
Flowing Stream City

In a forest, a young man was running through it while a bunch of Core Formation monsters was chasing him.

The funny thing is the monsters were like old men rather than monsters. They had a humanoid body, differently sized beards, and faces full of wrinkles. But one thing they all share in common was that their tongues were sticking out while their mouth was drooling. They looked like a bunch of wild dogs chasing after an immortal chicken wing.

The young man was, of course, Hou Yan. While he was running through the forest, he met an 'old man' who was having some troubles and tried to help him. While Hou Yan was helping out the old man, the old man secretly moved his hand behind Hou Yan and grasped Hou Yan's butt. The moment the old man held Hou Yan's butt, Hou Yan's face lost all color. Without wasting any time, Hou Yan jumped 3 feet away from the old man and looked at him with disgust.

"What the fuck old man. Why did you have to grab my butt like that?"

"Hehe, young lad. There is nothing to get angry about. All I did was put some use to your jiggly meat buns."


Hou Yan was truly disgusted by the old man's comment about his butt. When did he even have a jiggly butt? Such a perverted old man. Did he think I was Chris Griffon?

Without paying the perverted old man any more attention, Hou Yan left him there. What he didn't know was that the old man called for some reinforcement and chased after Hou Yan.

When Hou Yan sensed the old man was following him, he was truly enraged. Was he still trying to do some gay shit to him again?

"Old man, stop following me."

"Young man, you truly have some amazing senses. I didn't think you would sense me from all the way here."

The old man revealed himself from behind the tree.

"I don't care about your praises and shit, stop following me or else I will kill you."

"Hoho, we sure got a feisty one here. Maybe the others will like to play with him too. Just thinking about it gets me hard."

The old man was mumbling to himself, but Hou Yan heard everything thanks to his amazing senses. When he felt more entities were coming towards them, Hou Yan realized what was going on. Without wasting any more time, Hou Yan ran away in full speed but he was truly naive. Did he think he could beat a bunch of Core Formation fogies in a speed race? Hell no!

"HAHAHA. Young lad, come back! Come have some fun with us old men! We will truly give you a blissful fuck!"

"IYAAAA! My chastity is at risk here!! System help me!"

'I don't need to intervene. Just keep on running, there should be a city ahead.'

"Oh, a city? Nice! Maybe I can finally eat a nice meal after running away from the sect for days."

It has been a week since Hou Yan ran away from the sect. When he exited out of the south gate, he thought he was saved but after few hours, some inner disciples and elders were chasing after him. It was because of that one elder that stopped him and reported his identity to the sect master and the Peak Lord.

Hou Yan kept tricking them for quite a while using his Invisibility Arts but that wasn't enough to stop them from chasing him so he was forced to seek asylum in the forest.


*Back to the present*

After hours of running away from the old men, Hou Yan finally stepped out of the forest but he didn't stop running. The weird thing is after minutes of running away from the forest's exit, Hou Yan wasn't able to sense the old men but when he looked behind him, he was a bunch of old men, who were drooling and had boners, just staring at him with lust.

"Gross! What the fuck is wrong with these old men?!"

Hou Yan's body shivered from the lustful stares they were giving him.

'They are monsters... just like those lolis you met before.'

"WHAT!? I fell for it again! Damn it!"


After a while of running, Huge walls with a gate in the middle came to Hou Yan's view. The gates were open but were being guarded by 4 guards. Many people were entering and leaving from the gate. Hou Yan followed behind the ones who were entering and when he reached the guards, he had to pay 10 bronze. Although 10 bronze may not seem a lot to Hou Yan, to the poor it is.

The city was bustling with many stalls selling things or people buying things. Hou Yan decided to browse through what the people were selling in case he finds a divine treasure and such things.

"System, can you give me information about this city?"

Hou Yan asked the system while checking out the things that were being sold at the market.

'This city is called Flowing Stream City. Its name derives from the river that flows near the city. It is also the water source of the city. This city is governed by the city lord mansion, the Mu family. Below the Mu family is the Chen family, Xiu family, and lastly, the Qin family. An interesting thing is that near this city is a forbidden ground which is going to open up in a week. The top families plan to send their geniuses to the forbidden ground so they can temper themselves.'

"Oh? Looks like I need to pay that forbidden ground a visit."

'Would you like to receive your gift for reaching Foundation Establishing realm?'


'Yeet... You have received Executioner's Slash technique.'

"Oh, what kind of a technique is it?"


<<Executioner's Slash>>

With a single slash, it is able to put your foes in their graves, but those who manage to survive, never last for 10 days. The Executioner's slash is a sword technique, which has 3 moves.

First move: Deadly slash

Second move: Soul Slash

Third move: Life severing, Immortal killing slashes

The first move aims at the enemy's vital points and with a single slash could put them to death.

The second move ignores the enemy's defenses and rather slashes at their souls. The soul is the most vulnerable part of a living being. Even if an immortal has a strong body but a weak soul, you can kill them with the second move.

The third move also the strongest move requires one to be at the Void Shattering realm in order to use it or else one would truly be seeking death. The third movement has three slashes, each slash destroys your past, then your present, and your future.

Even immortals with unfathomable lifespans would die from these slashes.

The drawback of the Executioner's Slash technique is that if the foe is stronger than you by a lot, then it would do little to no damage to them.


Hou Yan was elated when he found out how heaven-defying this technique was. Now all he needed was a sword and he was set to go. Who knows, he might even annihilate those bunch of tweeps in a week.

At a blacksmith, Hou Yan was browsing through the swords that were on sale. Although the swords looked formidable, none of them had a good sharpness.

On the corner of his eye, he saw a dark sword. The sword was so dark, it would even blend with the night sky. It was also so sharp that just touching its edge would cause blood to spurt out. Without waiting for a second, Hou Yan bought the sword.

He then headed towards an inn to spend the night there. Inside his room, Hou Yan was checking out the sword when he was suddenly attacked by dark energy. It turned out that a demonic cultivator left a wisp of his conscious in the sword and was planning to take over someone's body. The blacksmith was nearing age limit so he wouldn't take over his body but rather a young cultivator who thinks the sword looks cool.

Unfortunate for the demonic cultivator, his consciousness was captured by the system and used to strengthen Hou Yan's own soul. All of this event, Hou Yan hasn't realized what had happened.

Here is a chapter for my hungry children.

Y0ur5_Trulycreators' thoughts