
All for the billionaire

Denise Walter, a simple girl trying to pay her mother's medical bill goes ahead to get a loan from a gang leader who comes after her when she is unable to pay, He threatens to destroy her and everything she loves but luck smiles on her, she gets a major gig to pay off her debt and offset some of her bills. The night of her major gig she comes in contact with a wealthy man named Gregory Williams who upends her life after a passionate night together and thereafter denies knowing her. Her rage and hatred for him ignites, but some deadly discoveries make her question what is. Determined to get answers to these questions, alliances are formed and love brews.

HannahL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


"Who sent you to sabotage my reputation huh?. How much did they pay you to do this to me?."

I look at him confused, look, Mr Gregory "I don't know what you are talking about. As far as we are both concerned we are strangers".

"Oh cut the crap Lady, you were in my bed some time back and now you're pregnant. Do you know what could happen if the press gets a hold of this, forget the press? Do you know what my enemies would do if they got a hold of this information? For years they haven't seen me slip up or have a dent on my name and now you come up and want to give them an opportunity to clap back".

" Who told you I am pregnant?, And so what if I am. I never said it was yours so you don't have to worry." At this point my voice was shaking, I was scared. I don't want him to suspect that it's his. He is a wealthy man. He could hurt me and the baby just to keep his reputation clean. God knows I don't want another Patrick in my life, I only want some peace.

 His voice was eerily calm as he spoke again "You think I am a fool don't you?You crawled into my bed and took advantage of me. I don't know why you did this but Let me tell you something, no one and I mean no one can destroy what I have built, I will not let you ruin my perfect image or sabotage my business. I'll make you regret ever crossing paths with me" he touches the tips of my hair and whispers softly in my ears "I'm going to make sure you regret your existence". He gives me a peck and then leaves.


 At that instant I stumble backward, my tears come out like a dam, uncontrolled. "When does it all end?" I question myself. "Am I just made to suffer?, Since dad died it has been from one trouble to the next. I'm tired. I rush to the bathroom due to a nauseating feeling, in less than a minute my entire breakfast is leaving from where it entered. I stare at the mirror and my eyes have become hollow due to the pregnancy, the colour of my skin makes me look like a shadow of myself. Despite my situation I wash my face and stare at my reflection and give myself a warm smile regardless.

My phone buzzes, taking me out of my wordless interaction with myself. It's Rosie, we were supposed to tell my mom about my present situation together. " Hello, I'm almost at your place, I hope you're ready" she questions?,". " Yeah I am" I respond and we say our goodbye before the line is cut. I head home with my thoughts consumed with all Gregory said to me.

"Denise, Denise," My thoughts are too occupied to even register Rosie calling me. 

"Are you sure you can do this?" Rosie holds my hands allowing me to focus on her. I squeeze her hand like my life depends on it before I pull her towards my house. My heart is racing a million miles per minute. "I don't know how mum will take this" I gesture to my stomach

"It's going to be fine, she loves you too much to be mad for too long".

With that we make our way into the house

Mum is making dinner when we enter, she welcomes us in like every other day.

"You guys came at the right on time dinner is ready, I made lasagne" she cheerfully tells 

We help her set the plate. We eat our food while sharing funny tales. Dinner is pleasant like the calm before a storm but I sincerely hope there won't be any storm because I've had too many storms as it is. 

Rosie squeezes my hand supportively under the table encouraging me to go for it. "Mum, there's something I need to tell you".

She gives me her full attention "what is it honey?"

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out.

"I'm aware" She responds with no change in her facial expression. The room falls silent. I expected all hell to break loose, not this relaxed composure.

" I wasn't born yesterday Denise, you had all the symptoms".

"Are you mad at me?". I ask her sincerely.

"No I'm not, I'm just sad that you didn't trust me enough to come freely to me. I always thought I was your person when things got bad, but that's all in the past now. You telling me this still proves you trust me enough to tell before the pregnancy shows".

My heart tugs at me at her words, there are things I haven't told her yet I hope she can forgive me for that. She leaves her seat and gives me a hug which makes me feel more guilty for not telling her about everything going on in my life. Rosie comes over and joins in the hug after watching things play out.

"Have you registered for antenatal yet?" She questions and Rosie answers on my behalf. My mum is avoiding the elephant in the room. I know she is doing this to make me feel at ease but I am not at ease, not in any way. She's asking about other things but not the father of the little creature growing inside of me. I can tell Rosie has noticed too because she is on the edge like I am. The tension in the room is back again and we are all acting oblivious to it, dancing around it but too scared to touch it.

We were still talking aimlessly when there was a rapping at the door. It was distinct and got our attention at once. "Are you guys expecting anyone", Rosie asks

"Not at all" mum and I replied in unison.

I leave my seat to get the door. The moment I open the door, my mouth opens in disbelief. I think my eyes are playing a trick on me, because it must be my delusion or this just has to be a joke, a sick joke.