

Has the air ever felt too thin for you? Doing the same over and over, never truly learning a lesson that's the life we have and always had. You're forced to give up on your so called childish imagination and grow up. A cruel and unjust world is which I live in.


"What is this trash?! Go redo it! Actually you know what you're fired, leave!" Ms. Everly shouted in my face, I sighed and picked up my notebook. I left her office and walked back to my desk, picking up all my belongings. I walked out of the building with a neutral expression, it wasn't the first time this happened to me and every time it did I was called back when the office was in shambles. It has happened so much so I remember what the exact words she's going to say while rehiring me and how many does it will be until then—56 days which is approximately 2 months.

It began to rain and I didn't have an umbrella so I just walked in the rain and allowed myself to get drenched. It's raining like every time I got fired. Standing in a very small crowd of people waiting for the light to turn green so we can walk like always. The scene this moment I've seen it hundreds time and more, I looked up at the sky and sighed as the raindrops touched my face, "I wish my life wasn't so predictable." I said to myself bluntly, there was a loud honk everyone but me scattered away before I could react. I turned slightly, Oh that's new. Bang!