
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Her hardships.

As Luna went down on the last stop of the bus she rode, a soft cold breeze hit her skin that made her shiver. From here she needs to walk two kilometers to reach her destination. It's fine with her since the trail is wide and clear like someone is maintaining it.

It's been three months since she left this place full of pain and agony. He started to move her feet. Every tree and wildflowers on her path reminds her of those unforgettable memories. The sound of chirping birds and insects that used to be a melody in her ears now sounds more like someone crying in pain.

Remembering those last couple of years that she considered as the worst years of her life makes her mood ruin. Her supposed fiance and husband suddenly got married to all she knew was his cousin. Got drunk in the bar and being laid with the stranger. Expelled in the university where she used to be one of the dean's listers. Accidentally got pregnant by that one night stand then kicked out by her own family. They even remove her name in their family records.

Her life is like a cliche in a series of drama or novel that she always wanted to watch on television and read in books. But the difference is she doesn't have a knight in shining armor who will save the damsel in distress on her. She didn't have any CEO or Chairman or President that owns a big and wealthy business. Life is so unfair. She tried to reflect on what she did wrong in her twenty years of existence.

All she knows is that she's a good child to her father and stepmother. She always has good grades in school. She's the pride of her family that has beauty and brains. She's a good girlfriend and fiance to her long time boyfriend and childhood sweetheart. She didn't have any bad habits except studying. School-home then school then home is the only routine she has in her life. How did she end up like this? Why is she the one who's suffering?

She's not the one who has a poor brain and is bad at school like her half sisters. It's also not her fault whenever her family chooses her to attend every occasion and represents their family. And also it's not entirely her fault that the only man he loves most just got married a day after their engagement!! It's also an accident when she ended up having a one night stand with a stranger after getting drunk because she's hurt by what her love did to her.

No one even dares try to comfort her and ask her if she's okay. Instead they just insulted the moment they saw those love bites and bruises that were so visible in her porcelain white skin when she went back home a morning after the whole night being drunk. She also received a couple of slaps from her father and step mother when she told them the truth that she really doesn't know who it was as an answer to their question; who's with her last night.

In the middle of desperation and nowhere to go she even thinks of killing herself. But every time she tried to do it. The Little thing inside her begging her not to do it. At first she thought maybe she's already crazy when she heard someone talking to her even though there's nothing around. Until she got used to it and thankfully she didn't feel alone anymore.

If there's one good thing that happened in those dark years, It is when she met the old couple and let her stay with them and treat her like their own granddaughter. She just helped the old man that night from those dogs who's chasing him when she accidentally bumped into him after her shift on her part time job. Luckily those dogs ran away immediately when she pointed her umbrella at them.

The old man is really glad when that happens and thanks her many times. She thought that was the last time he saw him, but she's wrong. After a few weeks the old man became her customer on that fast food chain she's working with, but this time he's with his wife. An old lady with a kind and gentle face. They excuse her in her shift to the manager and to her surprise her strict manager agrees.

The old woman thanked her for saving her husband last time and in return they want her to leave with them and be their granddaughter because they don't even have their own children and since they found out that she's leaving alone. They also knew that she's pregnant! When she ask how, the granny just smile on her and said

"I just know my dear."

At first she refused. She's just a burden to them in her status right now. Especially now that her tummy is starting to show signs of her pregnancy. Even in her food. Whenever it's time for her meal she always eats in the bathroom or anywhere as long as there's no other people around. Since she got pregnant she really fancy eating half cooked meat. She's really salivating when she sees something freshly cut in the market. She finds it so disgusting but whenever she refuses to eat her tummy really kills her in pain. She pushes herself to eat those things and to her shock it tastes good for her. Every time she eats like a kilo of meat she feels some warmth inside. Like someone is so happy and loves her back like she gave something to them.

Since she's saving all her salary and doing everything she can not to spend too much, she refused to have her monthly prenatal check ups. She just focused on looking for some part-time jobs while her pregnancy is not that visible yet. She managed to have three jobs in a day. Of course she doesn't forget to have her weekend as her day off since she also needs to rest.

But life is really so hard to understand. She got fired from all of her jobs when they found out that she's pregnant and got humiliated when one of her co-workers saw her eating in the bathroom. Good thing she's just finished cleaning herself that time after eating raw meat. She begs on the management not to fire her as she badly needs a job for her delivery. She even promised to them that she won't let it affect her work but they refuse to listen to her. Leaving no choice she quit her job and stayed in her small apartment for a couple of days before looking for a new job. She has become wise and thrifty when it comes to money. Since she doesn't have any income, the kilo of meat she usually ate was reduced into half. Although it's obvious that the little thing inside her is not satisfied at all, she just rubbed her tummy full of love and apologized to it like it can hear and understand her.

After a week of resting, she started again to look for a new job. But whenever they do some background checks on her previous job it always ends with her being rejected. How come people are so cruel? They're worse than animals. It's been a month and she's afraid her savings will wash out before she can manage to find a new job. Her tummy is now showing a little bump that's so visible on her clothes so she needs to buy a new bigger one.

One morning after vomiting like there's no tomorrow. Someone knocks on her door. She didn't expect anyone since all her friends refused to help her even contacting her. Still weak and feeling dizzy, she opened her door without asking who it was. The kind face of an old woman is the last thing she sees before everything turns dark.