
All Hail the sect leader (The strongest sect of all time)

This is the journey of Jun Chang Xiao making his sect The Strongest Sect Of All Time

LuoChuan · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
65 Chs

Chapter 51

Xi Wei Yile's head rolled outside the Yanwu Stadium, a smile and surprise frozen on his face.

He had seen Jun Chang laugh dodge his attack with incredible speed. "A warrior with an open pulse level moving this fast? Did I underestimate him?" Wei Yile thought before his head was cut off, his thoughts dying with him.

The most remarkable part was Jun Chang laughing after killing him, saying, "Elder Wei, is this knife genuine?"

The sword was indeed genuine, but Wei Yile would never hear it or respond.


The headless corpse first knelt, then collapsed, blood pooling around it.

"Third brother!" Wei Yi screamed in grief, anger consuming him as he brandished his spear and charged.

"Whoosh!" The spearhead, infused with spiritual power, flew at Jun like a bolt of lightning.

Jun Chang dodged, moving with ghostly speed, though he deliberately held back, not revealing his full potential to avoid alarming Xie Chengzhu.

"You will die!" Wei Yi shouted, attacking fiercely.

Jun Chang continued to evade with calculated steps, waiting for the right moment. When Wei Yi lunged again, Jun Chang smiled, swung his Qinglong sword, and sliced through Wei Yi's spear, then his neck, in a single fluid motion.

Wei Yi's head flew off, landing beside Wei Yile's. His face twisted in pain, showing he suffered before dying.

Jun Chang stood over the body, the blood-stained sword grounded, and said coldly, "Mess with me, and I'll kill you."

These six words, combined with his lethal aura, created a chilling atmosphere.

Xie Chengzhu, watching from the hall, was stunned. He hadn't expected Jun Chang to kill two Lingquan Sect elders so effortlessly.

"City Lord, according to our investigation, Zhou Tianba and his men were mostly beheaded by a sharp blade," recalled Xie Chengzhu, connecting the dots. "Could Jun Chang really have destroyed Heifengzhai?"


Wei Yi's headless body hit the ground, blood gushing out.

Jun Chang wiped his sword and put it away, saying, "Apologies for staining the martial arts field with their blood."

"Jun's head," Xie Chengzhu asked curiously, "What footwork did you use? It was so mysterious."

"Phantom Step," Jun replied.

"Phantom Step? Never heard of it," Xie Chengzhu mused, unfazed by the Wei brothers' deaths.

The sword had no eyes, and they fought at their own risk.

With the bounty secured and his enemies dealt with, Jun Chang smiled, "Xie Chengzhu, I must return to handle sect matters. Farewell."

Xie Chengzhu glanced at the Wei brothers' bodies, "You've killed Lingquan Sect elders. Be cautious."

"They provoked me first," Jun Chang smiled.

"Lingquan Sect, backed by the Holy Spring Sect, won't care about the details," Xie Chengzhu warned.

Jun Chang shrugged, "I'm not one to shy away. If they provoke me, I'll respond in kind."

He said this with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Farewell," Jun Chang repeated and left.

Watching him go, Xie Chengzhu thought, "This young man isn't one to be trifled with."

From the footwork displayed, it seemed plausible that Jun Chang might indeed have destroyed Heifengzhai. After all, his speed and skill suggested he was no ordinary warrior.

As Jun Chang left the city's main house, he stopped by a merchant to exchange jewelry and jade from Heifengzhai's treasury, netting 32,000 silver taels, more than his initial estimate.

Including the reward from the city's main house, he now had 50,000 taels. "This should be enough to support the Ironbone Sect," he thought, feeling content.

"Ah," he sighed, stepping out of the merchant's shop, "being rich feels good."

Suddenly, a petite girl rushed past him, nearly knocking him over. Jun Chang instinctively checked his pockets but found nothing missing.

"Running in such a hurry, must be giving birth," he muttered.

The girl stopped, turned back, and exclaimed, "Jun's head!"

Jun Chang smiled, "Do you know me?"

"Brush! Brush!"

Several strong men rushed in, surrounding them. The leader, angered, shouted, "Stop right there!"

The leader's voice faltered as he felt a blade on his neck.

Jun Chang smiled, "Friend, it's rude to shout. And one should always be polite to a lady."

"Yes, yes," the leader stammered, his anger replaced by fear, "I'll be polite, I promise!"