

--- "Are you aware that the technique you practice goes against the very heavens?" "Oh, I'm so scared" --- "You ignorant fool, do you think this is play" "Play, me play?, i don't play, i slay devils, when i appear, ghosts shall mourn, gods shall weep and worlds shall be reduced to dust" --- "You idiot, who do you think you're to say such daring words" "Who i am?... I Am The Almighty Thunder Monarch"

DaoistZsYckV1_ · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 18- Return


Chapter 18- Return




The old man words still echoed in the cave, even after the old man left.

Changlei Fang stood there, he clenched his hands tightly as his nails dug in his hand. He felt really down, as the old man left.

He really didn't know when he will be able To see that old pervert again.

He stood there and said in a downcast manner, he told Red Fang without looking at him

"Let's return"

"Okay" Red Fang was also feeling very sad, as he watched the old man leave, even though most ultras overworked and maltreated their servants, that old man cared for him, and not only him, but for the other servants.

Changlei Fang picked up the Jade slip, and put it in his pocket, he will study it well in the future, currently, he wasn't really in the mood to cultivate.

Red Fang shape shifted into an ancient red bead necklace, as the necklace mysteriously floated and made Changlei Fang wear it.

Changlei Fang saw all this, as he was feeling surprised yet somehow awkward, he couldn't help but blurt out

"Emm, carrying a grown man on my neck is pretty strange"

Red Fang replied, only Changlei Fang could hear Red Fang's voice when it was in this form

"How do you know that I am a man"

"W-What" Changlei Fang was shocked, what Red Fang said was true, after all it could shape shift. So what if Red Fang was a man actually, but he could turn into women,  Changlei Fang was thinking.

"The F**k" Changlei Fang knocked his head, trying to snap himself out front those useless thoughts.

"Master, I was Just joking, I am a full fledged man, that monster form, earlier on, us my battle form" Red Fang replied trying to clear Changlei Fang's doubts.

But even after he said this, Changlei Fang still didn't believe him.


The entrance to the herb forest was only adjacent to the Martial Training ground, but opposite it, and opposite the herb forest, was a huge street, with bustling crowds, moving to and fro, going about their business.

This was the Changlei Family, it had up to a thousand members, and the crowd was so hyped up and excited, was because of the upcoming Martial Family Gathering, that was commencing in 2 days from now.

Changlei Fang walked through the crowd of people, he wore a bamboo hat, and a black gown, and a mask, with a red necklace on him. He covered his appearance, so no one will discover him.

He wanted to appear at the Martial Family Gathering grandly, and shock all those bastards that looked down at him before.

He entered an inn, called Silver Ring Inn.

"How are you, esteemed customer" a woman approached Changlei Fang and welcomed him,  she wasn't particularly very beautiful, but her smile looked very enchanting and it gave people a good welcome.

Changlei Fang's indifferent voice sounded

"What are the prices for your rooms"

"Esteemed Customer, we have our cheapest to which is 1000 copper coins, for one room, then our most expensive which is 2 silvers for one, we also have other choices like 6500 copper coins room"

Money was classified into coins based in quality, the beginner and basic currency is Copper coins, then 10000 copper coins will be equivalent to 1 silver, and 10000 silver coins will be equivalent to a gold coin.     And all this coins had special properties, that is they had energy stored in them, because of this, many used it to cultivate.

"I will be paying in beast cores" As Changlei Fang said this, he brought out a beast core of the Saber-Tooth Fanged Tiger out from his bag, and tossed it to her.

The female attendant held the core like a precious egg, her eyes shone in a burning light, she said

"Sir, this core will be worth 9000 copper coins"

Just 200 copper coins, was able to feed a family of commoners for at least a month.

Changlei Fang said to the female attendant

"I will rent a room of 6500 copper coins, keep the change bring ME there ASAP"

The female attendant was overjoyed, she was given 2500 copper coins Just like that, this was at least 2 years salary for her.

She said with a face full of excitement

"Okay, Sir, come with me"

She then led Changlei Fang into a room.

"If there is anything, you need, Sir, don't hesitate to tell me" the female attendant said with a very sweet smile at the entrance of the room door.

"Okay" Changlei Fang replied.

She then left, as he entered the room, and closed the door he began to observe it, the floor was decorated with colourful floor tiles, as the table situated at the middle of the room, there was a lamp there, waiting to be turned on at least in the night.

And most importantly, a nice comfy bed, the roof was simple, infant everything was simple, he couldn't help but feel that he was scammed.

As he sat down cross-legged on the bed, absorbing and refining qi into his body, and after several hours, he heard a knock on the door, he opened and saw the same female attendant looking at him with a smile as she said

"Sir, your food is here" she then went into the room, and put the tray of food on  the table, then after some words, she left.

Changlei Fang devoured the food like a beast, the food was very good, as he licked his lips. There was a certain level of cultivation one would reach, where one would achieve Inedia, but before Changlei Fang had reached that realm, he had to eat.

After two days, he booked out of the inn, he then arrived at a spacious ground where many people were gathered and was buzzing with excitement and jesting with their friends

"Did you see that, Changlei Wen, actually lifted up 3000 Jin weight, and displayed a 4 ring talent"


"He will be surely represent us in the EverGreen Sect"


"I wish I was him"

Many excited voices could be heard everwhere

Soon,  a grand voice sounded, and stopped the noise

"We are closing the selection of participants for the Martial Family Gathering, In two minutes, if you want to challenge it, step out now"

No one stepped out, you could tell that no one was confident in going there, and end up embarrassing themselves.

Soon a figure walked up on the platform, he wore a black gown and wore a bamboo hat, he went straight to the weights

"Who is that" Many people pointed to the man on the stage.

"Probably, some idiot going to embarrass himself"

"Yes, I agree"

Many people sneered in disdain as they ridiculed the man on stage

But what made them, made them very dumbfounded .