
all realms traveler

I got the power to open portals to other people dreams but why can t i returen , the worlds and realms clashs and i will conquer the existence of space time and the multiverse

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32 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: The Pirates of Nexus-7

The Dreamwalkers had barely had a chance to catch their breath after defeating Nerezza when Eldarion summoned them again. The urgency in his voice was unmistakable, and the Dreamwalkers, though weary, knew their duty was far from over.

They gathered once more in the Temple of Whispers. Eldarion's normally serene face was etched with concern, his silver eyes reflecting the flickering torchlight.

"Dreamwalkers, our victory over Nerezza has brought a brief respite, but a new threat has emerged," Eldarion began. "A rift has opened in the fabric of the dream realms, connecting us to a world called Nexus-7. This world is fraught with dangers unlike any we've faced before."

"Nexus-7?" Elysia repeated, her golden eyes narrowing. "What kind of world is it?"

Eldarion sighed, his expression grave. "Nexus-7 is a chaotic realm where pirates, aliens, and war criminals coexist. The balance of power is constantly shifting, and its inhabitants are ruthless. The rift is unstable, and if it isn't closed, the chaos of Nexus-7 could spill into our world."

Leo's eyes hardened. "Then we need to go there and seal the rift before it's too late."

Kael, ever pragmatic, nodded. "But we need to be prepared. We don't know what we're walking into."

Liora's fiery determination blazed in her eyes. "We'll face whatever comes our way. We have to."

Eldarion nodded, his gaze sweeping over the assembled Dreamwalkers. "Then prepare yourselves. You leave at dawn."


The journey through the rift was disorienting. The Dreamwalkers found themselves in a world vastly different from the serene landscapes of their homeland. Nexus-7 was a sprawling, dystopian metropolis, its skies choked with pollution and its streets teeming with activity. The air was filled with the acrid scent of smoke and machinery, mingling with the sea breeze from a distant, toxic ocean.

Their arrival did not go unnoticed. Almost immediately, they were confronted by a gang of rough-looking individuals, their faces scarred and their eyes gleaming with malice. These were the pirates of Nexus-7, notorious for their brutality and lawlessness.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" sneered the leader, a hulking man with a cybernetic arm. "Fresh meat?"

Leo stepped forward, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "We're not here to cause trouble. We just need information."

The pirate laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Information comes at a price, stranger."

Elysia's eyes flashed with warning. "We're not here to play games."

The pirate's expression darkened. "Neither are we."

Before the situation could escalate, a voice cut through the tension. "Enough, Voss."

A figure emerged from the shadows, a woman with sharp features and an air of authority. Her presence commanded respect, and the pirates immediately fell silent.

"Who are you?" Kael asked, his eyes wary.

"My name is Captain Zara," the woman replied, her gaze assessing the Dreamwalkers. "And you are clearly not from around here. Come with me. We have much to discuss."


Captain Zara led them through the labyrinthine streets of Nexus-7, finally arriving at a hidden base. Inside, the atmosphere was tense but more controlled than the chaos outside. The walls were lined with maps and tactical displays, evidence of meticulous planning and strategy.

Zara motioned for the Dreamwalkers to sit. "You mentioned needing information. About what?"

Leo explained the situation, detailing the rift and the potential consequences if it remained open. Zara listened intently, her expression growing more serious by the minute.

"The rift you speak of has already caused disruptions here," Zara said once Leo had finished. "It's brought creatures and entities from other worlds, making Nexus-7 even more unstable. If left unchecked, it could indeed bring ruin to both our worlds."

Liora leaned forward. "Do you know how to close it?"

Zara nodded. "There's a device, an ancient artifact known as the Celestial Seal. It's said to have the power to stabilize and close interdimensional rifts. But it's not going to be easy to get."

"Where is it?" Elysia asked, her voice determined.

Zara's eyes darkened. "It's in the hands of Draven, a war criminal who controls one of the most dangerous factions in Nexus-7. He won't give it up willingly."

Kael clenched his fists. "Then we'll take it from him."

Zara smiled, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "I admire your spirit, but Draven is not to be underestimated. His fortress is heavily guarded, and he has powerful allies."

Leo stood, his anger now a controlled burn. "We've faced powerful enemies before. We can do this."


The journey to Draven's fortress was perilous. Nexus-7's landscape was a maze of crumbling buildings, treacherous alleys, and hidden dangers. The Dreamwalkers moved with caution, their senses heightened by the constant threat of attack.

As they neared the fortress, the scale of their task became clear. Draven's stronghold was a sprawling complex, fortified with high walls and guarded by heavily armed soldiers. The air was thick with the scent of fear and oppression.

"We need a plan," Kael whispered, his eyes scanning the defenses.

Zara, who had accompanied them, nodded. "We'll need to create a diversion to draw the guards away from the main gate. Once inside, we'll have to find the Celestial Seal quickly."

Leo's eyes blazed with determination. "Let's do it."

The plan was set in motion. Zara and a small group of her best fighters created a distraction, engaging the guards in a fierce skirmish. The Dreamwalkers used the chaos to slip through the gates, moving swiftly and silently through the shadows.

Inside the fortress, the atmosphere was tense and foreboding. The halls were lined with trophies from Draven's conquests, a grim testament to his brutality. The Dreamwalkers moved with purpose, their senses on high alert.

They found Draven in a grand chamber, surrounded by his most loyal soldiers. He was a towering figure, his presence radiating power and menace. His eyes glinted with malice as he regarded the intruders.

"So, you're the ones causing all this trouble," Draven said, his voice a low growl. "I've heard about you."

"We're here for the Celestial Seal," Leo declared, his voice steady.

Draven laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "Do you think you can just take it from me? You're fools."

Elysia stepped forward, her golden eyes fierce. "We're not leaving without it."

Draven's smile was cruel. "Then you will die here."

With a signal from Draven, his soldiers attacked. The chamber erupted into chaos as the Dreamwalkers fought for their lives. Leo's blade clashed with Draven's, their battle a furious blur of light and darkness. Kael and Liora fought side by side, their powers complementing each other in a deadly dance. Elysia moved with grace and precision, her attacks striking with unerring accuracy.

Despite their skills, the Dreamwalkers were hard-pressed. Draven was a formidable opponent, his strength and cunning making him a deadly adversary. The soldiers, loyal to the last, fought with a ferocity born of desperation.

As the battle raged on, Leo found himself face to face with Draven. Their eyes locked, and Leo felt a surge of anger and determination. He would not let this tyrant win.

"You can't defeat me," Draven sneered. "You're just a child playing at being a hero."

Leo's eyes blazed with fury. "I'm more than that. I'm a Dreamwalker."

With a roar, Leo channeled all his anger and power into a single, devastating strike. The force of the blow shattered Draven's defenses, sending him crashing to the ground. The Celestial Seal, a glowing orb of ancient energy, rolled from his grasp.

Elysia moved swiftly, securing the Seal before Draven could recover. "We've got it!"

Draven, bloodied and defeated, glared at them with hatred. "This isn't over. You may have won today, but Nexus-7 will never be free."

Leo met his gaze, his expression hard. "We'll see about that."

With the Celestial Seal in their possession, the Dreamwalkers made their escape. The fortress was in chaos, the remaining guards too preoccupied with the ongoing battle to pursue them.

As they emerged into the streets of Nexus-7, Zara met them with a relieved smile. "You did it. Now we can close the rift."

Leo nodded, his anger finally giving way to a sense of purpose. "Let's finish this."


The ritual to close the rift was intricate and dangerous, requiring the combined power of the Celestial Seal and the Dreamwalkers' abilities. They stood at the heart of Nexus-7, the sky above them swirling with the energies of the rift.

As they channeled their powers into the Seal, the rift began to shrink, its chaotic energies dissipating. The process was exhausting, pushing the Dreamwalkers to their limits.

Finally, with a brilliant flash of light, the rift closed. The skies of Nexus-7 cleared, and a sense of calm settled over the city. The Dreamwalkers had succeeded.

Zara approached them, her expression one of gratitude and respect. "You have saved our world, and possibly your own. Nexus-7 owes you a great debt."

Leo, his exhaustion evident, nodded. "

We're just glad we could help."

As the Dreamwalkers prepared to return to their own world, they knew that their journey was far from over. New challenges awaited them, and they would face them together, their bond stronger than ever.

The battle for the dream realms was not just about defeating their enemies. It was about protecting the balance of worlds, and they would do whatever it took to ensure that balance was maintained.