
Logistics and Lawyers 3/3

The following morning Timothy tried to dress semi-casually. He had an important meeting today and he didn't want to be the asshole Mr. Barrett. However, he felt too uncomfortable going into the lion's den in casual dress and changed into a full suit before leaving for his appointment. Tim had a meeting with Jason Lane, attorney at law and head of Lane Law Group. He was one of Mia's elder brothers.

Timothy needed a lawyer. While he felt certain that Lane Law could not represent him as it would be a conflict of interest, he believed that Jason could give him the name of someone that could. Someone discreet and trustworthy, those were his requirements. This need had Tim sitting in the attorney's waiting room feeling decidedly uncomfortable. He adjusted his tie for the tenth time.

"Stephanie, you can send Mr. Barrett in now." The cultured voice came through the intercom on the assistant's desk.

"Right this way, Mr. Barrett," The woman showed Tim into Jason's office promising to be back promptly with refreshments. Jason was sitting in a large leather chair behind an impressive desk. Floor to ceiling windows rose behind him with expansive views of Norde City and the harbor beyond it.

"Have a seat Mr. Barrett," Jason motioned to either one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Just Tim is fine," Timothy asserted before taking a seat.

"I must say, I was surprised to find you on my calendar this morning. You had to have gone to some lengths to get this appointment. My staff isn't easily bribed." Jason acknowledged jovially.

"Yes, it was a bit of a challenge, but important things often are." Tim said carefully, a smile showing momentarily.

"Well, we are here so let me first say thank you for protecting Mia a few days ago. Dominic was misguided when he allowed that article to be published. Rest assured Tim that Mia will not be forced into anything she doesn't want to happen." Tim watched Jason as he spoke and could tell that the man was not happy with his brother Dominic. Trouble in paradise, perhaps.

"I will always try to protect Mia and my children," Timothy told the Lane brother plainly. "Which leads me to why I am here."

"I need a lawyer; a discreet lawyer and I don't know who to trust." Timothy said looking pensive. "I need an attorney that can quickly draw up the Heir Apparent Documents to protect Mia and the twins." Tim finished feeling nervous.

"Surely, you know that they don't need your money, Mr. Barrett?" Jason remarked coolly.

"No, they don't need money, but they might enjoy their lives more if it is not spent running from Barrett Group, my family, vultures, the paparazzi, and any number of unsavory people that would come for them if they were not protected by Heir Law. Sure, the Lane family can protect them, but it would be one battle after another." Timothy sighed, taking a breath before continuing.

"My children should not have to fight for what is theirs already. If Dominic kills me tomorrow," Tim smirked at Jason's snort, "I need the documents in place so Mia can run the company until the twins reach their majority and can inherit. Plus, having to hide my son is not a situation I care to repeat. With everything that he has been through, Sage deserves to live a normal life." Timothy took a breath, finished with his rant.

"Hmm..." Jason's steepled his fingers in front of himself clearly thinking on Timothy's words.

"Why not have your attorneys draw up the papers?" Jason questioned, squinting his eyes at Tim.

"Several reasons, I don't trust the information to stay private or the paparazzi not to descend like rabid dogs. My attorneys will balk at the contents of the documents that I intend to draw and fight me which will take longer. The stock fluctuations will be reduced if the documents are already in place when the existence of heirs becomes known. I'm sure you can agree that not everyone will be thrilled that I intend to put a Lane in control of Barrett Group." Timothy explained.

"The last reason I have is a safety concern for the twins. My father in his infinite wisdom had an illegitimate child, my late half-brother Hector. Hector is survived by my nephew Asher whom my father gave five percent of Barrett Group to in his will. His mother is a conniving and dangerous woman that hopes to have her son inherit the whole pie. She already tried to harm Ginger in the bone marrow theft." Timothy growled scowling deeply

"Luna Maynard should be locked up in Bern City for what she did but instead she is here in Norde City as Mayor Shelbert's daughter and so untouchable. Luna is the one that very nearly caught us at Aide Castle two days ago. Can you imagine if she were to find out I have a son with no protections in place." Timothy shivered involuntarily. These were the thoughts that kept him up at night.

"Let's think about this for a few minutes," Jason hit the intercom asking Stephanie to bring them in drinks before motioning for Tim to join him at the conference table by the large window. "Who do we have that can work with us to avoid conflict of interest?" Jason questioned aloud.

Stephanie came setting a tray with coffee and croissants on the table.

"Help yourself," Jason said deep in thought. Everything that Barrett said rang true to him. He was a lawyer he could smell lies and half-truths easily. If the man wanted to protect his children, it would be foolish of the Lane's to try to stop him. No use in fighting unnecessary wars. Especially if it costs them their sister to do it. It was then that a commotion was heard in the waiting room.

"Is Timothy Barrett in there?" Dominic's voice was loud in the quiet atmosphere.

"Brother, calm down..." Nathan's voice was quieter than his brother's. Then both men were standing in Jason's office. Timothy turned to face Dominic, not bothering to get up.

"This is what I meant when I referenced Dominic killing me." Tim deadpanned to Jason.

"Indeed," Jason acknowledged his lips a thin line.

"Dominic, Nathan either sit down and shut up or leave, I don't care which." Jason said. "Tim?" Jason was clearly asking if he cared. Tim shook his head leaning back in his chair.

"Why does Barrett get a vote?" Dominic snarled.

"I mean it Dom, cut it out or leave. This is my company not yours. We are working." Jason snapped at his brother fed up with his antics.

"Stephanie. Bring me the files on all the attorneys that have petitioned for affiliation with Lane Law for the last six months or so." Jason spoke into the intercom.

"Right away, sir." The assistant replied over the intercom.

Timothy made himself a cup of coffee and took a sip. Good coffee Tim thought trying to ignore Dominic's glare that was heating his face. He set the cup down before turning his attention to the eldest Lane. Raising an eyebrow, he spoke simply "What?"

"Why are you here, Barrett?" Dominic snarled.

Jason stepped in and summarized all the key points of his and Tim's conversation in that way that only a brilliant lawyer could. Dominic's scowl only deepened. Tim couldn't help but feel sorry for the man's wife. He had never seen Dominic Lane look anything but unpleasant.

"Mia and the twins do not want or need your protection. We can protect them just fine without your type of help." Dominic seethed; the words were spoken through his teeth.

"Don't be obtuse, Dom." Jason interjected, "The Heir Document would provide a buffer between the twins and Barrett Group, Tim's wishes would put someone we trust in charge of the twin's inheritance. Tim is offering, it would be madness to refuse him simply because you don't like him. Sage would not have to hide any more. Think about your nephew. Why should he have to be a secret? Imagine what that must be doing to the boy's mental health and self-esteem. You can't hate Barrett so much that you would allow Sage to suffer when he doesn't have to."

"We already have a document with his signature on it claiming Mia's children as his heirs." Dominic said quietly.

"Mia still has that? Good for her but unfortunately it would prove to be useless." Tim admitted with a frown. "There were other people in that hospital room that would swear I signed it under duress as my dying grandmother refused to have surgery unless it was signed. Even Mia refused to sign it in front of witnesses. Without myself or my grandmother around to back it up a judge would throw it out." Timothy took a breath before continuing.

"Which would lead to the courts ordering paternity testing, Overseers from Barrett Group being called in to assess the twins. If Sage's health issues were discovered, the overseer would try to have him declared unfit." Timothy sighed, "We must continue the way I have requested to protect all three of them. Surely, even you can see that Mr. Lane." Tim turned his gaze on Dominic who looked unhappy but trumped for now.

"It seems you have done your research to determine how to proceed." Jason said approvingly.

"What, do you think I wanted to step into the lion's den and get my head bitten off?" Timothy chuckled with a shake of his head. Nathan snorted. "It's the right thing to do and I would like to be able to sleep at night again sometime soon." Timothy admitted.

Stephanie walked in then with a file box and set it on the table before promising to bring extra refreshments and leaving. There were easily two hundred files in the box.

"We must whittle this down. there are simply too many applicants. Tim any thoughts on how to proceed?" Jason was mainly curious about how Barrett would think about the issue when he asked the question.

"I would remove any males under say forty years of age. Ambition is the death of discretion. Likewise for women since they might act on the opportunity to seek favor with one of us. I would reject anyone with even a hint of financial distress. Ideally, I would choose a middle-aged woman with children that looks to prove herself valuable in her profession but not in any other way." Tim finished speaking then took another sip of his coffee.

"I agree," Nathan quipped, "do you have one of those in this box, Jason?"

"Let us find out. Tim is right, set aside anyone within the criteria he just laid out." Jason told the group. "How much time did you bribe out of my staff?" Jason asked Tim.

"Three hours," Tim chuckled. "Though I need to leave a little before noon." he admitted.

"Something important?" Nathan asked. Nathan knew that Timothy had spent the twins lunch hour outside the school the day before. He had told the teachers not to interfere unless Timothy tried to remove the children from the property or harassed the children or teachers.

"It is important to me." Tim said it simply and returned to categorizing folders.

"If we don't find someone this morning, I will set up another block of time later this week." Jason told the other man. Timothy thanked Jason and continued searching through files.

"What if Mia marries?" Dominic asked suddenly.

Timothy swallowed looking up at the man, "Mia is a woman of integrity. I don't believe she would allow her marriage to impede our children's future." With that said he went back to reading files.

When Timothy excused himself to use the restroom, Jason hissed at Dominic in an angry tone, "Stop fighting common sense. Barrett clearly wants to do the right thing. Let him. You should be happy we don't have to go to war with him over this but instead you are acting like a tyrant. Don't you care about Mia's happiness anymore? Or is satiating your ego at Barrett's expense more important than anything else now?"

"Barrett is getting too close to our family. This must stop." Dominic growled in a low tone.

"Dom, you are acting crazy." Nathan told his brother. They stopped talking as Tim walked back to the table.

A little before noon Tim left Lane Law and headed to the school. He was excited to see the twins. Tim hoped that today Sage would try to interact with the other children but knew that it might take more time for him to open up to his peers. Timothy's driver parked in the same spot as yesterday, and he settled himself in to wait for the children to come out.

A few minutes later children poured out onto the playground. Ginger was with Sage and pulled him to the monkey bars. Ginger climbed up and made it five of the eight rungs before she dropped. She motioned for Sage to try. Begrudgingly. He tried to copy her but dropped after only two rungs. Tim realized that Sage's illness was likely affecting the small boy's strength. Sage looked around at the other children, embarrassed, but they were all busy with their own activities.

Sage tried the short balance beam with his sister but was unable to balance for very long. Tim assumed that was also a muscle strength issue. Finally, the pair turned to the swings and were soon laughing. Recess ended with his children in good spirits. It was clear that Sage was still struggling with the aftermath of his illness. Hopefully, with time those issues would start to fade.

Timothy stopped at a restaurant and grabbed a take-out lunch on his way back to the hotel. Him and Caleb were going to spend the afternoon drawing documents that would make Caleb Winters his new Vice President of Operations for Barrett Group. They needed to work out many things such as Caleb's official job description, pay benefits and pension plan, and the exact command structure and authority for his position.

The duo started working as soon as Timothy returned. They ordered dinner when they became hungry that evening and finally finished the documents a couple of hours after sunset. Timothy was happy that Caleb was so enthusiastic about starting his new position. He decided that he would send the documents in on Friday to human resources within Barrett Group. That way, Monday would be Caleb's first day on the job.

Timothy checked his email one last time for the day and found an email from Jason that said that he thought he had found a suitable candidate for their situation. Jason asked him to come on Friday afternoon for a couple of hours to meet with the attorney. Tim hoped the process would go smoothly. He didn't think the process would take all that long if everyone agreed and the attorney was competent.

Before jumping into the shower Timothy sent Mia a text telling her that he couldn't wait to see her the next day. He climbed into bed with no response from her but just before he fell asleep his phone buzzed. Tim looked at the message nervously and then it bolstered his spirit. The words were plain, a simple 'I'll be there,' but knowing that she hadn't changed her mind helped him to get a decent sleep for the first time in a while.