
36. The Super Sister Support Service (Part IV)

“That’s Kara’s sister?!” Sam gasped loudly and directly into Lena’s ear. The two best friends were standing in the atrium of the Palace looking out through the open doors to the driveway where a black four by four had just pulled up and from which the two Danvers sisters were getting out from. 

Lena recoiled at the sudden volume from her best friend but the second she got a proper look at Kara’s sister in the flesh rather than through a computer screen she completely understood why Sam reacted so intensely. 

At first glance, the two sisters couldn’t have looked or acted more differently.

Kara practically shot out of the vehicle with excitement, accepting Captain Dunn’s hand with a broad grin as she exited, before skipping on the spot awaiting her sister’s approach. Lena’s wary, nervous gaze softened the second she took in her fiancée, getting quickly distracted by the tight jeans that she was wearing and the pink shirt and cardigan combo on top.

Alex, on the other hand, was in black jeans, a white slightly crumpled t-shirt and a well-worn and clearly loved black leather jacket. Her red hair was short and slicked back. From just her clothes she would appear intimidating and arrogant but she was Kara’s sister, and though they weren’t related by blood there was no doubt in Lena’s mind, as someone who had listened to the thousands of stories Kara had told her, that Alex was kind-hearted, unfalteringly loyal and as supportive a sibling as could be asked for.

Lena knew Kara so well, and knew enough of Alex second-hand from Kara’s stories, that she could identify the less immediately discernible traits that revealed their familial bond and were only visible if you knew what to look for in the quick interaction that followed the two sisters getting out of the car.

Kara skipped, whilst Alex strode, but they both smiled just as bright and warm as each other.

Kara leaned forward in conversation whilst Alex merely stood up straighter, but they both quirked their heads in the exact same way when giving someone their full attention.

Kara’s hands were a constant blur of action and motion, whilst Alex’s arms were folded, her hands hidden from sight but they both reached out to each other with gentle encouraging touches.

The two sisters on the surface looked like polar opposites but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Therefore, Lena easily understood why Sam had sounded somewhat surprised upon seeing the starkly different Danvers; Lena, unfortunately, also understood the gasp of delight and excitement that had preceded her best friend’s question...

See, Lena was acutely aware that Sam had a type . 

A type, which Lena also knew Sam had an even stronger preference for if they were dressed up in a leather jacket - bonus points if they came with a motorbike.

Like Alex.

Alex, who embodied the dark and brooding outside appearance that called out to Sam, mixed with the brave yet sweet, heart of gold which was the key archetype of all of Sam’s romantic fantasies.

“Yes.” Lena assured, turning her head to look at her best friend, expecting to see an appreciative gaze or an assessing stare directed at her fiancée’s sister, but instead finding something she could never have anticipated. “Are you… are you drooling?”

“What?! No!” Sam denied fervently even as she hurriedly wiped the corners of her mouth with the sleeve of her navy work blazer. “Maybe a little…” Sam admitted with a wince and self-deprecating chuckle which had Lena smiling in return. Sam shook her head, her eyes returning almost immediately to the sisters. “They’re so different.” Sam commented quietly.

“Only on the outside, believe me.” Lena reassured, straightening up as Kara turned around and finally spotted her through the open doors. Lena’s heart skipped a beat as usual as she watched Kara react to her presence (effectively quieting the dark whispers that Lena had inevitably pushed Kara away with her behaviour this morning) - the biggest grin, twinkling blue eyes, and a quick step forward in Lena’s direction as if being pulled towards her by a magnetic force. 

Kara rushed ahead of her sister, skipping up the steps into the atrium whilst Alex huffed a breath and fondly rolled her eyes at her sister’s enthusiasm. Alex headed towards them far more sedately, her brown eyes inspecting Lena from afar, clearly trying to determine whether she was up to spec for her sister. Unfortunately, Alex finished her assessment of Lena halfway up the steps, her eyes then moved over to the figure stood beside Lena (Sam) who just couldn’t stop herself from winking flirtatiously upon making direct eye contact.

The effect on the tough as nails older sister was instantaneous.

Alex’s eyes went wide in shock.

Her entire face flushed a blistering red.

And she tripped almost immediately over the next step - arms went spiralling, legs kicked out wildly and her face slammed into the stone floor.

Lena and Sam both let out sympathetic winces, whilst Kara spun back round upon hearing the sound of her sister becoming one with the floor and rushed, alongside Captain Dunn, to check on Alex.

“Ah, now I see the relation.” Sam muttered as Alex waved off her sister and the soldier to jump back to her feet with only a minor loss in dignity. “Still hot though…” Sam added, smirking at the red head who was trying valiantly to look anywhere but at Sam.

“Don’t you dare sleep with my future sister-in-law.” Lena growled teasingly, shooting her best friend a faux dark glare. She genuinely wouldn’t mind if Sam got together with Alex, if half of what Kara had told her about her sister was true or Alex was half as kind or generous as Kara, there was no doubt in her mind that Sam couldn’t do much better for herself than a Danvers.

Sam waggled her eyebrows mischievously, “Oh, there won’t be any sleeping involved, don’t you worry.”

Lena shook her head in amusement, “Sam-”

“Lena.” Kara greeted, the two Danvers having finally managed to cross the hall without further injury. 

Lena’s heart swooped pleasantly in her chest as she took in her fiancée, “My love.”

A light pink blush warmed Kara’s cheeks as she ducked her head adorably before gesturing to her big sister, who was watching the interaction between the engaged couple keenly. “This is Alex, my big sister.” Kara introduced, probably unnecessarily but Lena appreciated the effort nonetheless. 

Lena drew herself up to her full height, her killer heels putting her on par with the american sisters, as she pulled on her Queen armour for the necessary strength and courage to face the most important person in her fiancée's life who she was desperate to make a good impression upon.

“Alex, this is Lena, my…” Kara turned back to Lena, her mouth moving but no words coming out as she struggled to locate the right descriptor. Alex and Lena both waited patiently and curiously for Kara to finish. After a heartbeat, Kara exhaled deeply, nodded once to herself and stated simply and confidently, “The love of my life.”

Lena marvelled at how Kara always knew how to take her breath away without even really trying.

Alex laughed lightly as Lena transformed from the well put together, meticulously in control Queen and into a stuttering, blushing mess at her sister’s sweetness. The assessing stare from Alex vanished, and her brooding expression was also replaced with a warm smile. “It’s good to finally meet you in person…” Alex affirmed as she held out a hand for Lena to shake, “...and with clothes on…” The redhead added with a wry smile.

“Yes…” Lena spluttered as she shook Alex’s hand with a firm grip, “sorry again about that… That’s not how I would have liked us to meet.” Lena admitted, having pictured something more like this moment, where she was more Lena than the Queen (a feat Kara had ensured with a handful of words).

“Eh... it makes for a good story.” Alex replied with a light-hearted shrug, before leaning forward and muttering conspiratorially to Lena, “If it makes you feel any better, though... I’m sure given enough time that we’ll conjure up enough embarrassing stories to outshine that one.”

“That’s…” Lena began, pausing to think over Alex’s suggestion, “horrifying but also oddly comforting.”

“Funny…” Alex commented with a warm chuckle, “I’m pretty sure that’s how one of my exes once described me…”

“Those aren’t the words I would use…” Sam murmured appreciatively under her breath without thinking, not realising that her words were audible to everyone else. 

Four sets of eyes turned to the Chief of Staff at the comment. Dunn shook his head in dismay (uncertain that he or the Palace could withstand another pining, slightly awkward Danvers romance). Lena, meanwhile, grinned almost maniacally, locking this moment away for future blackmail and imagining how she would recount it to Lucy given the first opportunity. Kara merely looked at Sam with a perplexed expression that slowly blossomed into excitement on behalf of her sister whilst Alex simply… gaped… like a fish at her (at least there wasn’t drool, Lena thought). 

“I mean… um…” Sam stuttered desperately, “I… uh…”

Kara, more than familiar with her own personally crafted moments of social awkwardness, rushed to Sam’s aid, “Alex, this is Sam by the way, Lena’s Chief of Staff and best friend.”

“Hi.” Sam said nervously, with a shy smile.

“Hi...” Alex replied, her open jaw finally snapping shut whilst her eyes remained transfixed with wonderment at the woman she had just met.

Lena looked between the two women who were utterly absorbed in staring deeply into each others eyes, before looking over at her fiancée who was bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet, her blue eyes twinkling with the obvious desire to matchmake. Lena cleared her throat pointedly to try and pull the two women out of their now long moment.

Neither Sam nor Alex reacted.

Lena coughed.


Lena snapped her fingers.

Both women merely sighed longingly.

Lena was on the precipice of clapping her hands very loudly next to her best friend’s ear when Kara intervened.

“Okay, um… well, good talk you two.” Kara cheered, waving her hand between the two women to get their attention. Sam and Alex both jumped in their respective spots, blushes diffusing both of their cheeks as they faced Kara whilst continuing to shoot each other less than furtive glances. "I was thinking of giving Alex a tour of the palace and showing her to her room, if you would like to join?" Kara offered, looking between Sam and Lena.

Sam deflated noticeably, “I would love to, but I need to go pick up Ruby," Sam glanced over at Alex to gauge her reaction as she added in explanation, "my daughter.” 

Alex blinked once in surprise before a small, yet incredibly warm smile lit up her face at the information. 

Sam ducked her head pleased with the reaction and rushed to reassure, “But we are both looking forward to dinner with you this weekend.”

“You two go ahead, my love." Lena answered as well, reaching out to squeeze Kara's forearm apologetically. "I am going to get changed and start on dinner. It should be ready in an hour and a half, if that suits?”

“That would be amazing.” Kara beamed, her stomach letting out an appreciative rumble, earning her fond chuckles from everyone. She then gestured to the nearby set of stairs, indicating that Alex should head towards them. 

“It was lovely to meet you both.” Alex said with an amicable nod, her gaze lingering on Sam for longer than required, before moving towards the stairs as directed.

Sam murmured her own farewell before heading off, accompanied by a reluctant Captain Dunn (the soldier was more than a little worried about the disasters two Danvers could cause when left unattended).  

Once it was just Kara and Lena stood together in the atrium of the Palace, Kara’s expression morphed from bright smiles to barely concealed worry. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Kara asked, gnawing her bottom lip with excess nervous energy.

Lena's stomach sank as the realisation swept over her. Kara had been hiding her worries and tamping down on her concern for the better part of the day and it was all because Lena had been avoiding her. Trying to get a hold of her emotions on her own and barely taking into consideration the impact it would have on Kara. If their roles had been reversed, if it had been Kara who had the nightmare and subsequently pulled away… Lena would have been utterly wrung out, a barely held together mess, practically clawing up the walls with the desperate need/desire to support and care for Kara whilst trying to be respectful of her request for space.

Lena exhaled slowly, lifting up her hands to cup Kara's face delicately.

“Yes, my love." Lena promised, leaning forward to kiss away the crease between Kara's eyebrows before kissing her lips. "Go spend time with your sister, I know you’re desperate to catch-up with her. I’m fine, I promise. Thank you for looking out for me today.” Lena murmured sincerely.

Kara's eyes, that had slid closed under Lena's kisses, flickered open revealing affectionate blue eyes, "Always.”



“This is an actual palace…” Alex whistled in amazement as the two sisters wandered into one of the many ballrooms - this particular one was defined by its three decandent chandeliers and a balcony that overlooked the expansive westward forest. 

“Well, yeah…” Kara called out as she spun around the large room joyously. “Have I not said Lena is a Queen? I know my rambling confession was highly confusing but I’m pretty sure that I got that point across.” Kara said thoughtfully, slowing her twirls before coming to a full, slightly wobbly, stop next to Alex.

“You did…” Alex assured, shaking her head as she glanced up at one of the crystal chandeliers hanging above her. “It’s just… seeing is believing, I guess.” Alex muttered quietly, 

Kara’s brow furrowed as she tried to interpret her sister’s reflective expression in the hopes of determining whether it was a positive one or not. 

Kara was beyond happy that Alex was here with her, having always felt most secure and comfortable when she knew her sister was nearby, a readily available support system she could depend upon as much as she could depend on the solid ground beneath her feet and the constancy of gravity. The concept of being separated by thousands of miles, their lives independent from one another and out of sync across timezones as they steadily drifted further and further apart… Kara simply didn’t want to imagine it. 

Long distance with Lena had been difficult (her heart separated from the rest of her body) but Alex? 

Leaving Alex behind would have been like giving up a limb or one of her five senses. 

It would have changed her life forever, a loss she would have struggled to cope with.

Now with Alex by her side, and on the precipice of having pretty much everything she ever wanted being offered to her (the love of her life and her sister, both within easy reach), the fear that Kara’s needs were trumping those of her sister’s was starting to grow inside her, gnawing at her from the inside out. That her sister had sacrificed everything she knew and loved for a life in a country she knew nothing about and cared little for was Kara’s greatest source of guilt.

Whereas Kara had come to love her newfound home over an intensive two weeks learning everything she could about this secluded, tucked away part of the world and a number of weekends in the company of Theonia’s proudest citizens - Alex only knew about her new home from secondhand stories. 

Minor glimpses of a culture she had never experienced before.

It was these thoughts and fears that gave Kara the courage she needed to be somewhat direct - for Kara anyway.

The blonde looped an arm through Alex’s, tugging her over to the huge windows to look out at the country that neither of them would have expected to become such an important part of their lives. “What do you think of your new home so far?” Kara inquired, attempting to hide how invested in the answer she was.

“It’s very green.” Alex replied, an awkward non-answer that politicians would consider the height of diplomacy. 

“Uh huh…”, Kara murmured, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, for once reigning in her desire to fill the silence; determined to out-wait her sister for a more honest answer.

A long, heavy moment passed before Alex let out a weary sigh, admitting, “I don’t know,” Alex shrugged, “I’ve kind of become a city girl after all my time in Metropolis.”

Kara considered this, “Well, National City is huge ,” Kara offered, nudging her sister in the side as she pivoted towards a positive outlook as was her superpower, “and their police force is considered the best in the country.”

“Hmm…” Alex hummed noncommittally, but the lines furrowing her brow lightened up somewhat and she quirked an eyebrow at Kara as if to encourage her to say more.

“Lucy has offered to let you train with the royal soldiers”, Kara added (though having glimpsed the soldier’s extreme workout regime a few days ago, she did not personally see the appeal…), “and… I’m sure if you ask nicely …” Kara continued, shifting her weight as Alex watched her curiously, “Sam might be willing to show you around National City…”

“Oh, really?” Alex asked, brightening almost immediately with child-like excitement, before she tried to cover over her enthusiasm with disinterest and nonchalance. “Because… that… that would be cool.” Alex coughed out gruffly, not fooling Kara in the slightest. “You know, having someone who grew up here give me the low-down…”

“Low down?” Kara laughed.

Alex deflated noticeably, requesting sullenly, “Don’t judge.” Kara traced an x symbol over her heart which had Alex rolling her eyes then shyly muttering with the typical level of Danvers eloquence when confronted with a pretty girl. “So… if I were interested in asking Sam… uh… for a tour… how might I go about doing that? And would she be receptive to giving me a tour?” Alex winced at her own emphasis but didn’t retract her questions.

Kara ginned warmly at her big sister and pulled her into a hug that Alex only huffed out a minor resistance to. “Come on, I’ll show you where the soldiers train and give you the ‘skinny’ on the Queen’s Chief of Staff…” 

“The ‘skinny’...?” Alex scoffed derisively, tightening the arms she had wrapped around her sister and dropping a kiss to the side of Kara’s head.

“Just trying to match your super cool persona.” Kara commented smugly.

Alex sighed, “Why did I follow you to another country, again?”

Kara pulled back from her sister, the fears and disquiet thoughts silenced for the most part as she looked into understanding brown eyes that had always been there for her. “Because you love me…” Kara declared with total confidence.

“If you say so…” Alex replied, as they both (arm in arm) headed out of the ballroom together to watch an exercise regime that Kara truly believed to be personally created and designed by Frank himself as torture for the modern health obsessed world.



Lena danced around the kitchen gracefully, gliding effortlessly from task to task: stirring a starting to bubble saucepan, adding a dash of spice, arranging three plates, laying out the cutlery, pouring three glasses of wine, dishing up dinner with the utmost precision and then laying the plates out on the table.

“Oh my god, that smells divine!” A voice called out in awe as the door to the kitchen swung open and two cheery Danvers sisters practically hovered inside as their noses led them towards the food Lena had been cooking meticulously in the hopes that it would get her some points with Kara’s sister. “No wonder you fell in love with her, this is incredible.” Alex commented elbowing her sister teasingly whilst shooting Lena a warm smile that made Lena feel like the secret cooking practices she had done over the last couple of days had been all worth it.

“Hey, I am not solely controlled by my stomach!” Kara snapped back, with faux haughtiness, proving the truth of her statement without realising it by delaying diving into her food to instead kiss Lena’s cheek in greeting and pull out her chair for her at the table.

Lena’s heart fluttered at the sweet attention, though it didn’t stop her from joining in on the light-hearted teasing, “My love, when we met for the first time, even you acknowledged you do most of your thinking with your stomach…”

“See?” Alex said around a mouthful of food.

“Humphf…” Kara pouted as she dropped into the seat next to Lena and opposite her sister, her eyes shifting between Alex and Lena suspiciously, “I don’t know how I feel about you two teaming up against me.”

Lena smirked at her in response, “Welcome to my world. I’ve been dealing with you and Sam - and now also Lucy - conspiring against me for months now, it’s only fair that you get a taste of your own medicine.”

Kara let out a dejected sigh, but her blue eyes were bright and it was clear she was inordinately pleased with the easy camaraderie between her sister and fiancée (even if it was bonding over teasing her). Lena reached out and subtly rested a hand on Kara’s thigh and squeezed it reassuringly, instantly Kara switched her fork to her less dominant hand so that she could interlink their fingers unseen below the surface of the table.

“Speaking of food and medicine…”, Alex started with an ominous drawl that had the immediate effect of making Kara’s head shoot up from looking at her plate.

“Don’t you dare!” Kara ordered, her voice high-pitched and panicky.

Alex blatantly ignored the outburst and the desperate cutting motion Kara was making across her own throat, fixing her entire attention on Lena. “Did Kara ever tell you about the time she passed out from eating so much at an all-you-can-eat buffet that the owners called an ambulance fearing she had literally eaten herself into a food coma?”

Lena’s eyes lit-up with glee, always keen to listen to the true expert talk about her favourite topic in the whole world (Kara). “No. But I’m really hoping you are about to tell me the whole story.”

“I hate you both.” Kara muttered darkly, returning to her food with an overly bitter expression.

“No, you don’t.” Alex gloated before making a shushing sound in her sister’s direction.

“Don’t miss out any details.” Lena requested, completely forgetting about the food she had spent an intense hour and a half lovingly crafting.

“Wouldn’t dream of it…” Alex promised, before going full story-teller mode with the signature Danvers enthusiasm. “So, it all started when Kara got into a fight with her university’s football team - I’ll tell you the full story of that debacle after this one - anyway…”



“The answer is yes, my love.” Lena said, leaning against the bathroom doorway as she watched Kara fidget uselessly with one of the decorative pillows that she had moved off their bed. Kara was dressed in her long blue pyjamas that would forever remind Lena of their first few days (nights) getting to know each other. Whilst, Lena would always have a fondness for those pyjamas, even she had to acknowledge that they had a way of making Kara appear smaller than she really was due to being at least two sizes too big. 

Dinner had gone far better than Lena had hoped, having been plagued with fears that Alex would take one look at her and deem her unfit for her sister. She had feared arguments, passive aggression and cold glares... in other words, hallmarks of her relationship with her father for most of her life and with her brother during the interim between her mother’s death and his full psychopathy taking hold. 

Thankfully, it had been nothing like that. 

In fact, it had reminded Lena of breakfast and dinners from when she was younger that she had used to share with her mother and brother whenever her father was away. Light conversation, anecdotes and an abundance of quiet affection. 

It was obvious that Kara and Alex were far more open and forthright with their familial love for each other, and Lena wished that had been the case with her own family. She wondered if it would have made a difference with Lex, to actually hear on a far more regular basis that he was loved and cared for. Lena didn’t know and she tried to avoid hypotheticals when it came to her brother, knowing that sleepless nights and madness lay that way.

It may or may not have made a difference with Lex, but Lena knew that she personally would have appreciated more memories of her mother openly stating her love for her. 

Pushing her reflective thoughts aside of her lost family, Lena moved to sit next to Kara on the edge of their bed, choosing to instead focus on the family she did have and everything she could do right with it.

“I didn’t ask you anything.” Kara muttered, her eyes crinkling in surprise as she quirked her head curiously.

“Not verbally,” Lena revealed, as she reached out and tenderly tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind Kara’s ear, “but this crease right here,” Lena whispered, her forefinger gently brushing the noticeable line between her fiancée’s eyebrows, “did.”

Kara sighed defeatedly, “Damn, crinkle.” 

Lena ducked forwards to kiss Kara’s cheek and hopefully bolster her back into a good mood. Kara beamed at the action and reached out to interlace their fingers together on one hand. 

“What question were you answering?” Kara asked as Lena shuffled closer and rested her head on Kara’s shoulder.

“Did I like Alex? Did I have a good time tonight? Am I okay? Are we okay?” Lena rattled off easily, “The answer to all of them is yes.” Lena repeated, peering upwards at Kara’s profile as she checked, “Did I miss any out?”

Kara shook her head and cleared her throat, “No… that… uh… covers it.”

The engaged couple fell silent enjoying their simple moment of quiet closeness. Lena knew she should suggest they move under the covers so they could cuddle up even more, but she wasn’t eager to pull away from Kara to allow them both to do so. Also, Lena had resolved herself to address the elephant in the room and their current position meant she could be close to Kara without having to look directly into piercing blue eyes that always felt like they could see right to her very soul. The intensity and sheer love those blue eyes contained made Lena feel vulnerable and exposed in a way nothing had ever done before. 

It was those blue eyes that made Lena feel like Lena again after being merely the Queen for so long that she had nearly forgotten entirely about the girl underneath the crown. 

It was those blue eyes that had brought Lena back to life. 

Brought back the young girl she had forsaken years ago.

But still, Lena feared the effect those blue eyes had on her.

She wasn’t truly ready to give up all of her armour. 

What if she tore down all her walls, let out all her demons and Kara wasn’t there to catch her?

What if those blue eyes truly saw her for her and turned away in horror at the sight?

Lena knew that wasn’t true, knew Kara loved her, knew Kara would always be there for her because Kara had promised to be. And Kara had never given Lena a reason not to trust her.

But it was hard… it was hard to push back against years and years of well-cultivated doubts, disappointments and manipulations.

But Lena was trying, because Kara was worth it and because Lena deserved to be happy as well without the dark clouds hovering over her that she wasn’t strong enough yet to dispel.

“I’m sorry, I worried you.” Lena murmured quietly, her words timid and shy, “I should have spoken to you myself during the day but it was non-stop and…” Lena trailed off before shaking her head bitterly and placing a sweet kiss under Kara’s tense jaw, “that’s no excuse. I’m sorry, my love.” Lena said sincerely.

Kara had gone stiff as Lena had started to speak, not due to discomfort or irritation with the topic but just as a side effect of straining to hear everything Lena was saying. “It’s okay. You wanted space.” Kara reassured, squeezing their joined hands together.

Lena swallowed thickly and admitted, “I didn’t actually. I just…” The words caught in Lena’s throat as she struggled against years of harsh lessons and twisted wisdom from her father; it was Kara turning her head slightly to kiss Lena’s forehead encouragingly that gave her the final strength to whisper, “I’m not used to asking for things I want… especially…”

“Especially?” Kara prompted.

“Comfort.” Lena murmured in answer, her gaze fixed on the wall opposite unable to look at Kara even slightly. “Touch.” Kara shifted off the bed, their hands still connected as she kneeled on the floor in front of Lena as the Queen finished her list, “Love.” Lena closed her eyes, as Kara cupped Lena’s jaw with her free hand, fighting to keep tears she could feel building up at a distance. “I was always told those things were… weak… that a princess didn’t ask to be held…” Lena continued, slowly opening her eyes again to peer down into watery blue eyes that took her breath away with the overwhelming love that shone out of them for her. “But you don’t make me feel weak.” Lena declared, reaching out to stroke her fingers through Kara’s golden hair as she lifted her chin and confessed more to herself than Kara, “Being in your arms just makes me feel loved.” 

Kara let out a stuttered breath and before Lena had a chance to react, Kara was all around her. Lena was lying back on the bed, Kara’s arms wrapped tightly around her (tighter than they ever had been before). The blonde was dropping tender kiss after tender kiss on every available piece of skin that her lips could reach, intermittently whispering promise after promise: “You are so loved, Lena. I will always be here for you. You will never be alone again.”

Lena soaked it all up without hesitation, like a flower receiving the first rays of sunlight after a long dark winter.

She rejoiced under Kara’s affection and her heart grew inside her chest.

“I can’t promise I won’t pull away sometimes…” Lena mumbled, as Kara leaned back slightly to inspect Lena’s flushed features, “but I’ll always come back,” Lena vowed, “and I’m trying, I’m really trying.”

Kara bent her head forward, resting their foreheads against one another as she breathed out against Lena’s lips, “That’s more than enough. I’ll always be here and willing to hold you. I love you, Lena. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.”



Lena kissed Kara’s bare shoulder before gradually extracting herself from Kara’s warm embrace. Despite how carefully Lena moved, Kara still stirred acutely aware of Lena’s presence or sudden lack thereof. 

“Lena?” Kara muttered groggily, squirming under the covers as she instinctively wriggled after Lena’s departing form.

“Shh…” Lena soothed, tucking Kara more securely under the covers, “I’m just getting a glass of water. I won’t be long. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 

“Prom-... -ise?” Kara yawned adorably as she began to be lulled back to sleep.

“With my whole heart.” Lena assured, kissing Kara’s forehead before grabbing Kara’s pyjamas that had been tossed aside and slipping them on before heading downstairs to the kitchen, eager to get back to Kara as soon as possible.

Lena slowed as she approached the door to the kitchen, surprised to see a bar of light escaping from beneath the closed door. She opened the door tentatively, not wanting to run in if a palace staffer was doing a late night clean.

“Alex, what are you still doing up?” Lena inquired as she stepped through into the kitchen, causing Alex to swivel round on the stool by the kitchen island revealing a chocolate mustache that she swiftly wiped away with the back of her hand.

Alex shrugged helplessly, her gaze quickly dropping down to take in pyjamas that obviously belonged to her sister (Lena blushed deeply at that and was relieved when Alex didn’t remark on it), “I haven’t adjusted to the new timezone, yet.” Alex explained, lifting the mug that was sitting in front of her. “Figured a cup of hot chocolate might put me in the right frame of mind for bed.”

Lena nodded in agreement before retrieving a glass and filling it with water, her back to the red head.

“How about you? Can’t sleep?” Alex asked curiously.

“Something like that…” Lena replied dryly after taking a sip of her drink and turning back around to lean against the counter, meeting Alex’s eye. “I’m always a little shaky the night after…”

Alex pursed her lips in confusion, “Night after?”

Lena quirked her head at the detective, “A nightmare. I assumed Kara had already told you about it.”

Alex shook her head, “No.” Lena frowned at that, earning her an easy going shrug from the older Danvers who said simply in explanation, “She loves you; she would never jeopardise your trust by telling me anything personal or anything that’s just between the two of you.” 

“Oh...” Lena breathed; Alex jerked her head at the empty stool next to her and Lena didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation as she rushed to explain that she had absolutely no doubts when it came to trusting Kara and she hadn’t meant to imply otherwise. “That wasn’t a… I trust Kara… more than I’ve ever trusted anyone before in my life. I just know how close the two of you are, how much you share and I presumed… It didn’t - doesn’t - bother me. Kara trusts you and that’s what matters. And I…” Lena cleared her throat as she stared into brown eyes that she hoped could tell how sincere she was being, “I love the relationship you two share, I don’t want Kara to ever feel like she can’t talk to you about things.”

“I know.” Alex assured, reaching over to squeeze Lena’s forearm fleetingly in a comforting manner that Kara had done numerous times (Lena wondered if Kara had learnt it from Alex or vice versa, she hoped to find out over time). “Kara told me how much you tried to convince her to be honest with me about your relationship and the lengths you’re going to now to ensure we stay together.”

“It’s nothing.” Lena dismissed with a wave of her hand.

“It’s not nothing,” Alex declared, her tone fierce and determined, “and we both know that.” Lena inhaled preparing herself to argue the point, but the steely glint to Alex’s eyes stopped her from doing so. “So…” Alex started thoughtfully.

“So…” Lena prompted; whilst she was enjoying Alex’s company immensely and was looking forward to getting to know her better in the future Lena’s desire to return to her fiancée was increasing with every passing second.

Alex smiled wryly at her and casually said, “You being a Queen, doesn’t change anything, you know?”

Lena blinked rapidly, taken aback by the statement that she never thought she would hear, “Um… it doesn’t?” Lena squeaked.

“Mmhmm…” Alex grinned, “I’ll still kick your ass if you ever hurt Kara.”

“Oh... Of that, I have absolutely no doubt.” Lena chuckled. “And, just so you’re aware,” Lena added, her tone and expression turning serious, “if I ever do hurt Kara, I will willingly subject myself to whatever punishment you deem appropriate.”

“I figured.” Alex said, her brown eyed-stare softening as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. “That’s not the only thing that doesn’t change, though.”

“Oh?” Lena questioned.

Alex turned on her stool so she was facing Lena directly, “You’re now a Danvers. Forever.” Alex declared with total solemnity, “I know you can’t take the name-”

“I would in a heartbeat if I could.” Lena cut in fervently. She would love to take Kara’s name, to leave behind the weighted history and responsibility of her own last name in favour of a name that highlighted her love for Kara and the hope and joy that love brought to her.

“Kara loves you. I mean… adores you. Actually,” Alex remarked, her gaze turning distant and pensive, “I don’t think there is a word to describe how much you mean to her.”

“She means just as much to me.” Lena murmured honestly, before being brave and reaching out to return the comforting touch that Alex had given her a few moments ago. “And you mean just as much to her.”

Alex nodded in agreement, and Lena was momentarily jealous of Alex’s confidence in her family’s love for her but she pushed it away and instead was merely grateful that Kara had such a steadfast family to depend on. 

“What I’m trying to say is…” Alex continued, “you’re family now.” 

Lena flinched in surprise at that, not expecting such a declaration after only knowing Alex for a handful of hours.

Alex smiled at her soft and warm, reaching out to take Lena’s hand in hers like a knight of old swearing loyalty and fealty. “That means if you need anything, you can count on me. I know you haven’t had the best of experiences with family…” Alex glanced away, muttering quickly, “especially siblings but… uh…if you give me a chance, I would be honoured to try and make it up to you.”

“Oh…” Lena breathed out, unable to fully comprehend the swirl of emotions that Alex’s offer had caused.

Alex winced upon seeing Lena’s blank face and lack of a response, “Sorry, if that’s a bit much but I just wanted to-”

“I would love that.” Lena interrupted once her mind had finally kick-started itself and she realised the opportunity she was about to miss out on.

“You would?” Alex checked, with a kindly tilt of her head.

“Yes.” Lena nodded rapidly. “Thank you.”

“Awesome.” Alex beamed before jumping off the bar stool and opening her arms wide in Lena’s direction. “Come on, then.”

Lena looked at Alex quizzically, unsure what was expected of her. “Huh?”

Alex huffed out a haughty breath, “Look, I’m not a hugger but I accepted, once Kara came along, that I was going to have to get used to it. And you are too, I’m afraid.”

“Right.” Lena laughed, getting to her feet and stepping into Alex’s open arms that wrapped around her tightly and securely.

There were only a handful of people Lena had ever been hugged by: her mother, J’onn (when she was young), Sam, Ruby, Kara and… Lex. 

Now, she could add Alex to that list. 

Alex’s hug weren’t as tight as Kara’s, nor did they make her feel loved or cared for in the exact same way, but Alexs’s hug made Lena feel safe and protected , in a way no one else’s had since her big brother (when he was still her big brother) last hugged her.

All of sudden Lena felt younger, regressing back to that age when her brother was her guardian and saviour. The person she ran to for comfort when her father was feeling particularly cruel. The person who promised she would never have to wear the crown or put on the uncomfortable frilly dresses once he was old enough that people would have to obey him. The person that swore she would get the life she always wanted. (The person who she had once trusted the most in the world to look after her).

Lena sunk into Alex’s embrace, pretending for a few glorious seconds that she had been given a sibling as constant as Alex, someone who she is sure would never have let her down the same way Lex had.

When Lena finally stepped back, the hug had lasted far longer than was probably expected, Lena’s eyes were red and watery and there was a noticeable tremble to her limbs.

 “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Lena murmured, her cheeks flushed with shame at her sudden inexplicable display of vulnerability.

“Don’t worry about it.” Alex muttered softly, her smile understanding and affectionate, “It’s all part of the Super Sister Support Service I provide, which you now have unlimited access to.”

Lena glanced up at her gratefully, “Thank you, Alex.” By now Lena was desperate to escape back to her room due to feeling unexpectedly exposed and raw, but this was also the best opportunity she would have to speak to Alex alone. “There was something I wanted to ask you…”

“Shoot.” Alex encouraged with a nod.

Lena cleared her throat and ducked her head as she thought through what she wanted to say, “I realise considering your very warm welcome into your wonderful family that it might not be wholly necessary but considering that Kara took great pains to ensure she followed any traditions from my home, it only seems right that I follow ones from hers.” Lena raised her head to find Alex watching her curiously, “Alex, you are the most important person in Kara’s life and I would really ,” Lena emphasised, “ really like your blessing to ask Kara to marry me…”

Alex whistled appreciatively at the sentiment then paused for a long few seconds to let Lena sweat it out for a bit before a broad grin eclipsed her face. “You have it.” Alex confirmed, and suddenly Lena felt like she could breath just a little bit easier. Like no nightmare had the power to truly block out the light, warmth and love her life now had in it. “You’ve had it since the moment I realised over six months ago just how happy you make my little sister.”