

*WARNING!!!* EXTREME LEVELS OF CULTURE!! *Lemons? - In excess!!!* *V's? - Of course yes!!* *Plot? - Divine!! [Stop right here cultured bros and sis. Hope you are skillful with holding your phone in one hand? Because I bet ya, you'll need to, lol]... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "Put some pants on, your d**k is staring at me" the lady in white heavenly transparent attire said to Alex. Alex looked around trying to figure out if truly this was heaven and if he had died. He wasn't all too sad about it because at the end, if heaven had naked women walking around, then it did live up to the hype. "You are dead but it's a bit complicated. You see, I know a way you can go back, but I can't guarantee you'd get what you want. Do you want to go through with being reborn?" The lady with the alluring body said to Alex. With every word escaping her kissable lips, Alex listened with keen attention. Of course he would, for all he knew, he was basically staring at a god's pussy. That alone had beat all the accomplishments of his life time. "Yes, I'll do it," Alex agreed to being a subject of the lady's experiment knowing fully well it could be the end of him. ****** Alex Riley, a man in his late thirties whose life changed into a nightmare when he caught his wife cheating with his boss. Frustrated, Alex left his apartment but little did he know he was living his life behind as a terrible accident occurred that lead to his boss and wife dying. Alex is pinned down for the death of the two. Alex now having spent about a lifetime in prison finally decides to give into the charms of his prison Warden, Brenda. Brenda had chased Alex for years but finally, she got hold of him. Now engaged in the act with Brenda or as he was about to, Alex discovered Brenda might be too much for him. Alex died a pitiful and ridiculous death. His whole life ended in a flash as he found himself drifting away from Brenda's unrestrained bouncing on him. But second chance awaits Alex and he looks to make good use of it. Now reborn in a new world, Alex finds himself starting over. A new start..a very very different world from the one he knew before. However, Alex runs into the impossible; Alex finds himself in a squabble with a god, the lust god. And of course Alex was defeated but not just that. The lust got made Alex his herald. Now blessed with a system by the lust god, Alex is tasked with the heavy burden of collecting wives. #No Yuri #No NTR *WARNING!!!* THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN R18 SCENES, VULGAR WORLDS, SOME INSTANCES OF ABUSE AND A WHOLE LOT. IF THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU AVOID IT. OTHERWISE, ENJOY!!!... Join the discord ... https://discord.gg/HK2h8R9skE Ig profile and link : @darkknight4266. https://instagram.com/darkknight4266?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ== NOTE :Not my cover...will.gladly take it down if owner wants

Dark_knight234 · Fantasi
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239 Chs

The world I used to love

Sitting in a dark room with minimal source of light allowed in, crouched in a fetal position was a man who was most likely in his late forties. The beards on his face appeared unkempt and generally allowed to grow up to the point his lips could be barely seen.

He sat still listening to the sounds of dripping water from a faulty pipe connection .He loved the sound produced as the water made contact with the floor. It was the one thing that kept him sane to a certain degree.

Silence, a thing that he had grown all too accustomed to was now but a tiring and reoccurring phenomenon that he wished would come to an end.

But even with the acknowledgement that hope had departed him a long time ago, it was only common sense at this point that it would only be wishful thinking for him to find comfort in his current situation.

Life imprisonment wasn't something to be joyous about and in the case of Alex Riley, he never once believed he would end up this way.

Already spending the better part of his life locked up in one of the world's worst thought up idea of a correctional facility, he had come to achieve something that took him quite a while to come to, CONVICTION.

Alex was convinced that the world simply had no rules but one and that was that it was fueled by the cruel ingenuity of man. Of course, this had to be so and he was prepared to stand up and argue about it if ever given the chance to.

He had valid points locked away that he wasn't shy to unleash. For one, if the world wasn't cruel, then why would his wife and his boss be caught having sexual intercourse right on the course of his honey moon?

Surely, such event was enough to make a man question the fairness of the world. But even if that was brushed aside and categorized sadly as a normal occurrence in this day and age, then what then would be said about him being locked up after the the incident simply because for some reason, his boss and his wife were both found dead in a hotel a week later with VERY specific organs missing.

It simply did not make sense that he would be locked up without proper evidence other than the fact that he had a more "easier to work with" motive to have done such hideous crime.

After all, since there wasn't a finger that could point in any other direction, someone had to take the fall for it. And unfortunately, while the world seemed to be spinning right for everyone else, Alex, perhaps was left behind.

*Bang!!! Bang!! Bang!*

A loud sound resonated through the steel door that blocked his way for years. He was sealed in tight and had been in this dark room for as long as he could remember.

He would be lying if he ever said he was getting used to the ordeal. Far from it, Alex wished daily that he could see the light again.

He prayed to different gods and deities that he knew that he be presented with the direct view of the sun so that he may apologize for his ignorance all those years when he still had his freedom.

Alex never believed a time would come when his biggest worry would be to set eyes on the sun but then again, that was what happened when one lived in a world filled up with too many uncontrollable variables that could at any point spiral out of control.

*Bang!! Bang!!! Bang!!*

The door was clasped heavily again by whomever was at the opposite side of it. Alex although not happy with his current situation got up fast this time and staggered towards the door.

Old age had caught up with him quicker than it should normally. Furthermore, sitting in the same position, sometimes for days, wasn't exactly the most advisable exercise choice but Alex did it anyway.

Although wobbly, Alex managed his way to his cell door and just midway through the entire length of the door was a small open bracket and a tray sticking through it.

Alex grabbed onto the tray and it's content firmly, mindful, he didn't want to spill what might be his sustenance for days to come. If there was one thing he had quickly learnt to do, it was cherish moments like this.

But as Alex held onto the tray and expected that it would be allowed into his possession, he found it more difficult to dislodge it from the grip of whomever was passing it through the small slit to him.

"0069...hmmm you know, I've always liked your tag number. Reminds me of several things..one of them is something I plan to do to you if only you'd stop being...you!" The voice behind the hand holding onto the tray finally was heard. Cold and brash, the voice spoke with a confusing mix of disdain and desire.

Alex at that point shook his head a couple of times. He knew exactly who was behind the door at that moment. How could he not? He had spent years hearing the same lines being repeated to him. There was obviously no way he would have the voice confused for another. It had to be one and only one person.

"Good day, sergeant Brenda," Alex spoke...

"Fu*k ...your voice ...would love to hear you moan with that sexy, deep, manly voice!" The one referred to as Sergeant Brenda, said.

Once again, on hearing this, Alex shook his head because just like every other thing that was seemingly a routine, this was one of them as well. Brenda and her never ending advances.

He hoped to catch a break from it but knew better than that. If only there was a way to make her stop or get rid of her completely but sadly, after years of repeated advances, he knew the woman had no quit in her.

"0069 ..you are silent ..Hey, it's been a while since I saw that pretty face of yours. Let me indulge myself for a moment, right sweet?" Brenda giggled at her own idea.

Still hanging onto the tray with one hand, she grabbed onto a handle just above her head slightly and pulled it sideways. Another slit opened again, although, this one was wider and revealed the interiors of Alex's abode. A plain cell room with a worn out mattress and a bucket left at an obscure corner should in case he needed to take care of business quickly.

"Boy, you haven't aged a bit. Just like twenties years ago, you are still that slick bad boy I cuffed," Brenda said to Alex as they both met eyes. Yes, as interesting as it may sound, Alex's tormentor also played a crucial role in apprehending him for his "crimes".

"Brenda..listen..I'm a bit tired and need this food.please let me have it?" Alex requested politely, shoving aside all remarks made by Brenda to begin with.

"Yes..yes..you do need to eat. But as you can see, your situation is rather dire and in your hands. The K- section of the prison has never been more quiet as it is now. Most of your fellow inmates that came in with you are either dead from natural causes or have been met by the full weight of the law.

You on the other hand, you appear to be resilient to nature's calls. It takes a real man to survive through the treatment you go through but that's the point and that's why I want you, 0069, " Brenda voiced her mind.

"Brenda, I just want to eat. Can this wait?" Alex begged again.

"No..no.. it can't wait. As a matter of fact, most of the officers are out on inmate control duty as we speak. A handful have also left the facility under the call of the governor to pad his convoy lacking in numbers.

So in a nutshell, there aren't enough staffs to go around not to talk of anyone coming to the K- section. So babe, we have the whole section to ourselves. I cuffed you and brought you in here remember? Come on now and take your revenge on me!!" Brenda said with a high pitched voice pointing towards the side of enthusiasm.

"What?! I'm sorry, but that can't happen," Alex asked not quite grasping what Brenda was on about.

"Fine, you are right. This can't happen...NOT with this door in the way," Brenda said and right then, she let go of the tray and with the tug put on it by Alex the whole time, the unexpectedness of Brenda's action caused a chain of events that led to the tray being dislodged from his grip and therefore, his food splattering all over the ground.

Alex out of desperation crouched down and began to pack what he could back on to the tray. At a point, he forfeited that process and just straight up began to scoop it into his mouth. The whole time, he was oblivious to the actions being carried out by Brenda which involved opening his cell door and standing just at the entrance watching him.

"A man ..but now you are behaving more like a dog. Well, that's good for me because you are about to be just that for me," Brenda spat as she gazed at Alex.

Slowly, she walked over to Alex and not until she got directly in front of him and was standing over him did he notice that she was present. He looked up and met eyes with what be never thought was possible again. His eyes almost jumped out from their sockets. ...

"B..B..Brenda?"...Alex muttered...

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Slow start? Definitely. But this is just the introduction. Things speed up quickly. Let me know you are reading, drop some powerstones. Thank you...

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