
Talent Show Prep!

'All around me, I see girls. I see so many, in shapes, sizes, and colors.

I see different types of beautiful, oh so beautiful.

Pretty girls that like sitting outside and soaking in the sun.

The dark pretty with black eye makeup, wild hair, and piercings.

The bad bitch pretty with killer highlight and striking style.

The lazy pretty with the snapbacks and sneakers.

The bookish girls with glasses and sweaters that will make your heart melt.

The soft angel pretty girls who look as sweet as a peach with soulful eyes.

The cute girls with chubby cheeks and messy hair and it seems like warmth emits from them.

Girls are just so fucking beautiful.

And oh God don't I love them

All around me, I see boys. I see so many, in shapes, sizes, and colors.

I see different types of beautiful, oh so beautiful.

There are the boys who give off tired grins.

There are the boys who run their fingers through their hair and it ends up sticking up everywhere.

There are the boys who have soft pudgy tummies.

There are the boys who get flustered and giggle away their embarrassment.

There are the boys who have a twinkle in their eyes where you can tell they're amused even though they aren't smiling.

There are the boys who hug like no other, their arms feel like home.

There are the boys who truly enjoy being themselves around they love and care for, and you can see the happiness in their eyes.

Boys are just so fucking beautiful.

And oh God don't I love them.

All around me, all I see people. I see so many, in shapes, sizes, and colors.

I see different types of beautiful, oh so beautiful.

There are people who don't know where they belong.

There are people who don't identify as anything and don't need a label if they don't want one.

There are people who want to know acceptance and love.

There are people who doubt their handsomeness and beauty and I'm here to tell you:

Everyone is so fucking beautiful! And oh God don't I love you all.'

I couldn't help but squeal in excitement. My excitement paused as I heard my phone ding with notifications.

Honey, Ezra, and Rodas texted me at the same time with Honey and Ezra wanting to call me, so I suggested a group facetime while continuing to text Rodas. Honey asked what happened in the gardening club today, I excitedly jumped in.

"I made flower crowns for Ezra and Rodas. I wished you joined the gardening club so I could've made you one too! They look so cute, I'm gonna send you some pictures, their faces got so red that they couldn't talk. I don't know why though. They were nice enough to walk me home too."

Honey smiled and responded, "You guys are so cute. I know why they got so red." I perked up at that as Ezra yelled at him to shut up.

"Thank you. You don't have to tell me why they were red. Ezra doesn't want me to know yet, so I'll respect that." Ezra smiled at me while Honey gave a sheepish look.

The topics varied as the night went on, till Honey asked if any one of them was participating in the talent show and I shyly raised my hand into the camera. Catching Ezra's attention.

"Really, what's your talent?"

"Singing. I wrote a song for the talent show. I'm nervous about it but I know I can do it." I said twirling a piece of hair.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear you sing beautiful. I think I should call it a night. I'll see y'all tomorrow " Waving Ezra good night it was only me and Honey.

"Hey, Asteria could you give me a little snippet of you singing?"

I shook my head, "You're gonna have to wait just like everyone else. I have to make sure my sisters are ready for bed or already sleeping. Good night Honey." Honey pouted, but waved as I hung up the phone.

Getting up from my seat, I stretched and walked to their room and quietly knocked, before entering and see both of my little sisters sleeping peacefully. Tiptoeing into the room, I place a kiss on their foreheads before tiptoeing back out, yawning I began to walk back to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.

Morning came quickly and I'm up making sure my sisters are up I hear Estella scolding Ida and I peek in to see Ida holding onto her crib as Estella is trying to pull her off of it.

"Let me try Stella," I said walking in and replacing my hands around Ida watching as our baby sister let go and hug me while Estella watched slack-jawed.

"It's official she hates me. It's ok when she's older and she wants to hang out or steal my clothes I'm gonna remind her of this." I couldn't help the laugh that was slipping through and Ida clapped her hands together.

"She's a baby right now, that's not fair to her future self. Plus she knows I won't drop her." I stuck my tongue out as Estella covered her ears and walked to the bathroom.

We woke up a little earlier today so I walked downstairs to prepare a little breakfast when I heard the door knock. It's early in the morning so I was confused, but shrugged and head over to the door and opened it slightly, and see Daisuke. I opened it wider surprised at seeing him.

"Daisuke?! What are you doing here?" He scanned me from head to toe, and then looked at Ida.

"Ezra told me that you moved into the new house, and since it's close to mine I thought I could be nice for once and walk you and your sisters to school in the mornings." I blinked a few times before stepping aside and letting him in.

"Thank you. I was preparing to make breakfast so I'm not leaving right away, I hope that doesn't cause any inconveniences." Seeing that he shook his head I set Ida in her high chair and started looking for ingredients.

"Did Ezra suggest that you walk me or was this really out of the goodness of your heart?" I asked looking at him as I whisked some eggs and milk together.

"I can be nice. I've been a real douche towards you and you haven't given me a real reason for me to be a douche bag. I wanna try again, it doesn't matter to me, if you find it weird forget I said anything about it." Daisuke said drumming his fingers against the table.

"Thats interesting. So that means everyone else in the school must've done something to "deserve" your douche bag attitude?" he glared at me opening his mouth to respond, but I continued, "Or you just want to try again because you realized that we have similar tastes and you want a friend? In either case, that's fine. I happen to like this weird relationship we have... Powdered Doughnut." I ended with a smirk again he opened his mouth but Ida cut in.

"Doughnut! Doughnut!" Ida chanted clapping her hands together.

"Yes Ida, Doughnut! What's this?" I asked pointing to the big plate of scrambled eggs.

"EGGS!" Ida yelled out excitedly kicking her legs up and down. I put some eggs for her and Powdered Doughnut. He gave me a look.

"Whenever you're waiting for us. I'm gonna make you breakfast. I don't wanna hear it. Shut up and eat up."

"BATHROOMS CLEAR!" I smiled and picked up Ida.

"We're almost done. Don't do anything stupid." I said to Dai jogging up the stairs seeing Estella waiting at the top, wiggling her eyebrows at me and I push her forehead while rolling my eyes. "Get dressed weirdo."

I walk into the bathroom and disrobe Ida and myself and let the water from the showerhead Ida giggled and tried grabbing at the water. I bathe and wash her, before doing the same thing for myself and getting out.

"I'll change her. Go ahead and get dressed for your boyfriend." Estella said grabbing Ida and closing the door in my face.

I go into my room and pulled out a peach-colored hoodie dress with white sneakers, heading downstairs. I grabbed our stuff from the fridge. I do a mental check and open my mouth to speak, but Dai cut me off.

"I'm not leaving till you eat Tsubaki." I jumped at Dai's voice.

"I'll be fine. I don't want my sisters to be late." I could feel his eyes digging into the back of my head.

"We have time."

"Fine." I ate and then we left to go to school.