
Nobody here to listen

Ever come home from a long day at work, to even a longer day at home?

The nights sleeps while your mind is awake... Thoughts, runs through your head endlessly. I eventually have to roll over and flip my phone on to distract myself if I'm planning on getting some sleep tonight..

Ever feel like this before?

If so, just know that YOU are not the only one.. everyone goes through their own struggles quietly... afraid.. scared... unsure, and sadly for many like myself, not having that someone there for support or to listen. Nobody here to listen.. even when I feel like the whole world is on my shoulder. Nobody to turn to.... nobody who cares enough to genuinely check in and say "Are you ok?" or a simple "What's going on?"

Sometimes, it makes me think if I matter? Of course I do.. or so I tell myself.. but you can only tell yourself for so long...

That being said, this book will be focusing on things that I go through from time to time as an expression to just simply get it out there. Letting my voice be heard...

So, if you're someone like me.. I hope you know I am HERE for you.

Life's not perfect and like everyone says, after the storm the sun comes back.. but let's help each other throughout the way.

You matter, you are important and let's support each other through this thing that we call life.

When nobody is here to listen.. I will listen and be your ear.