
A New House

Mia knew that Timothy couldn't follow immediately. When she got outside, she saw Caleb pacing on the steps.

"I thought you weren't coming, Mia" Caleb said.

"I got held up fighting with Dominic." Mia sighed with frustration.

"I thought he wouldn't be here." Caleb looked at her confused.

"Dominic had someone watching for Tim's car and because it is so unique they called him immediately." Mia explained to Caleb who was quickly becoming a friend to her as well as Tim.

"Well damn, that explains the car issue." Mia climbed into the car and Caleb went back to pacing.

Mia switched her rings back, becoming even more annoyed at the situation. By the time Timothy came out of the building some ten minutes later, Mia was fuming. Tim stopped to talk to Caleb before Caleb headed off toward the car park.

Tim got into the car with her. Timothy took one look at her angry face, her tense posture and he reached over and pulled Mia into his lap wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I am so sorry that this is happening to you." Timothy whispered into her hair.

Mia asked what had happened after she left. Timothy sighed, telling her that Dominic had mainly just insulted and threatened him and that it wasn't worth discussing at length. The situation was behind them so they should let it go. Mia wasn't sure she agreed but chose to listen to Tim's request.

Dominic had told Tim that he had ways to force Mia's compliance but didn't want to. He asked Timothy to do what was right for Mia and the twins and leave so that things could progress naturally allowing Mia to be happy. Dominic didn't seem to notice the appalled looks on his brothers' faces. Timothy tried to push the unpleasantness from his mind.

"The rest of the day is ours and we are going to enjoy it. Let's go see our house. I want you to start getting a design picture in mind." Timothy placed a kiss below her ear enjoying the way Mia shivered at the contact. He told the driver an address and then tipped her head back with a hand on her neck and brought his lips to hers.

The kiss began slowly, a spark just igniting. Mia's hands came up to tangle in Tim's hair pulling him against her. She wanted so much more than a kiss and soon she had moved to straddle his lap. Tim groaned as her heat met his core. He quickly stilled her rocking hips knowing that if they continued their sweet torture, he would bury himself in her right here in this car. Their kiss was feverish as their tongues moved together.

Mia's mouth pulled away from his mouth leaving a hot trail along his jaw, down his neck and across his collarbone and shoulder. Tim's head rolled back on the headrest. He was burning alive. All he knew was that he wanted so badly to let Mia continue rolling those hips against him. He had never felt need like this before.

"Baby... we need to..." He moaned as her tongue circled his nipple. When had his shirt been unbuttoned? Tim was taking ragged breaths, she was everywhere. Tim pulled Mia tight against his body holding her still trying to slow his pounding heart,

"Baby, we need to slow down. We are far from our bed, and you deserve better than to have our wedding night in this car. I want you so badly that I need your help to keep this from happening here." Tim told her desperately. Mia finally nodded and climbed out of Tim's lap because if she stayed there, they wouldn't make it.

Tim rebuttoned his shirt and tried to relax but Mia kept shifting like she was slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you ok?" Tim asked her curiously.

Mia sighed slightly embarrassed, "I'm wet." 

At her words, Tim once again flopped his head back on the headrest and groaned. But then he wanted to know, and he dropped down on the floorboard in front of her.

"Tim, what are you doing?" Mia asked.

"Baby, just let me..." Tim's words trailed off as his hand snaked under her skirt and along her thigh. With the other arm he pulled Mia's hips forward so he would have access. With two fingers he pushed her underwear aside and slid his fingers into her slit. She was soaking wet.

His fingers brushed against her nub and her whole body jerked as she moaned. Mia was so ready for him. His fingers brushed over her repeatedly until she was crying out with each stroke. He knew the driver could hear and began to worry they might crash.

Timothy brought his mouth to Mia's until it was only whimpers against his mouth. He slid a finger inside her and then another as he continued to stroke that nub with his thumb.

Tim was burning up, he ached but he couldn't stop. He wanted Mia to feel pleasure. He wanted to give her an orgasm right here and right now, He started moving his hand faster pressing a little bit harder. He curled his fingers inside her.

He moved his mouth to suck on her neck and then her body arched against him, and she moaned low and throaty. Tim continued working his wife into a frenzy. How he wished he bury himself in her heat right now.

After a few minutes, Mia's whole body shuddered, her breathing ragged. After a couple of moments, she opened her eyes and grinned at him widely. Tim removed his hand and grabbed a couple tissues. He had never been so turned on or ached so badly in his life. It seemed that the bar kept being set higher with his beautiful wife.

Timothy opened the partition and asked the driver to find them a restroom. When the driver answered he could have sworn the man smirked. The driver had been with him ten years, so Timothy wasn't worried.

The driver stopped at an AllPark which was an upscale gas station with facilities. They went inside and used the restrooms to get cleaned up before they got back into the car. Timothy poured them each a glass of wine and the car got back on the road.

"Do you feel better now, sweetheart?" Tim asked the word coming automatically.

"Infinitely better but you must be miserable." Mia said.

"I'll manage." Tim smirked though to be honest he was in pain. He was also blissfully happy to be able to bring Mia such pleasure. Timothy was finally understanding why people placed so much importance on physical intimacy. It bonded one person to another.

Tim could also now understand why Nicholas had not given up. He had been bonded to Mia for months and couldn't forget. Timothy knew what it was like to be with her now and he would never forget.

Nick had said that he knew how good she could be and with startling clarity those words would drive a knife into Timothy if he let them. This wasn't sharing hour though. Mia was his, she was his wife. Nicholas would just need to accept it and move on.

"Where are we at?" Mia asked after a few more minutes.

"Just pulling into the area known as Diplomat Hill." Timothy said looking out the window at the late afternoon sky.

"What are we doing here?" Mia asked curiously.

"We live here, sweetheart." Tim answered. Mia turned to look at him but just then they pulled up to a driveway and iron gates opened before them. The car followed a long-manicured driveway before circling a large ornate fountain to stop in front of a mansion. This wasn't a villa, not even a mega-villa like Lane residence. It was a mansion.

Timothy got out of the car and reached a hand back in to Mia. A woman Mia didn't know was a few feet away.

"Mr. Barrett, it is good to see you again." The woman gushed.

"Likewise, Jennifer." Timothy led Mia over to the woman.

"Sweetheart, this is Jennifer, she is the agent for the house." Tim told Mia.

"Jennifer, this is my wife." Tim didn't give out her name in case there was gossip.

"Mrs. Barrett, I do hope you will find the house to your liking." The agent said curious about Mr. Barrett's young wife.

"I'm sure I will," Mia said quietly. She let go of Tim's hand and walked to look at the fountain. Then she wandered over to a spot that was flat and open looking at the next house several hundred yards away. Tim joined her where she was standing.

"You know who lives there right?" Mia asked Tim, giving him a bad feeling.

"I am afraid I am not that knowledgeable about the area." Tim said tactfully.

"That is Dr. Nicholas Merches estate." Mia said without inflection. Tim had gone stone still and silent.

"Do you know the doctor, Mrs. Barrett?" The agent asked.

"A bit, same social circle." Mia waved the idea off.

"I hear he's quite handsome." Jennifer said enthusiastically.

"I wouldn't have an opinion on that." Mia said blandly.

"No?" Tim asked finally coming back to the conversation.

"No." Mia said smirking at Tim.

"You are a good wife, Mrs. Barrett." Jennifer laughed.

"Dr. Merches hardly ever comes to his estate. He prefers the hospital where he works. Everyone talks about it. Let's look at the house. Tim?" Mia questioned walking toward the house.

Jennifer opened the door for them, and they walked into an open foyer in front of a sweeping grand staircase. Mia looked up at the elaborate crystal chandelier in awe. Timothy caught her hand and spun her into his arms. Mia leaned against him looking into his eyes.

"This place is a bit extravagant don't you think?" Mia asked Timothy. She stood on her toes and kissed him softly before stepping away. "Show me around?" 

They went from one end of the property to the other. Inside, outside, houses. Potential outbuildings. Recreationally this was a small resort. Mia couldn't fault it except that it was so much. An hour later they were once again under the chandelier. Jennifer watched the couple thoroughly engrossed. They were so adorable to her.

"There is plenty of room for our children." Tim smirked at Mia.

"How many children do you think we need, Mr. Barrett?" Mia placed her hands on her hips haughtily.

Tim laughed aloud at the sight of her. "At least one more, Mrs. Barrett." He stalked forward and scooped her up under her butt, so she was held up against him off the floor.

"Now tell me what you think of the house? I can bear it no longer." Timothy looked at his wife adoringly.

Mia sighed and Tim started to worry, "I actually really like the property, but I don't want to because it's too much."

"Nothing is too much for you," Tim said softly letting Mia down and catching her in gentle kiss filled with emotion. In that moment, Jennifer felt like a voyeur. In her eyes, these were two people deeply in love; nothing could convince her otherwise.

"I will need you to send the full diagrams of the house over immediately, there is a lot to do, and we need to get our design team on the project at once." Tim told Jennifer as they were getting ready to leave.

Jennifer shook Tim's hand then hers, standing beside the cars. "Of course, Mr. Barrett. It was truly lovely to meet you Mrs. Barrett." 

"You as well Jennifer" Mia said before ducking into the car.

Tim started to duck into the car but then stopped. "Closing will be Wednesday, correct?"

"Unless something comes up, it will be Wednesday at two in the afternoon." Jennifer smiled brilliantly. The commission for this place would pay off her house and most of her debt.

Timothy climbed into the car. "See you then."