

--- "Are you aware that the technique you practice goes against the very heavens?" "Oh, I'm so scared" --- "You ignorant fool, do you think this is play" "Play, me play?, i don't play, i slay devils, when i appear, ghosts shall mourn, gods shall weep and worlds shall be reduced to dust" --- "You idiot, who do you think you're to say such daring words" "Who i am?... I Am The Almighty Thunder Monarch"

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Chapter, 14- Changlei Fang Vs Lin Ming(2)


Chapter 14- Changlei Fang Vs Lin Ming(2)


And sure enough, what happened next, shocked The two Lin Family elders.

As Lin Ming's hands were descending on his head like a raging tsunami. Changlei Fang's facial expression didn't waver in the  slightest, he released his own attack.

"Crushing Heaven Blow!"

Changlei Fang's hands started emitting intense scarlet qi as he punched forward and once again collided with Lin Ming.


But it was different this time, the intensity Of The moves colliding were too great, it sent qi vibrations and smoke everywhere.

There two Lin Family elders felt uneasy

'Was this really renowned trash Of The Changlei Family'

'How could he control such energy'

As they nervously waited for the smoke to clear, what they saw, again made them gasp In astonishment.

They saw Lin Ming's  figure resting on a nearby tree, he looked like a helpless and dying man.

They recovered from their shock as they shouted in rage

"How dare you do this to our Lin Family genius"

As Elder Xiaosheng Shouted, he went forward to attack Changlei Fang.

Before he could do anything,


 He was struck in there face, as he tumbled in the air,  half of his face were gone.

He shouted miserably but with his broken jaw and mouth, his shouts looked pitiable, and comedic at the same time.

"You Better be careful, of what you want to do to my master, unless


As Red Fang said this, his killing intent covered The entire vicinity, his eyes very cold.

Although Red Fang's cultivation was sealed, it still remained that, it's killing experience and unparreled grandeur was still present. And As Elder Xiaosheng and Elder Pangshi saw this, they were terrified and even Elder Xiaosheng kept quiet and endured The pain.

They just couldn't just figure out how Red Fang who was weaker than them in terms of cultivation, could actually frighten them like this.

Lin Ming dragged his weakened hands up, he brought out a pill from the pocket of his gown, and he threw it in his mouth.

The f**k!

This brat actually had a Basic Heal Pill and when they were injured trying too protect this brat, he didn't even give them.

There two Elders were burning with rage. 

Lin Ming's weakened aura started recovering rapidly, his injuries were more or less healed.

The Basic Heal pill was a half star rank pill, it could help greatly To those under the spiritual core realm.

Pills, weapons and and techniques were classified into

Yellow rank, Half star rank, one star rank, two star rank, and all the way to fifth star rank, then after this ranks Was The legendary

Holy Rank.

All these ranks were further divided into basic, mid and peak.

To have a  basic half star rank pill Like Lin Ming had, that even Lin Family elders  like Elder Xiaosheng and Elder Pangshi didn't have, just went to show how valued Lin Ming was in the Lin Family.

"I admit you have gone stronger, but if you think that this is my real strength, then you are greatly mistaken"

"Forget about capturing you, I am going to kill you"

Lin Ming was furious, he was the second best genius of the Lin Family and now he was being beaten by someone he once defeated.

His killing intent and his fierce eyes went to show that Lin Ming was going peak power.

He shouted

"Flash Barrage"

Lin Ming moved like a phantom and appeared in Changlei Fang's front, as his previously golden glowing hands were no longer present, and instead it was now glowing white.

Elder Pangshi was surprised

'Wow, this little prick actually mastered Flash Barrage'

Flash barrage was a peak yellow rank cultivation technique.

When someone who practices this technique uses it, he or she will release a pulling force on the opponent, making that opponent stay in a particular box area, not allowing anyone under 8th tier body refinement realm to move. Then the user will move and release several power packed barrage fists on the opponent.

So as Changlei Fang was bound to an area, Lin Ming quickly went and unleashed his barrage of punches that fell like rain towards Changlei Fang.

As Changlei Fang saw this and experienced all this, any normal 4th tier body refinement cultivator will be afraid. But what Changlei Fang believed in was to stay calm in any situation and try to look for solutions.

'What should I do'

He then remembered that he created a move that he created just to spy on the Lin Family clansmen and that was

Stress Eyes

He activated his stress eyes and as Lin Ming's barrage of punches fell down

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Changlei Fang stood there with his stress eyes and actually started dodging the fast moving punches.

This shocked everyone present including Red Fang, those punches were moving too fast, and yet Changlei Fang was dodging them so easily.

Changlei Fang will at times, step back, pull his body right, bend, go sideways, overall, he was dodging all of them.

All those so called fast punches was really slow before Stress Eyes.

'Wow, I taught that this technique could only use to see far, not knowing that it can also be used to see through opponents' attacks'

Then after several minutes Of Lin Ming intensifying his attacks to just attack Changlei Fang, he was exhausted and he finally revealed a flaw.

It seemed unnoticeable but was spotted by Changlei Fang, he sent a crushing heaven blow on Lin Ming's chest as he was sent flying once again.

Lin Ming was sent flying once again, this was the second time this was happening.

Elder Xiaosheng and Elder Pangshi saw this, they were shocked and angry too.

They wanted To go and salvage the situation, but as they moved slightly, they felt like choking, they saw Red Fang glare at them fiercely and once again his killing intent appeared.

They quickly halted their movements and could only helplessly observe.

Changlei Fang looked at Lin Ming and said in disdain, as he sneered

"So this is the Lin Family Second best genius, looks like a trash to me"

"You!" Lin Ming was already coughing more blood, but he coughed up more blood because of rage.

He was the second best genius of the Lin Family and now this trash was actually calling him a trash.

He struggled up, he popped up another pill in his mouth.

This was a half star rank pill called Qi Restoration Pill.  They was actually no use for Lin Ming To be doing all this, it was just that Lin Ming was a sore loser, he just couldn't accept a loss.

Even if he won by some chance, it will not be a true victory.

Elder Pangshi said to Elder Xiaosheng

"Since he didn't want to bring out those pills, when this episode is over, we will deal with him very well"

'Damn it, my Qi is getting depleted, and this useless Changlei Family and My useless father didn't even give ME any pills'

'I have to finish this quickly'

At the end, Changlei Fang was a 4th tier body refinement realm cultivator and Lin Ming was at the 7th tier body refinement realm. Lin Ming had more vast qi than Changlei Fang, and even though Dragon Energy made up for it, it still remained that Lin Ming had pills to help him.

Changlei Fang moved quickly as he appeared at Lin Ming's front, not even giving him any time to restore his qi.

Lin Ming could only gather his remaining small Qi and try to cast the Lin Family's half star rank technique called.

The Majestic Fire Wall.


So for Changlei Fang to secure a sure victory, he had to finish this fight fast.

He flash stepped in front of Lin Ming and attacked with the Crushing Heaven blow, as Lin Ming saw this, Lin Ming had to cast the Family's  unique technique called the


A huge wall made of blue qi covered Lin Ming, the qi raged about like flames,  it looked imposing and unbreakable, in fact, it really looked like a majestic fire wall.

Changlei Fang struck out and collided with the wall.

But all that happened was the wall wavered slightly and Changlei Fang's hands went numb.

"Hahaha, you foolish Fang, you really taught that you could break my Majestic Firewall, you must be a big joker" Lin Ming mocked Changlei Fang as he made a provocative dance in the wall, since the wall was transparent Changlei Fang could see all these.

Changlei Fang ignored Lin Ming's mockeries, not replying as he looked at the wall with his Stress eyes.

He saw a spot at the bottom left corner of the wall, that spot was raging violently but Changlei Fang could see that there was irregularities in the qi flow there, it was obviously a superficial way to cover that flaw.


Changlei Fang moved and struck at that spot, at first nothing happened but after some moments, the whole wall collapsed.

Elder Xiaosheng, Elder Pangshi and Lin Ming all shouted in unison


This was their Majestic Firewall, it was supposed to be an unbreakable defense and now this trash broke the wall so easily, and so quickly as in that.

Was this really the trash of the Changlei Family, what a joke, he was clearly a monster level genius instead.

Changlei Fang then moved and struck again at Lin Ming, and this time it was more heavy, the glow on his hand went super bright red as he illuminated the whole somewhat dark forest with red light.

This was the real Crushing Heaven Blow, all those other ones he was releasing earlier on was just casual punches wrapped with Dragon Energy.

This was when Changlei Fang poured all his qi, his dragon energy, and mind into one punch.

As Lin Ming wanted to block the fist with his hand,


His hands Broke , as his bones, tendons and flesh all broke, as Lin Ming let out a hysterical scream.


As the fists continued to collided with his chest.

Changlei Fang stopped his fist preventing it from hitting Lin Ming but even after he stopped his fist, the air pressure and qi waves and vibrations all hit Lin Ming's chest.

If that move actually hit Lin Ming, he will have died directly.

 Lin Ming coughed up blood very violently, his face ashen as his eyes started getting dizzy

'No, I can't be defeated like this'

 Lin Ming was unwilling and full of regrets but in the end, he just directly fainted.

Lin Ming, the second best genius of the Lin Family was utterly defeated.

And defeated by the so called Changlei Family's trash.

If any other eyes  of the Changlei Family were present, they will probably leave their jaws wide open.

He was a monster.