
Alone forever

A tomboy who is very quiet but a basketball prodigy is very distant with other people. Until she meets a certain someone who changes her life but doesn't realize how much he needs help himself. Will she be able to help him or will she only bring more suffering upon him.

eddiechang24 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

One on One

Madoka's POV

"Kikotei!" I excitedly called out

I picked up Kikotei and he seemed really embarrassed about it as I lifted him up above my head.

"Put me down you giantess freak!" yelled Kikotei

"Oi you grew a bit and got heavier." I said

I put him down and I saw Kenji having that 'what the heck' kind of look on his face.

"Oh Kikotei that's Kenji." I said

Kikotei looked over to Kenji and Kenji just waved a bit.

"Hi you're all over the media, but that doesn't matter right now cause I'm more surprised that you became friends with someone like Madoka." said Kikotei as he shook Kenji's hand, "It's nice to meet you though, I was looking forward to seeing you."

"I uhh well yea it's nice to meet you." said Kenji

"Oi Kikotei what did you just say about me?" I snapped

"Huh? Well gotta make a run!" yelled Kikotei as he ran away from

"Get back you midget!" I yelled

"You two seem really close, you're like a different person." said Kenji

"Oh, sorry he's always like this." I said

We exited the station and Kikotei kept talking to Kenji asking me what it was like to have me as a friend.

"Oh she's nice." said Kenji

"What about her boyfriend?" asked Kikotei

"Oh I can't really say anything about her boyfriend." replied Kenji, "I don't really talk to him."

"Dammit I wanted to meet her boyfriend as well." sighed Kikotei

"Well, that's a very uhh nice wish." replied Kenji

"Kenji san where do you live?" asked Kikotei

"Oh I live five blocks down." replied Kenji

"That's great, can we play basketball tomorrow?" asked Kikotei

"Sure why not." he replied

'These two are like siblings.'

I sighed and just walked towards my apartment with Kikotei.

"Oh Madoka it's your parents." said Kikotei as he pointed at two people in front of my apartment.

I saw them walking towards the apartment on the other side of the block.

"Madoka!" excitedly yelled my mom and dad

They ran up to me and hugged so I just hugged them back.

"Oh my I missed you so much, it was so boring without you." said my mom

"We got you your favorite dish, soba!" excitedly said my dad

"I missed you two as well." I replied

"Oh who's that?" asked my mom

I turned and saw Kenji standing there so he just slightly bowed.

"Oh that's Kenji, a friend of mine." I replied

"Huh?!" gasped my parents

Kenji seemed surprised when my parents gasped but then my mom grabbed my hands and she started tearing up.

"My prayers were finally answered." she said

"Mom you're embarrassing me." I said

Kenji stood there with Kikotei looking dumbfounded.

"I uhh think I have to go now, my parents are strict and they want me home." said Kenji, "It was nice meeting you."

"Oh I'll see you tomorrow on the court." I said

"Yea sure, let me know the time." said Kenji

Kenji bowed to my parents and left and once he did both of my parents started spazzing.

"Oh my god he's so handsome you should date him!" excitedly said my mom

"Mom mom calm down." I sighed

"She already has one though." said Kikotei

I snapped around and glared at Kikotei and he realized what he just said.

"You have a boyfriend?!" gasped my parents

"I uhhh-"

Now my parents were spazzing even more.

"You have to tell us, let's go." said my mom

'Oh geez.'

We got home and they invited Kikotei over.

"Can you invite Kenji over? It'll be nice to talk to him plus we have plenty of soba." said my dad

"I don't know I'll ask." I replied

I quickly texted Kenji but he declined.

"He declined." I said

"Oh that's too bad maybe next time." replied my dad

"I'll get ready, I need to shower." I said

"Okay don't take too long." said my mom

Kikotei was sitting on bed and he was looking at his phone.

"You're going to shower?" asked Kikotei

"Yea, want to shower together?" I teased

"W-what? N-no why would y-you say something like that?" he gasped

His face turned red and he ran out of the room. I chuckled remembering the day we showered together when he was only four and I was ten.

I yawned and hit the shower but I began to think about that girl, red haired girl. She was pretty and she also looked like she was into sports by the way she dressed.

The more I thought about her the more I got mad at her for harassing Kenji in such a terrible way. I clenched my fists and just huffed in anger and just quickly finished showering.

I quickly finished and got out and changed. I went to the kitchen where the table was ready with soba. I sat on a chair next to Kikotei and he seemed to forget about the question I asked him before.

"How's school?" asked my mom

"Not bad, basketball practice is tiring." I said

"Well it pays off because you're all over the media." said my mom

"I don't really like that." I replied

"You'll get used to it no worries." replied my dad

"When you get into the basketball league make sure you give me some free shoes if you design one." said Kikotei

"Don't get your hope up so high." I said while smiling

"So who's this boyfriend of yours." asked my mom

I sighed in annoyance since I didn't really want to talk about him.

"His name is Homura and he's the Captain of the boys basketball team." I said

"Do you have a picture." asked my parents

I went to his instagram profile and showed them a picture and they examined him.

"He's pretty good looking, but I think Kenji's better looking." said my mom

I stopped showing them and began eating the soba.

"Tell us more about Kenji." said both of my parents.


The next day

Madoka's POV

I got out of the apartment and waited for Kikotei outside of the apartment. I checked my phone and it was 12 pm, I already ate lunch and Kikotei is probably finishing up right now but I don't know about Kenji so for the first time I made him a couple onigiris for him and Kikotei just in case.

"Afternoon Madoka."

I turned and saw Kenji walking up to me. He was wearing a hoodie and some shorts with some Kobes.

"Afternoon, did you eat?" I asked

That's when Kenji's stomach growled in response.

"I'll take that as a no." I said while smiling

He just smiled back so I handed him a bag with two onigiris.

"I made these." I said

He tilted his head a bit in confusion but he took it and opened it.

"That doesn't sound very manly of you." said Kenji

I glared at him but he smiled.

"But thanks." he said

My anger immediately disappeared.

"No problem." I replied

He began eating them and he seemed to like it.

"These are good." he said

That's when Kikotei came out with a basketball and a bag and he looked really hyped up.

"What took you so long?" I asked

"Sorry I was using the bathroom." he replied, "Hi Kenji san."

"Hey." simply replied Kikotei

We left and headed towards the court and Kikotei began shooting around while Kenji and I began doing our drill exercises.

"Kenji san let's play a one on one." said Kikotei

"Sure." he replied, "Do you want me to play for real?"

"Of course." replied Kikotei

Kenji looked at me and I just signaled him to do it.

"Okay let's play then." said Kenji

Kenji passed the ball to Kikotei and they started playing a one on one. I watched as Kikotei shot the ball and it went in.

"Nice shot." said Kenji

He passed the ball to Kikotei who shot the ball again but this time he missed and Kenji got the rebound. Kenji took it back to the three point line and Kikotei moved all the way back into the paint.

"You're leaving me wide open?" asked Kenji

"Come on shoot the ball." said Kikotei

'He always does this.'

Kenji shot the ball and it went in but Kikotei played the same move so Kenji shot the ball again and it went in again.

"Okay looks like I'm going to play serious." said Kikotei

Kikotei started guarding Kenji and Kenji drove in but I could tell he was going easy but he spun around and did a smooth layup.

Kikotei was now getting frustrated so he started getting close to Kenji and Kenji was just playing around with Kikotei and it looked like Kenji was having fun.

After five minutes of playing, Kenji won and it was over for Kikotei and Kikotei was not happy.

"Again!" he shouted

"Hey Kikotei let me try playing against Kenji." I said

"Huh?" questioned Kenji

"Ooo that's going to be a show." said Kikotei as he got up and sat at the edge of the court.

I got onto the court and quickly did some warm ups before passing the ball to Kenji.

"You start." I said

"Uhh sure." he said, "I apologize if I hit any part of you that may offend you."

"Don't worry about that." I said

Kenji was about to shoot the ball so I jumped up to block it but he drove in and did a layup.

'Damn he tricks people.'

I passed the ball to him and he drove in and suddenly stopped and dribbled the ball in between his legs but I saw it and stole the ball.

I dribbled the ball back to the three point line and began dribbling it around my legs. I began dribbling around and tried crossing Kenji but Kenji was very firm with his stance.

So I drove in, spun around him but he followed and jumped up to prevent me from scoring but I was able to do a double clutch reverse layup on him.

Kenji passed the ball to me and I quickly shot it and it went in so Kenji passed the ball and began to guard me a bit harder.

I drove in but Kenji was able to reach in without touching me and steal the ball. He went back and tried to shoot the ball but I was able to jump in time to skim the ball with my finger. He missed and I got the rebound but Kenji stole it again.

"Damn you're good at stealing." I said

"Kind of." replied Kenji

Kenji drove in but he crossed me and did a step back fade away and it went in. We continued playing and I was up by one point, 9-8 and the game point was 10.

I quickly dribbled in and tried to go in for the layup but Kenji was heavily guarding and I couldn't post him out so I did a hook shot but Kenji blocked it and he got the ball. He drove in and shot a floater and it went in.

"Fuck, game point." I sighed

I passed the ball to Kenji and he held it in and we made eye contact, he was sweating and so was I and Kenji looked pretty desperate for the win. He drove in and suddenly stopped and backed up so I followed and he pumped faked it so I pretended to jump and he drove in but I followed close behind and blocked his layup.

It went out of bounds and it was Kenji's ball so I passed the ball to Kenji and Kenji drove in and did a quick jump shot but he missed so I got the rebound and quickly dribbled around Kenji and drove in, spun around hoping to catch him off guard but he followed so I jumped up and tried to do a layup but Kenji jumped up too. It was clear that Kenji was going to block me so I double clutched it onto the other side of the hoop.

I spun the ball hoping it would go in, it hits the rim and starts spinning around. Kenji and I watched the ball just roll around the rim and it slowly stopped and began to fall into the hoop.

"I win." I said while smiling

Kenji flopped onto the floor panting.

"Damn, that was hard." he said

"Good game though, it was fun." I said while smiling

"Yea, good game." replied Kenji, smiling back