
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Her Milk.

"That's nonsense! You know our big brother." Kenzo reacted first. Knowing his brother, Keizer is a type of guy who never gets attracted or aroused by any woman no matter how beautiful and sexy they are.

"What makes you say that?" Keizer asked with calm and collected looks. But deep inside him he's interested in what his brother's saying.

"There's a faint scent of your claim on her. I could smell it when she came running towards us when she saved Keizo from that gunshot. I know the claim of an Alpha only lasts for a year before another Alpha can claim them, I don't know if you mated her or not but I'm sure I smell your claim on her big brother." One thing Keizen is proud of is his sense of smell. He has an exceptionally sensitive nose that really helps him a lot.

"gunshot? She saved a third from a gunshot?" Kaizo asked curiously. He quickly gets why their youngest brother and his triplet are acting like that.

"Yeah.. I found them in the forest with a woman with them. They looked fine as she sent her out from her house. We're about to leave when the hunters spotted us. Then she saved the third without hesitation. She even helped us escape before the hunters came to us."

"What does she look like?" Keizie's sleep mode flew away as he got interested in the woman.

"Let's see.. You might not believe in me but that woman is gorgeous and stunning. Her simple looks make her look more naturally beautiful. She has pale skin, in fact she white as snow under the moonlight. Her soft silky black hair danced with the wind. Her lips.. It's small but it's the most luscious and kissable lips I'd ever seen and-----"

"Wait… Wait… just wait!! We're not asking your dream girl who never exists in this world OK?!! We're asking about what that woman looks like." Kenzo cut his big brother's words on how he describes the woman who saved his triplet brother.

"But I'm telling the truth!!! She's beautiful like a goddess in that forest. If there's something that made her ugly.. It's the scar on her nape it's like a bite or something----"

"What did you say?!!"

Everyone was startled when their eldest brother hastily stood up and made his chair fall. His eyes fixed on Keizen eagerly waiting to answer him.

"I said she really is beautiful and I'm not----"

"No not that!!.. The other one!!"

"Does she have this ugly scar on her nape that ruined her beautiful skin?"

Keizer closes his eyes as he tries to remember some parts of what happened that night. That night when a girl under him crying in pain while he's continuously licking the cause of it. Idiot!! He scoffed to himself. How come he forgot about it until now? Of course it will leave her a scar. He bit that girl on the nape when he entered her roughly yet unintentionally.

"Daddy!!! Please save her!!!"

"Daddy she's alone there and she's bleeding!!!"

"She has a lot of blood!! Daddy, don't let her die!!!"

"She's a kind Daddy!! She's good to us!! Even to Uncle Keizo."

"That's right Daddy!!! She's not afraid of us , even Uncle!!"

"She took care of us very gently and warmed us in her arms."

"She even gives us her milk!! Daddy, we want her milk!!"

"She has the most delicious milk we have ever tasted!! And her body is so warm when she's cuddling us!!!"

The two small anxious voices interrupted his thoughts. Come to think of it, why are his puppies still in their beast form? They should be in their three months old human baby by now. The full moon ended a long time ago.

"Now.. Now.. Calm down you two. Why don't you tell us all what really happened? How did you two end up at that woman's house?" Keizel is still patting his nephew's head that's lying on his lap.

The puppies tell everything that happened that night not missing even a single detail. The Montreal brothers listen to them eagerly with disbelief.

"Wait.. Wait.. You keep on saying her milk. What kind of milk is it really?" Keizie picked the eldest puppy on his brother's lap. "Now little boy.. Answer me what kind of milk that woman gave to both of you?" Keizie is not just curious but also worried. His nephews never drink any milk other than those of their kind. Unlike their youngest sister who only drinks milk that comes from humans.

"She has milk in her chest!!!"

"Yeah..she has two round balls on her chest that can produce milk when she squeezes it."

"She also has those little pink ones where the milk squirts like magic!!!"

"Yeah we really want to drink from there but she just put the milk in the bottle."

"Yeah.. And when we drink it.. It's so warm and yummy!!! You should try it too, Uncle Keizie."

"Yeah.. You too Uncle Keizel or even Daddy too. We want to see Daddy drink her milk to prove that what we're saying is true!!!"

The two puppies said excitedly that made them all stupefied. They really don't know how to react to what those two puppies said. Given the fact that they are still babies, of course they're not well educated about human anatomy specifically on women's bodies. Besides, except for their little princess nurse, they are all men in that mansion. That alone won't help for those two to know that they are talking about one of the private parts of a woman.

Christ who just quietly listened to them standing near the door was the one who first reacted. He cleared his throat to catch their attention.

"Pardon me Milords. It's already late. Let me bring the young masters to bed now."

"Yeah… You're right! Jeezz.. Please brother Christ take care of them tonight." Kaizo said. After overcoming his shock now he's really on the edge of laughing out loud.

When the two puppies left the room with their butler Kenzo and Kaizo burst out laughing. Who would have thought that those two would say those words like they're just describing a toy. Though they're really innocent about that , they still found it so amusing. The two just stop their laughter when their eldest brother walks towards Keizen.

Keizen steps back when his brother strides towards his way. There's something on him that made him feel he'd done something wrong.

"I need a quick answer Keizen! Are you sure she have that scent of my claim? Did you really saw clearly her scar? Where exactly did you see it? Where is she now? Does she have kids already? Is she alone or she's already married? Damn it, Kaizen answered me!! This is the time I really need you to talk!!" Keizer grab his younger brother's shoulders and shake him.

"Hey man.. Calm down will you? You asked me too many questions all of a sudden and you want me to answer all of them without giving me a chance to react first?" Keizen more or less has an idea what his brother's thinking. But he needs to confirm it more. "There's still one more thing that made me confused, big brother."

The whole room became quiet when they heard the serious voice of Keizen. It's very rare for him to use that tone specifically towards their eldest brother.

"What is it?"

"The scent of her blood…"