

A piercing howl sliced through the tranquil silence, disturbing nothing but the gentle songs of birds and the distant croaks of crickets. From behind a bush, a disheveled man stumbled forth, clutching a young girl of approximately twelve years on his back. Her verdant eyes shone brightly, framed by fiery auburn hair.

Placing the child upon the ground, the man cradled her face within his calloused hands, desperately attempting to calm his ragged breaths. "Allegra, my love," he murmured urgently, "regardless of what happens, remain hidden"

Her emerald gaze wavered, betraying her terror. "Papa, those wolves will devour us both!" she protested, barely managing to choke back her rising panic.

His own heart heavy, the man shook his head solemnly. "No, sweetheart, they won't. Not if you hide, I'll lead them away."

She stared up at him quizzically, confusion momentarily eclipsing her abject dread. "What do you mean? They killed Mother!, they will kill you too"

At the mere mention of his beloved wife, grief overtook him, eliciting a solitary tear down his cheek. The loud echoes of yet another threatening howl reverberated ominously in the distance, signaling the rapid approach of danger.

"Allegra, my precious daughter, listen: Once i start leading them away, i want you to run as quickly as possible and don't look back, okay?," implored the man, grasping for every last vestige of composure. "Swear to me, darling, vow that you shall do as i say, grant me that assurance..." With trembling lips, his cherished offspring reluctantly agreed, nodding her head slightly.

Bending low, he pressing a fervent kiss against her smooth skin. Mustering every iota of strength left within him, he placed his hands firmly upon her slight shoulders.

"Child, these wolves seek to end your life precisely because you are the only one of your kind, they feel threatened, it was forbidden for werewolves and vampires to mate, but I loved your mother so much: your mother was no ordinary woman; rather, she walked this world as a creature of darkness—a being who thirsted eternally for blood. You must never reveal knowledge of your dual nature to anyone, now, run."


Allegra sat perched upon a barstool, her gaze steady and unwavering. Her emerald eyes darted to and fro, scanning the bar, searching for the perfect candidate. The amber liquid within her glass seemed to hold no power over her; its effects, non-existent. As the hours wore on and her search continued, her patience began to dwindle, her fangs throbbing with anticipation.

From the the corner of the bar, a figure emerged. Lean and muscular, his arms bulged beneath the confines of his leather jacket, threatening to burst forth at any moment. Dark hair framed his chiseled face while his piercing stare locked onto hers, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine. It was then she realized - their connection had been made. With a sly grin, he signaled to the bartender, never breaking eye contact with her as he did so.

Her heart raced within her chest, the thrill of the hunt coursing through every fiber of her being. Each second felt like an eternity as she waited for him to approach, willing herself to remain still, poised, and ready. When finally he reached her side, she couldn't help but admire his confident stride.

He leaned against the bar, close enough for her to catch a hint of his intoxicating scent. "What's your poison?" he asked.

She hesitated for a moment before responding, "Vodka, please."

His brow quirked upwards

"Very well," he murmured, motioning toward the tender. "One glass of wine for me, and another round for the lady."

As the cool liquid slid down her throat, she could hardly contain her excitement. Every instinct screamed at her to give in, to turn to him, look into his eyes and compel him. But she held strong, refusing to let her guard down until the time was right. And when that moment came, oh, how sweet it would be. For now, however, she would wait - patiently, silently, and most importantly, without detection.

"You are not from this town" enquired Allegra, seeking to engage in an ordinary conversation. She had been staying in this town for some time now, which was unlikely of her, she seldom exceeded the span of two days in a town. When hunger gnawed at her belly, she would saunter into a bar, perch upon a stool in such a manner as to catch the eye of a tipsy gentleman, strike up a conversation, and before long, he would purchase a drink for her company. And more often than not, the offer of further companionship for the evening would follow suit.

She would only drink enough blood to slake her thirst and then render her victim unconscious after compelling them– yet still alive – so as to leave no lasting impression of their encounter.

"Indeed, I'm not"he replied.

Allegra furrowed her brow slightly, scrutinizing the mysterious figure who stood before her. "And what might that be?"

His face betrayed a flicker of hesitation, as though weighing the merits of divulging too much information. "Ah, 'tis merely a trifle affair of the familial sort," came his eventual response, shrouded in ambiguity.

At once, a shiver ran down Allegra's spine; the scent emanating from him, she had earlier thought it to be some perfume of some kind. Fear gripped her heart as memories flooded back - the memory of her dear departed father, felled by unseen hands a decade past… What could this man's true intentions be?

Allegra's fear, so familiar and constant over the past decade, was abruptly swallowed up by a surge of wrath. Werewolves had hunted her for what felt like an eternity, as if it were their sole purpose to bring about her demise. The memory of her mother's violent end and her father's trembling hands on her delicate shoulders remained etched in her mind, as vivid as the day it occurred.

Her lips curled back, baring sharp fangs "You are a werewolf" she seethed, addressing the man now facing imminent destruction at her hands. Gone was the timid girl who hid her true nature; before him stood a creature of darkness, prepared to unleash havoc upon her enemy.

Realizing the gravity of his situation, the man stood revealing his own elongated canines.

"I am a vampire...and you are my mate"

Mate. That single word reverberated through her skull. What could he possibly mean?

Dismissing the unfamiliar concept, Allegra tapped into her supernatural agility—a blur to those lacking enhanced vision. A nearby vehicle slammed on brakes, tires squealing against the rough road, two people rushed out of the car, a man and a woman, their faces etched with terror.

"You've killed her" she choked out, hands shaking as they flew to cover her gaping mouth. She watched in horror as he approached the still form lying crumpled on the ground, each step heavier than the last. As his fingers brushed against the cold skin, a gust of wind swept on his face, as he fall into the unforgiving grip of Allegra.

Her teeth sank deep, tearing in his tender flesh, rending veins and arteries asunder. Blood pooled around them, staining her lips and chin, disappearing down her throat in greedy gulps.

A scream ripped through the silence, It belonged to the woman, she dashed toward the bar, only to meet with another man who stood there, blocking her path. His hand encircled her delicate neck, holding life itself hostage within its cruel grasp.

His gaze bore into hers, compelling submission, "Don't be afraid. All you see here...it never happened. Your husband encountered an animal" Spoken like a prayer or perhaps a curse, those words lingered in the air even after he let go. And just like that, compliance took hold of her; she repeated his lies until they became her truth.

With uncanny swiftness, he pounced upon Allegra, wrestling her away from the almost unconscious body of the man, she eventually released him.

"You will kill him if you don't stop now." He said

Time seemed to stand still as Allegra stared at the near-corpse before her, realization dawning almost too late.