
Chapter 12

<p>The night went rather slow maybe fast but,our young maiden wouldn't know because she didn't get a glimpse of the night rest. <br/>She was awake the whole night thinking about her problems, current situation. <br/>She would've never imagined her mother would throw her out of the house. <br/>She never believed her biological mother would act the way she did. <br/>It's not about taking Mary's side but throwing her away.<br/><br/><br/>"Are you okay?" the gentle voice behind her woke her. <br/><br/>She looked up out the window and was surprised to see they're already at the company. <br/>She was too busy thinking about things that she forgot where they were. <br/>She tends to one out this days.<br/><br/>"Are you sure you wanna go in? You know i might call in sick for you" Cordis asked beaming all smiles.<br/><br/>Dorris stepped out of the taxi as they bid her father good bye. She politely declined Cordis offer. She can't run away and hide. It's not as if she got pregnant out of wedlock.<br/><br/><br/>"I think i'm good. The day will be gone even before you notice" Dorris comforted herself. 'She needed it.<br/><br/>Cordis held their bags in her left hand while supporting her friend with the other. <br/>She is not crippled but, she was totally bruised from the hitting and pushing last night. <br/>It was too much that it left tons and tons of marks on her face. <br/>It was so bad that she had to wear a scarf to conceal most of it because even with tons of makeup, she couldn't cover it all up. how pitiful.<br/><br/><br/>"Come on, we need to report in before eight" Cordis said as she held the door for Dorris. <br/>They needed to hurry or they will be late.<br/><br/>They went over the machine and swiped in their cards and walked in to Cordis cubicle. <br/>Dorris sat on the empty seat waiting for the canteen to open up. <br/>She loves her new job, at least she meets different people, different faces everyday, people she didn't know works in the company.<br/><br/>"So, what's the plan"? Cordis asked powering up her working system, <br/><br/>She knows Dorris like the back of her hands but she needed to hear from her. <br/>She wanna know the plan, although she's not throwing her out but, she is an adult and she needs to plan her life well.<br/><br/>Dorris looked up and sighed. She wanted to go back home and apologise. Not just to apologize, she want to talk to her parents. <br/>They're family and she needs them. <br/>She'd never imagined her life without her family, it would be a mess. that's what she thought.<br/><br/><br/>"Well, uhm..... i thought about going home but, that's not a good idea. IF i know my mom too well i will know that she won't wanna see me now..... atleast for now" Dorris stated staring at her wristwatch. <br/>It was her birthday gift to celebrate her 20th birthday. <br/>Her mom had used up her entire savings to buy the watch as it was her company's new release then. <br/>That's just how obsessed she is with this company.<br/><br/>"Have you heard from Olivia?" Cordis asked yet again. <br/>she was never one to talk but she didn't wanna give her friend the room to be consumed by her thoughts. <br/>The only way to keep her up and active is having this continuous conversation.<br/><br/>"Well....no... the last time i saw her was Monday. Why did you ask ?" Dorris replied yet throwing a question at her friend.<br/><br/>"There's this rumor about her in the HR department"<br/><br/>"What is it then?"<br/><br/>"They said she is in a romantic relationship with our....'<br/><br/><br/>Cordis couldn't finish up her little gossip as Olivia chose to walk in on them discussing about her. it's good she didn't hear anything or heaven might let loose.<br/><br/>Dorris looked up to stare at her Olivia. To her surprise she was well dressed. <br/>She wore a cream color blazers, a black scarf loosely placed around her neck and black stilettoes. 'This is a miracle' Dorris thought. <br/><br/>They was something wrong with OIivia, you wouldn't know from her attitude but Dorris knew. She've been working with Olivia for a year and half. <br/>They've been though the seasons in the same company and same department. <br/>She had always been the loud one. <br/>The one that speaks the most even when no questions were asked. <br/>She'd been the one to show off cleavages, she enjoys the sight of her cleavages visible from her tops and jackets. <br/>She'd been the one to make the most noise and loves dressing half naked. <br/>The old boss couldn't do anything about it and couldn't fire her either. <br/><br/>But, today is different.<br/><br/><br/>Seeing Olivia walk into the office quietly, is different. <br/>More like suspicious. <br/>You know the feeling of having a loud parrot around you and suddenly it goes dumb. <br/>Not really dumb but the quiet way. You know something is off with the parrot.<br/><br/>Either it's sick or Mr death is knocking on it's door.<br/>That might be the case with Olivia.<br/><br/><br/>***********************************************************************************************<br/>When Dorris said the day will be gone even before you notice, she was right.<br/><br/>After she had the little morning dose with Cordis, she went down to the canteen to start the day's work. <br/>The canteen does not open until 10 o clock but no one knew except Cordis. <br/>She couldn't bring herself to tell her family about the little conflict and demotion at work as it will only raise suspicions. <br/>Besides, she was not in a good state with her mother then and now. <br/>She kept her ordeal to herself to let her mother breathe and live her life. <br/><br/>That is one misfortune that she can't handle.<br/><br/>The day had gone by with Dorris running around the canteen serving her co workers and running round the company serving her higher ups. <br/>People in higher positions like her boss's manager and the rest. <br/>They are lots of people in higher positions in the company. <br/>People that earn real money right there in the company. <br/>They are people that makes their research and designs come true, people that makes their designs and dreams become reality. <br/><br/>They're the ones that order for their food. <br/>They do come down for lunch or some snacks when they have little to nothing to do which rarely comes. <br/><br/>On days when they have a lot of desingning and production to do, they stay up and busy all day. They have their quarters in the company, where they're free to rest and sleep if they work late into the night.<br/><br/>They are the people that kept Dorris on her toes all day, special thanks to the elevator for making her steps shorter and the rest. we all know it ain't easy to walk around all day in heels.<br/><br/><br/>Dorris sat on a low bar stool Kate had placed in the office massaging her toes and rotating her ankles. Her legs looks swollen and painful.<br/>She heard the door unlocked as someone walked in whom she presume to be cordis. <br/><br/>She is the only one that could wait for her so late into the night. No one else will ever do that.<br/><br/><br/>"Should i quit working already? I thought my position would been giving back to me as he promised. But no, he just wants me to suffer, he wants me to know pain and feel pain too. Why am i so unlucky? My family rejected me and now my boss hates me? Why is life being unfair? Why? What did i do wrong? Didn't i do well before earning the position of the team leader? Didn't i do my job well? i did well. i did a good job to earn the position of the team leader. Our old boss speaks highly of me. He always praised me before the others. He treated me with respect, so did the others. I worked hard to get to where i am today. Now what is happening? What did i do wrong? "she sobbed.<br/><br/>She held her swollen feet massaging it gently <br/>"is this the outcome of our first night? Is this my punishment for getting into bed with my boss?.... What will happen when his family hears about it? what will happen to me then? i don't want to suffer anymore Cordis. I don't know what will happen if our boss keeps hating me and my little efforts, he didn't even assign someone to help me...." Dorris kept lamenting to whoever walked into the room. She poured out her pent up pains, it was the only way to help her heal.</p>