replied after pausing for a while and staring thoughtfully at her. "We have been friends since childhood and nothing else" He added calmly.

"Wait a minute, don't tell me you are jealous" Alex smirked, an amused look on his face.

"Me, jealous? I'm not" Diana stammered looking away. Now she was really embarrassed. Was she really about to cry some minutes ago. She of all people knew that Phoebe was something else. She was the one who usually came on to him, always wanting to have her way or get whatever she wanted even if it belongs to someone else.

"Yes you are" He replied smiling as he bent his head slightly to take her lips, possessively. It was so ecstatic and pleasurable that she found herself moaning, but she wasn't going to give in easily, not after seeing him with Phoebe the other night. She broke off from the kiss immediately pushing him away. Alex stared at her in bewilderment. She was moaning some minutes ago and here she was looking up at him in a disapproving manner like she wasn't feeling anything.

"What's wrong? He asked. Just as she was about to answer, she caught sight of someone walking towards their direction. It was Phoebe, and she stopped abruptly as their eyes met, Phoebe glaring at her.

Without thinking she kissed him hurriedly, wrapping her hands around his neck , until Phoebe turned around cursing as she walked away...

Ten yours earlier...

Loud thundering could be heard as it rained heavily at the outskirts of mobel city, in the southern part of Africa. Only the wolves born out of misfortune or the ones who broke some sacred rules of the pack lived around there. Mobel city was made up of five packs, with black crystal pack as the highest and greatest among them all, with Alpha Ferdinand markz as the head of the greatest pack and general head of the four other packs.

The other four were merely subordinates and ruled by strong alpha males who took orders from the the great alpha Ferdinand.

It was the third year of the reign of alpha Ferdinand markz the head alpha of the five parks of mobel city.

One could call him a cruel head alpha, because of some of the rules he makes. but to him, all the rules he makes which some members of his subordinate parks sees as evil were for the benefits of the park members ; and one of them were the killing of twins and dumping their corpse into the evil forest, until it decayed and stinks of rottenness.

It is said to have been a sacrilege to the wolf world which always brought famine to the land. It has been done for over five hundred years now until few decades ago, a succeeding head alpha had brought it to an end, and twins could now leave freely, just like every other being.

The pack members had waited in dread of what could be the outcome of it, but surprisingly, nothing strange had actually happened. But that was until Alpha Ferdinand, the fierce looking, mighty alpha, with the kind of body that was ever ready to pounce on anyone who dares to go against his will, succeeded his late father.

"Cursed be the day we ever met" Miriam screamed as she stood over a clift, crying heavily. Her voice could hardly be heard as the rain became more intense.

She was a pretty lady in her early thirties, who was always said to have been unfortunate even from the time of her birth.

"May this be the day I ever set my eyes on you and the miserable seed you planted in me, which I bore" She said looking at the baby she had placed neatly inside a basket.

The heavy rain kept pouring on the baby's tiny face, but it seemed not to be moved as it lay sucking on it's finger, oblivious of anything that seems to be going on around it.

A normal baby as little as it would have Frozen to death or rather be crying helplessly by now, but this was not a normal baby, with purple hairs.

It was something that had never happened in Wolf kind before. A wolf, mating a witch, and giving birth to a child that was neither wolf nor a witch, but was rather both.

Strong and powerful.

"I cannot love this child...it has brought me only pains since I conceived it. May the queen mother forgive me for what I am about to do now" She whispered to herself as she went closer, very slowly to the edge of the Clift, dragging her feet, full of misery.

Glancing briefly at the tiny baby again, she jumped off the Clift, landing heavily on the rough, hard ground.

Her almost lifeless body shook violently. Her skull were smashed and and fresh blood kept oozing out continuously as she gave up the ghost.

Almost immediately, the heavy rain stopped. It was such a strange rain, and a sign of bad omen.

Whenever such a rain falls, something bad usually happens after it in mobel city. It could be either the sneer of massive death approaching or dreadful diseases and pestilence.

After some hours when the weather had cleared, some villagers, both young and old gathered around the corpse.

Some cursing at the dead woman, who had committed such great sacrilege by taking her own life. While some stared pathetically at the lifeless body, wondering what could have made such a young lady do that.

"So pathetic! The remains of her body would be buried or rather thrown into the evil forest. Her soul deserves no rest, as it didn't value the life given to it by the gods" an elderly man among the villagers said as he spat in disgust.

The crowd nodded in affirmation, murmuring among themselves.

He was actually right, as it was the tradition of the land for those who took their own life.

People at the back struggled to get to the front inorder to see the unpleasant sight, while some mothers who were with children closed the eyes of their cub, with the palm of their hand to avoid seeing it and also took them away.

It was not like it was the first time an incident like this had actually happened, absolutely not, but it rarely happened and for long time it hadn't.

"Only crazy humans, in the woman world take their life. We have morals, we are not known for this, anyone among us who does this, no matter the reason, doesn't have eternal rest in the spirit world, but suffers anguish and pain, and tied in hot chains forever" a second tall, elderly but stout man thundered looking sternly at the looking sternly at the little crowd that were gathering up as if to warn anyone who had it in mind or dared to think of it change its mind.

Only his voice and his body stature alone commanded great respect and also he held a high position among the outskirts of the park.

After some minutes, the crowd dispersed and went their various businesses and the corpse taken away to the evil forest by the Omega. While the street were cleaned up and purified by the fetish priest.

The fetish priest were part of the Omegas who were responsible for cleaning up the packs whenever something like happened.

They were consecrated to the gods only and had no mates or families apart from the family their immediate families.

★ ★ ★ ★

"Did I just hear a cry of a child? an old woman said. Her name was Elizabeth and she was widow who lived with her only daughter in a small house. She had been without a child for many years since she married and when she finally conceived and bore a child, her husband had passed away from an ailment and she had only a daughter she had bore to care for.

"Mother, I heard that too" Agnes said running towards the direction the voice of the child was coming from.

"Wait up child" She said going after her.

"Oh my goodness mother, it's a baby and it's a girl child, oh my God, she has purple hairs" She shouted excitedly and also in astonishment peering into the basket.

"Be careful dear, we don't know who has this child and why it's here" Elizabeth said thoughtfully looking at the child who had stopped crying now and was staring back at the with bright large twinkling eyes.

"She's so cute. Who could have abandoned her here all by herself. Poor thing" Agnes said taking the little child's finger and smiling down at her.

The baby smiled back kicking the air and muttering some unknown words.

"It's really cold outside here for this baby, after getting getting the leaves, we would take her home" Elizabeth said looking worriedly at the child. She looked very strange with purple hairs which were still tender and grey eyes.

Beautiful was an understatement to describe what she looked like.

"What are we going to do with her afterwards? Agnes asked folding her arms.

"We would of course, inform the other park members about it who would in turn inform the send the news to the Luna" Elizabeth said picking up the basket where the child lay smiling innocently.

"But mother, why can't we just keep her" Agnes said gloomily as she looked at the baby again. It was obvious she was already in with it.

"We would do no such thing, you know it's not done like that here. What I just said Is the right thing to do" Elizabeth replied firmly as she carried the basket effortlessly with agnes following closely behind.

After collecting the leaves they had gone to take, they headed towards home along with the baby.