
Alpha’s Rejected Mate Returns as Queen

“I, Benson Walton, reject you, Selma Payne, from being my future Luna and mate. “If you’re sensible, you’ll find a quiet place to die on your own, instead of tarnishing our people’s glory. “You’re just an ugly toad. Stay in the mud quietly, and don’t burden our pack.” On Benson’s nineteenth birthday, he found out that we were destined mates. But I didn’t expect that he would rather endure great pain than accept me. Every word he said smashed directly into my heart, and the pain made me tremble uncontrollably. I learned I wasn’t my parents’ biological child when I was sixteen. Although they thought of me as an angel that a stork had given them, it didn’t change the fact that I was a weak, little human. I was just a soft egg who would fall over with a poke, a loser who couldn’t even see the road without help from the moonlight. My existence brought shame to my parents, and to my pack! Perhaps I should have died in the woods from the start. With that thought in mind, I decided to return them a pure and unblemished pack tonight. So, I jumped off a cliff and thought I would die. I never imagined I would be saved, and my true identity turned out to be the Lycan King’s only daughter who had been lost eighteen years ago. I was also heir to the throne! That surprised me a lot. I was actually a werewolf? But… Why was I so weak? Was this all just a mistake? To become a qualified heir, I concealed my identity and received training. However, could that frivolous instructor who was in charge of training me really help me awaken my wolf, or was he simply taking advantage of me? As I grew stronger and became a public figure, others attacked and plotted against me many times. Did they have anything to do with those who kidnapped me all those years ago? I have to catch them! I’ll protect my family, and my lover!

Mountain Springs · Umum
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819 Chs

The Awakening

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Selma Payne's POV:

My head was in excruciating pain. I tried to open my eyes, but it was in vain. I could only see black.

I even suspected I had hit my head on the cliff's edge or some rock—a weak human with invisible eyes. I could imagine Benson's mocking expression.

I had just moved my fingers when I heard countless voices in my ears, such as 'she's awake!' and 'hurry up and inform…' These were completely beyond my knowledge.

It was noisy. I tried my best to open my mouth. "Quiet!"

The space returned to silence. I nodded in satisfaction and fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, I was in the midst of a chattering discussion. To be honest, this voice wasn't annoying. I could even describe them in longer sentences, praising their beautiful voices if I wasn't sleeping.

Unfortunately, my entire body was in pain. It was as if someone had torn me apart from the inside and then put me back together. My head felt as if it had been smashed by a hammer and then clamped by a door. I hoped that this wouldn't affect my already low intelligence.

"Why can't I see?"

A gentle yet firm female voice told me, "It's alright, Your Highness. You hit your head when you fell, affecting your eyes. You should recover soon."

Your Highness? Who was that?

What was this place? Why was my entire body in pain? Could I not escape this torture even in death?

The chaotic night was still reverberating in my mind. The light of the bright bonfire, Benson's cold and heartless rejection, and the cold river water formed my memories. I wished I was dead, but the pain kept telling me that I was still alive and that strange people might have saved me.

I blinked, but there was still only darkness in front of me.

After hearing Benson's rejection, I ran to the cliff's edge in despair. The cold air rushed into my lungs, and when I fell into the river, I was carried by the torrent and hit a rock.

My eyes must have had problems then, but why was I still alive? I didn't know where these good-hearted people came from to save a good-for-nothing like me. They must be very disappointed that I, a weak human, was still alive after falling from such a height.

I should have died. A worthless person didn't deserve to be part of a team fighting alongside them in the pack. I didn't deserve the love of so many people.

I didn't know if it was an illusion, but I felt my head hurt more. The dizziness and pain continue to torture me. I felt like I'd been thrown into a high-speed washing machine, and I couldn't help but hold my head and moan.

A cold hand was placed on my head, and a gentle voice coaxed me, "Sleep. Close your eyes and sleep for a while. You'll be fine soon."

When a person is weak, they will indeed become very dependent. I was easily coaxed to sleep by this voice.

When I woke again, I saw a dim, warm yellow light.

At first, my vision was very blurry, and I could only see a little light. I was worried that I had become blind. Fortunately, after blinking a few times, my vision became clear. I could even see the people around me.

They were wearing a very fitting white dress, and it could be seen that their leader was standing at the very front. It was a thin, tall girl with long brown hair piled up on her head. She had full lips and red cheeks. She looked very kind and had a smile on her face. The girls around her all casually placed her in the middle.

"Your Highness, you're finally awake." She had a bright smile, but there were tears in her eyes.

After I jumped off the cliff and begged for death, I was saved by a group of strange people. I convinced myself that this was a prank. Maybe it was Anna's idea. Anna was my friend and usually liked to use strange ideas to prank me. So maybe after they rescued me, they had deliberately devised this prank to see me confused.

"I'm sorry. Did you guys get the wrong person?" I mustered up my courage and cleared my throat to ask. I hoped Anna would jump out and tell me about her excellent idea.

I tried to convince myself, but I knew it was impossible. The decoration of this room was very particular, and even the clothes they were wearing were not something ordinary people could wear. No one would spend so much money to mess with a useless person.

"Of course not. You're our princess. We almost lost you, but fortunately, we found you in time." Her answer completely confused me. What was going on? Did I jump off the cliff and go somewhere else?

"Yes, Your Highness. You could only escape death today because of the Moon Goddess' blessing," another black-haired maid said with a hint of lingering fear.

My head was spinning, and I didn't know what to do. My headache was stopping me from thinking further. Damn it! What should I do to figure out what was going on?