
all realms traveler

I got the power to open portals to other people dreams but why can t i returen , the worlds and realms clashs and i will conquer the existence of space time and the multiverse

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32 Chs

Chapter Two: The Echoing Silence

Leo's newfound power was intoxicating. Each night, he ventured into the dreamscapes of others, exploring the rich and varied landscapes of their minds. He felt like a traveler in a vast, uncharted wilderness, each new dream a world unto itself. Yet, with every journey, the warning of the Dreamweavers echoed in his mind: "This power comes with a price."

One evening, as he prepared for another journey, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. The air in his apartment felt heavier, the shadows longer and more menacing. He pushed the unease aside and lit the circle of candles, the blue flames flickering ominously. As he lay down and began the incantation, he felt the familiar pull into the dream realm.

He emerged in a dreamscape that was starkly different from any he had encountered before. The sky was a swirling mass of dark clouds, and the landscape was barren and desolate. Twisted, skeletal trees reached toward the sky, and the ground was covered in a thick, choking fog. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the distant, mournful wail of some unseen creature.

Leo's heart pounded in his chest as he took in his surroundings. This place felt wrong, like a corrupted version of the dreamscapes he had come to know. He took a cautious step forward, the ground crunching beneath his feet. As he walked, he sensed a presence watching him, lurking just beyond the edge of his vision.

"Hello?" he called out, his voice swallowed by the fog. "Is anyone there?"

A low, guttural growl answered him, sending a shiver down his spine. He spun around, trying to locate the source of the sound, but saw nothing. Panic began to set in, and he quickened his pace, desperate to find a way out of this nightmare.

As he wandered through the desolate landscape, he came across a figure crouched by a twisted tree. The figure was shrouded in darkness, its features obscured. Leo approached cautiously, feeling a strange sense of familiarity.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The figure slowly lifted its head, revealing a face that was both human and monstrous. Its eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and its mouth twisted into a sinister grin. "I am your shadow, Leo," it said, its voice a rasping whisper. "I am the darkness within you, given form by your power."

Leo took a step back, his mind racing. He had never considered the possibility that his own fears and insecurities could manifest in the dream realm. "What do you want?" he demanded, his voice shaking.

The shadow figure stood, towering over him. "I want what you want, Leo," it said. "To conquer, to control. But unlike you, I have no qualms about the cost."

With a sudden, fluid movement, the shadow lunged at him. Leo barely had time to react, throwing up his hands in a desperate attempt to defend himself. The shadow's claws raked across his arm, leaving deep, burning gashes. He cried out in pain, stumbling backward.

"You cannot escape me, Leo," the shadow hissed. "I am a part of you, and I will always be with you."

Leo's mind raced as he tried to think of a way to fight back. He focused on the power within him, the power of the Dreamweavers, and willed the shadow to dissipate. To his surprise, the shadow recoiled, its form flickering and becoming less solid.

"You cannot defeat me," the shadow snarled, but there was a hint of fear in its voice.

Leo took a deep breath, concentrating harder. He imagined the shadow dissolving into nothingness, and to his amazement, it began to fade. With a final, enraged scream, the shadow vanished, leaving Leo alone in the desolate landscape.

He collapsed to the ground, panting and clutching his wounded arm. The pain was real, a stark reminder that the dream realm was not just a figment of his imagination. He had faced his own darkness and emerged victorious, but at what cost?

As he lay there, the fog began to lift, revealing a path leading out of the desolate landscape. Leo knew he had to follow it, to find a way back to the more familiar dreamscapes. He struggled to his feet, wincing in pain, and began to walk.

The path led him to a tranquil forest, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of birdsong. The transition was jarring, but he welcomed the change. He felt a sense of peace wash over him, and for a moment, he allowed himself to relax.

But the peace was short-lived. As he walked deeper into the forest, he began to sense another presence, one that was far more powerful and malevolent than the shadow he had faced. The air grew thick with tension, and the birdsong was replaced by an eerie silence.

Leo's heart raced as he reached a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing stood a figure, cloaked in darkness. This figure was different from the shadow—its presence was overwhelming, radiating power and malice.

"Welcome, Leo," the figure said, its voice smooth and cold. "I have been watching you."

"Who are you?" Leo demanded, his fear giving way to anger.

"I am the Dreamwalker," the figure replied. "The true master of the dream realms. You have been meddling in powers beyond your comprehension, and now you must face the consequences."

Leo felt a surge of defiance. "I will not be intimidated," he said. "I have faced my own darkness and emerged stronger. I will conquer the dream realms and bend them to my will."

The Dreamwalker laughed, a sound that sent chills down Leo's spine. "You are ambitious, Leo, but you are also foolish. The dream realms are not to be conquered—they are to be respected and protected. Your reckless use of your power has drawn the attention of forces you cannot hope to understand."

Leo felt a pang of doubt, but he pushed it aside. "I will prove you wrong," he said. "I will master these realms and use their power to shape my own destiny."

The Dreamwalker sighed. "Very well, Leo. If you insist on pursuing this path, then you must prove your worth. There is a place, deep within the dream realms, where the boundaries of reality and illusion blur. It is called the Nexus of Dreams. Find it, and you will find the answers you seek. But be warned—the journey is perilous, and many have lost themselves in the process."

Leo nodded, his resolve hardening. "I will find the Nexus of Dreams," he said. "And I will prove that I am worthy of this power."

The Dreamwalker nodded. "Then go, Leo. But remember—every step you take brings you closer to the point of no return. Choose your path wisely."

With that, the Dreamwalker vanished, leaving Leo alone in the clearing. He took a deep breath and set off toward the unknown, his mind filled with determination and fear.

As he journeyed deeper into the dream realms, the landscapes became more surreal and treacherous. He faced countless trials and challenges, each one testing his resolve and pushing him to his limits. But he pressed on, driven by a burning desire to prove himself and master the power that had been bestowed upon him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the edge of a vast, shimmering lake. In the center of the lake stood a towering, crystalline structure—the Nexus of Dreams. Its surface glowed with a radiant light, and Leo felt a magnetic pull drawing him toward it.

He waded into the lake, the water cool and soothing against his skin. As he approached the Nexus, he felt a sense of awe and reverence. This was the heart of the dream realms, the source of their power and mystery.

He reached out and touched the crystalline surface, feeling a surge of energy course through him. His mind expanded, and he felt a deep connection to the dreams of others, a web of consciousness that stretched across the multiverse.

In that moment, he understood the true nature of his power. It was not about control or conquest—it was about understanding and harmony. The dream realms were a reflection of the collective consciousness, a tapestry of thoughts and emotions woven together in a delicate balance.

Leo knew that he had a choice to make. He could continue down the path of ambition and risk losing himself in the process, or he could embrace the true purpose of his power and protect the dream realms.

With a heavy heart, he made his decision. He would become a guardian of the dream realms, using his power to maintain the balance and protect the delicate web of consciousness.

As he stood there, bathed in the radiant light of the Nexus, he felt a sense of peace and fulfillment. He had found his true calling, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

For in the world of dreams, nothing is ever as it seems, and the journey is never truly over.