
All I Want to Do is Rest with my Firekeeper

Firekeeper is hot. Elden Ring + Dark Souls

balls_1124 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs



Our lips met, a familiar soft velvety surface bringing a smile to my face.

Pulling back, we stared at each other for but a moment, before diving back in. Our tongues wrapped around each other as her hot body pressed against mine.

How long had it been since our last time? Five? Six, seven days? And for it to happen so soon… I'd be a fool not to notice something amiss. Coming back to my senses, I peeled her off of me, her jaw going slack at the sudden action.

"What are you trying to do?" I calmly whispered to her. "I know this isn't you, so I want an honest answer. I won't judge you for acting this way, I just want to understand."

From the corner of her mask, tiny streaks of wetness stained her cheeks, slowly trailing down her face. "As lady Melina stated, I shall play the role of a maiden. What other use do I have, Dave?"

She croaked, grabbing the hems of her dress to pull the upper half off. "Wouldst thou still cherish me? Love me? Keep me around if I was nothing more than dead weight? Face it, my existence is nothing but a burden to you, the next great "Elden Lord". Hehe~. I wonder if thou would take me up on my offer? Rest in my bosom, because that's all that I'm worth now. A simple bed warmer."

What the-?

Forcing my hand, she pulled over to her breasts, holding it in a tight enough grip for me to squeeze the soft pillowy mounds. "Worry not, my dear~. I'll always be by thine bedside when needed~."

A grimace eclipsed my face, as I tore my hand out of her grasp, frustration slowly piling on in with every words she said. "Leave you!? Why would I!? Look around us. Everyone who has encountered me in my journey is gone, all except you. Greirat, Yoel, Yuria, Gael, Yoshka, Karla, Irina, Orbeck, and even my teacher, Cornyx. None of them are here, except for you. I have no one else but you… and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Then, she stopped, whimpers reverberating out of her as she pulled herself closer to my chest. With her pacified(?) in my arms, I gently pat her back, trying my best to reassure her of her worth. Ha~. "You know, I really should stop calling you by your job."

"B-ut… Bu-" She stuttered, sniffling in between her words.

"I know, I know. You renounced your previous name as soon as you became a firekeeper." Cusping her chin, I tilted her head up to face me. "But, I think continuing to do so even after the flame threw us into this vibrant new world, would sound weird."

"Al.. alright."

"Wonderful." I cheered, pecking her blindfold. "Then, from this day forth, your name shall be…" Uhh… "Vestia."

Crap, I knew I should have thought about this sooner. Look at what you've done, Dave! This is what happens when you don't account for all of the possibilities, you moronic imbecil-

"It's… Beautiful…" She spoke, her words sounding more composed. "Vestia, the name of the person who will accompany you throughout your journey, thick and thin; great calamities and gods. I th-thank th-ee… for all that thou hath d-one for my s-ake.." Her voice turned shaky, as the edges of her lips curled.

"There's no need for that." I dismissed. "Your continued service is good enough as is. The fact that you've helped me so much already is enough. Frankly, I still feel like no matter how hard I work, I will never be able to repay the debt I owe you."

"Is that so?" Her voice went deeper, huskier. Pins and needles shot up my spine as her hand went below my waist. "We're already here, so why not continue, if thou were to allow it, of course."

"Yes!" My brain unconsciously blurted, only for immediate regret to take over as the potential detriments to my beloved's mental state swept my mind. "Wa-"

My cries were swiftly silenced with her mouth, locking me in her passionate kisses. Then, her tongue swooped in, wrestling with my own as I engaged with it, trying to prevent its advances.

These attempts were futile, and only prolonged the inevitable. A haze clouded my thoughts, loosening my grip on the situation, only for it to slip completely when her hand wrapped around my second head.

Pulling back for air, I could only inhale so much before the Fir- Vestia returned with double the force, pleasure mounting under her ministrations.

This was really getting out of hand. And in the nick of time, my brain had set up two possible routes to take. Either I pin her down until she begs for mercy, or I pull her off.

Snaking my hands around her body, both sets gravitated towards her firm bottom, grabbing onto it as I lifted her up.

"Hmm~?" My partner hummed with interest, pausing her actions for a moment. "Wouldst thou prefer to perform such debauchery whilst standing up? Very well, I shall accommodate acco-"

Propping her against the large gate walls, she parted away with her undergarments as I sent them into the ether. An almost evil grin adorning my face.

"I really shouldn't have done this, you know? But, if it makes you feel better, then sure. Why not, right?" Using my left hand, I pressed my fingers up against her damp crotch. "Before we go any further. Are you sure, dead sure, you want this? To make things clear, I am not asking you this because I don't think you're ready, I am asking you this because I worry for you mentally. I don't want to lose another person because they lacked the resolve to continue further in life."

Vestia, for her part, was stunned, her jaw clenching as her fist balled up. "Yes." She firmly stated.

"Then, enjoy the ride~." I throatily replied, plunging into her depths without a second thought.

Immediately, she gasped for breath, her breathing only growing heavier as my right arm reached around her back and onto her right breast. "Ah~! Hmm~." She whimpered, trying to suppress the noises coming out of her mouth.

"Oh how the turns have tabled" I commented, her body practically melting into my arms. "You might have had the advantage earlier, but now, it looks like it's your turn to be on the defensive. I wonder, how do you plan to retaliate such a substantial force?"

She tried to speak up, but every time she did, only moans were able to come out of her mouth, as my fingers drastically sped up their movement. Her inner walls clenching around my digits while a flood of her ceaseless discha- cum(yeah let's go with that) came spilling out.

"So soon? And without having me climax at least once?" I jested, following up my words with a chuckle. "Looks like I'll have to pick up the slack-."

In my moment of distraction, Vestia pushed me to the ground by kicking off of the wall and exploiting my relative lack of physical strength.

Dropping me to the ground a worried laugh exited her mouth as she wobblily balanced herself in this new position. I was losing control, again. While it wouldn't be too much of a hinderance to my plans, for the sake of my pride, I couldn't let this continue without some resistance.

However, if I wanted to succeed in this little game, then I had to approach the problem with a little more tact.

Allowing her to steady herself, Vestia seems to have taken it as me giving up. As, over the course of the next few seconds, she began acting as though she had triumphantly slain a great foe. Only to find out there was a second phase.

Lining herself up to my rod, her lower lips profusely dripped onto my length. And in one fell swoop, she dropped herself, alongside a well-timed thrust.

"Wha~!?" That was all she was able to utter before being replaced by her sultry wanton moans. My cock had reached the deepest depths of her dungeon, her walls clamping down on my member.

My beloved firekeeper's body couldn't keep up as it collapsed right on top of me, the same grin returning to my face. "How the mighty have fallen. What are you going to do now~?" I questioned in a sing-song tone. Lifting myself off the ground, my legs found themselves unable to move, an immense weakness infiltrating my limbs as they refused to respond.

A secret poison? Nope, but it was an entertaining idea. Instead, it was the seedlings of lust, rooting me to the ground as my dick throbbed inside of her. The confines of her sex felt heavenly, just as I remembered it. Howeve-

Not another thought sprung from my mind as I focused on keeping myself a float. My breath became ragged and hoarse, difficulty rising with each second as I tried my damnedest to keep the flood in check.

Once again, the laughter continued, as Vestia tore herself from my chest. "Thou efforts are commendable, Ashen One. -Uh!- But, you still lack the necessary planning needed to pull off such a feat." She proudly stated, difficulty evident in her voice.

Her hips began to pick up pace, the clap of our flesh building towards a consistent rhythm. One after another, her onslaught did not faulter. But, I was not going to take this laying down!

Placing both hands on her ass, I pierced her dragon's nest with all my might, only accomplishing so much before being overwhelmed by the pleasure.

"Finally at your wits end. Seems like I am to be the one who comes out on top this ti-ha- time. Pray tell, what was it that you originally planned?" My partner inquired.

No words were spared, in its place, a smile etched on my face. Pulling out of her for but a moment, I dropped Vestia onto her back, a groan escaping her lips at the impact. "You're right, I never planned for any of this. Only through my quick thinking was I able to diffuse the situation, but not completely. If it's any consolation, then please know…"

Silence permeated through the air as I lined myself up to her entrance. "Know what?"

"I love you." I finished, pushing past her folds and diving deeper than before. My cock disappeared inside of her, as I continued my barrage, muffling her whimpers with a kiss.

Continuously pounding at the woman before me, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment for what it was worth. Our tongues danced around each other, exploring the other's mouth. During this time, my hands didn't stay idle either, scooping up the bountiful mounds that were her breasts, taking in delight when they filled the space of my palm.

Pillowy, soft, as though it could slip from my grasp if I pressed it too hard, but also perky enough to where it could still hold its shape. Hmm~, I wonder how sweet they would be?

"Is there some-nm-thing wrong?" Vestia asked as I left our kiss. "Oh? Is that what thou seekth?" Bobbing my head, I nibbled on her nipple, all the while pacing out my thrusts, timing them with my breaths.

Her walls tightened all around me, trying to wring me for all I was worth. And soon enough, I let go of the restraints, a flood opening inside of her. Bursts of spunk leaving my body as I took in a deep breath.

Crap. Well, there was no going back now. Especially not after what I just did, not unless I took drastic measures. Though, I didn't regret it. In fact, I felt sort of happy, weirdly enough. Recomposing myself, I removed my phallus out of her vagina, a trail of my cum following with it.

Alright, now we rest.…Why do I hear an orchestra playing in the background?

[A/N: Anyone order subpar smut? Well, you're getting it anyway. This took way too long to finish, so it would be nice to receive some feedback and in which areas I improved in. Thank you for reading my efforts. Copy and paste stuff below, of course.

Anyways, if you find anything wrong in the fic, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and what I could have done in place of what is present.

Join discord server. I have one.: htt ps://disco rd. gg / eTb2kPab4z

I also have a pat reon at h tt ps:// www.patr eon .com /balls1124. Right now, there's only 1 advanced chapter, but I'll try my best to fit in a few more.

With that being said, goodbye!]