
Alpha's Bride

On her way home from her 18-year-old Bar Mitzvah, she and her best friend Emma go to a nightclub to celebrate, and the drunken heroine gets caught by a divided man and ends her first time in a dark forest, one night later, the male lead disappeared, while the female lead was found pregnant by her family not long after. Her father ordered her to abort the child, but the female lead refused, and was driven out of the family by her angry father. Five months later, the mother gave birth to a baby boy who was born with a congenital defect and has been in hospital since birth. A few years later, her parents came to her, and in exchange for the child's treatment, they asked the female lead to marry the male lead. For the sake of her son, the female lead had to marry the male lead who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. After marriage, the male lead soon found out that the female lead was married under an assumed name. He originally wanted to drive the female lead away and use this as an excuse to suppress the female lead's family, but coincidentally, the male lead's pheromone went haywire, in the female lead under the comfort gradually restore calm, this let the male lead found an unexpected surprise, female lead pheromone can calm his body riot pheromone, not to let him go mad, become irrational wolf. He kept the female lead by his side and made a contract with her. If the female lead could help him cure his pheromone disorder, he could let the female lead go and give her an expensive therapeutic napkin, it was enough to keep her safe for the rest of her life. She accepted the offer, releasing pheromones to bring him back to normal every time he went berserk, and the two were constantly attracted to each other in this kind of contact. However, at this time, the female lead's son, who was lying in the hospital, was found to have heart failure. He had to find a suitable heart transplant as soon as possible. In despair, the female lead could only pray to the male lead. She hoped that the male lead would use his influence, he helped her find a suitable heart source, so the male lead made use of the female lead's urgent psychology to make her become his person. The female lead had no choice but to agree. Since then, the female lead not only needed to release pheromones, but also became the male lead's bed partner, the male lead does not know this kind is called“Love” the sentiment, he only hoped that the female lead can stay at his side, no longer leaves. After the child was successfully discharged from the hospital, the elder sister of the female lead eloped suddenly came back. She cried to the female lead about the pain she had suffered and asked the female lead to return the male lead to her so that everything could return to normal. It happened at this time, the female lead accidentally overheard the conversation between the male lead and others. He said that the female lead was just a tool for his treatment. The female lead was dying of heart and was determined to leave the male lead with the child. However, she did not know that all of this was the male lead's plan, the male lead's older brother had always resented his status as the heir of his family. In order to prevent his older brother from hurting the female lead, the male lead could only pretend to be cold and let the female lead leave. After that, he and the female lead's older sister showed a very close relationship, he let his brother think that the person he cared about was his sister, and when his brother planned to get rid of them, the male The Wrestler finally broke his brother's plot and became the true ruler of the family, and he did so in the same way, the heroine sister will be sent to the position of the family heir, and he himself is in all the end to find the heroine, a family of three happy life together.

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He rushed up like a wild animal, knocked the tramp to the ground, and struck him hard in the face with one blow after another. The Ugly Tramp begged for his life, and in the end he said nothing.

Because his face is a bloody mess.

Maybe it was a last-minute visit, but how could the werewolf have been so angry with me.

But he took me in his arms, and I could smell the blood on him, and his heartbeat and his breathing.

Did I dream again? Arthur. I reached out to touch his cheek, he rarely in the dream is not playing hurt me that person, leaning in his arms, I feel more quiet than ever.

Close your eyes and the night will soon be over.

His voice rang in my ears, I obediently closed my eyes, as if it was a dream, at least this will not be too painful.

But when I opened my eyes again, the light came through the window, bright and warm.

I had changed into clean clothes and my head wound had been bandaged.

Is this the afterlife?

No, the pain is still there.

Maybe I was saved. Before I blacked out, I remember Arthur Brooksville, the werewolf.

No, I shook my head. How could he be there? But once I started thinking, the headache got worse.

I guess I made a noise outside, the door opened, Arthur came in from outside, he looked the same as usual, but there is something different.

Feeling better?

He asked me, but I just looked at him and said nothing.

It's not that I forgot to answer, it's that I didn't think he would actually show up, that God heard my prayers, or that he found something?

You saved me?

Are you always like this? Lily. Arthur sighed helplessly, he looked at my eyes a bit more pity, taste.


Maybe you need a doctor's help.

What does it have to do with the Doctor? I just can't believe he just showed up out of the blue. I'm just surprised.

I know a good psychiatrist. When you get better, I'll take you for a check-up.

I'm not sick, and I'm not mentally ill!

I retorted aloud that it was a terrible feeling to be mistaken for madman.

I thought he would insist on his own opinion, but he just looked at me, smiling.

It didn't take me long to realize that he was teasing me on purpose.

You did it on purpose!

I crossed my chest angrily and didn't want to talk to him at all.

Is that how you treat a Lifesaver?

I feel very honored that you could help me.

I purposely eccentric, mind is still concerned about his just obliquely called me crazy thing.

Lily, you have my permission, but don't ever do anything so dangerous again. Do you have any idea what would have happened if I hadn't gotten here last night?

Arthur is rarely serious, and I'm Speechless (TV series) .

I know very well that if it was not for his timely appearance, I would not be alive.

But what am I supposed to tell him, that it's to meet Angelo, his son?

I'm just upset and want to go out. I looked down and made up an excuse. I knew how lame it was, how easily it could be read, but I couldn't tell him more.

I'm sorry.

I relented before he spoke. It's my fault for going out without considering my own safety. It Won't happen again.

As I looked at him with red eyes, I could feel Arthur's heart softening, even though he wasn't convinced.

Lily, you can always shake my mood easily, although I know I should criticize you, but what to do, seeing you like this, I can't bear to scold you.

Arthur looked at me with tender, affectionate eyes, and his large hand gently stroked my cheek.

I rarely did not refuse, obediently in his palm rubbed against the rub, so to please the action really pleased him. He leaned over the tip of his nose and kissed me, then touched my head. Did It hurt?

I should have been braver, but after hearing his words, I thought of the homeless man last night to my atrocities, for a moment red-eyed, gently said, pain.

Last night was really painful. I thought for a moment that I wasn't killed, I was killed by the pain, my scalp was torn, my skull was hit, the pain was so intense that I almost saw God. But fortunately he appeared, like a knight to save the princess.

By the way, it occurred to me that Arthur's revenge on that tramp last night.

"Is he dead?"

"Doesn't he deserve to die?"

Speaking of the tramp, the murderous look on Arthur's face was unabashed. "He should be punished for what he has done to you."

That's true, but I don't want Arthur to go to jail because of me. Even though he's a werewolf, the law is fair to everyone.

But if he had, he would have been brought to justice, and I never thought I'd be a burden to anyone, let alone the Brooksville heir, whom I didn't want to burden.

"If, if the police ask, I did it, he hurt me, and I was just defending myself, yes, in self-defense."

I was eager to prove my worth to him. I was the cause of the accident. I couldn't let him go to jail.

"I'll take care of it, Lily."

"But he died. I saw it with my own eyes. He was beaten to a bloody pulp..."

I cover the face to cry, the mood can not say the pain. I just wanted to see Angelo, but why did this happen.

"Lily, listen to me, he's alive, he's been turned over to the police, he's being treated," Arthur said as he pulled me into his arms.

Are you sure you're not dead? But I saw him yesterday with blood all over his face. Arthur quickly proved his point to me, because the federal police came to me, and they questioned me about last night's attack, and said that the suspect had been arrested because of a serious facial injury, he is now being treated in hospital and will be formally prosecuted when he recovers a little.

As Arthur said, he really wasn't involved, and I offered him a big hug and a big thank you.

It's a good thing he showed up. It's a good thing things didn't get worse.

My relationship with Arthur had become much closer because of the accident. Although neither of us had broken the ambiguous relationship, I could clearly feel that I no longer had a simple rejection of him, it's more of a complex emotion, and that emotion is called sweetness.

I will because of his close and heart rate, will have more charming mind to him, I carefully hide this mind, just hope will not be found.

After all, there is a big lie between us.

Arthur Brooksville. He's Eve's husband, my brother-in-law.

Even if my heart again, also can not change this reality, I like a thief, enjoying does not belong to my stolen happiness.

Three months later, I became the real mistress of the manor, because Arthur officially introduced me to everyone.

When I showed up in a custom dress, I saw a look of amazement in everyone's eyes. But in my eyes, only Arthur. I walked toward him with a smile and grace until he took my hand and pulled me into his arms.

"Eve DeWitt, my wife, is now mistress of this house, and from this day forward you will obey every word she says."

Everyone kissed me on the hand as a sign of loyalty.

"Madam, I swear to be faithful to you forever."

If I were the real eve, I would not hesitate to choose Arthur, he gave me enough love and respect.

But I am a false impostor, I enjoy the glory that does not belong to me. So even when I saw what Arthur had prepared for me, I felt nothing but endless sadness, except a guilty conscience.

Lily, why do you look so sad?

Arthur didn't understand why I was upset. He had given me everything he could, but I wasn't satisfied.

Lily, tell me how to make you happy.

Arthur dismissed all the servants, he got down on one knee and kissed the back of my hand, I've given you all I have, Lily, what do you want?

I do not want anything, just want to belong to my heart.

But I knew it was a delusion. My father would not allow me to spoil his plans. He would sacrifice everything for the dewitts, including me.

I have never felt as powerless as now, clearly like the person in front of me, but I can not show him his heart.

Arthur, you're good. You're better than I thought, and that's what makes me mean.

Lily, don't look at me like that.

Arthur kissed my eyes. His voice trembled. I had never thought a proud man like him could have such a side.

But the more he did, the more I felt guilty.

Arthur, you don't have to do anything for me. I gently around his waist, as long as the people around me, is you.

I don't know how long this arranged marriage will last, but at least in the meantime I will do everything I can to make it up to him.

Lily, why do you always look so upset? It's like being trapped in a giant cage.

Indeed, I was trapped in the cage of lies, can not escape.

But how can I tell you these words, if you know, I am only a substitute for Eve's impostor, whether your tenderness will be left to me.

I couldn't pry into his heart, but I didn't want to continue the subject.

I don't have a Brix other than you. Is that a special reason, or is that a Brix rule.

Obviously, I managed to change the subject, and Arthur's face darkened. Just because I never mentioned it doesn't mean I'm a stupid fool.

Brix was a pack of wolves, but none of the people I met at the wedding or at the estate were his own.

It's a strange thing, most werewolves live in groups, and families are close, but it's rare to find a family like the Brooksville that has no connection at all.

It was selfish of me to change the subject, but I wanted to know more about Arthur.

Arthur told me about the Brooksville family. There are no other branches of the werewolf family that have survived from the Middle Ages to the present day, except the Brooksville family.

Centuries of family feuds have decimated the werewolf population, and in order to preserve the werewolf bloodline, they've chosen to intermarry with humans, which was unusual in the past, but in order to continue the bloodline, they were forced to marry other human nobles in order to continue each other's best bloodlines.

Werewolves practice monogamy. At the end of the last century, the Brooksville family was nearly wiped out. Arthur's father, Everett, married Eunice, the eldest daughter of the Howard family. After three years of marriage, Eunice was not pregnant. To this end, Everett was determined to find a woman of the right age to give birth to a child for him, and the child is Dylan, Arthur's half-brother.

Arthur was born in the second year of Dylan's life, and Eunice, who was essentially a domineering aristocrat, after the successful birth of Arthur, no longer tolerated the commoner woman and her child, but the father seemed to prefer the woman, he could not bear to leave the woman and children, a strong attitude refused Eunice's proposal. Over the next ten years, their relationship got worse and worse. They couldn't stand each other anymore. Eventually, after the werewolf differentiation period, there was a qualitative change.

Dylan's werewolf bloodline did not awaken, he did not initiate the differentiation, became a normal human. The following year, Arthur entered his period of differentiation, becoming the only werewolf heir to Brooksville.

Eunice was glad that she had used such an excuse to drive Dylan and her son out of the manor, and that his father, because of his affection for the woman, had chosen to leave with them.

Devastated, Eunice falls into despair and becomes addicted to drugs, and she is now placed in a nursing home by Arthur.

Arthur was the only Brooksville left to support the Brooksville family, until now, when the manor had a new mistress.

That's all, Lily. I want you to accept me for who I am.

He is so Frank, almost all will be exposed in front of me, but the more so, the more can foil me is so mean.

I dare not tell him the truth, this is a fraud from the beginning of the marriage, if he knew, I am afraid he will never forgive me.

Arthur, I may not be as good as you think. In front of you, I am not all.

Well, let's get to know each other, you know, we have a lifetime.


It sounds like a wonderful word, but I can't give him a response.

I still have Angelo. I swore I'd get Angelo out of here. He's all I have, and he's all I have to this day, and I know for a fact that he's Arthur's and mine, and that maybe someday we'll be apart, but Angelo will be the one that holds us together.

I should think so, but I can't imagine being away from Arthur, who will slowly forget me until he marries another woman.

Mark me, Arthur, and make me yours.

I made the biggest decision of my life, and I wanted to be his Omega, when I leaned on him and felt more at peace than I had ever felt before.