
Alive Again...

The creatures of Heaven, Hell, and all the ones between: blessed, cursed, and those yet untouched are in danger. History is in the making whilst gods roam rampant, wizards descend their towers, and humanized beasts enter a nightmare they can't ever wake up from. Friends, family, lovers, and enemies all must fight their differences, pasts, and future to survive. What is causing all the commotion and how will it end? Is a repeat of history coming to bloom? Who will make it out alive? Alive Again is an enthralling and emotional tale that's just enough to make your heart... Stop.

Abby36761 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

For Her Sake

The still pouring rain caused the courtyard pond to dance in careless directions. Arlot rubbed his arms from the chill that the weather had brought. "Why are we here, mom?" he questioned. Vivian just smiled and brought her skirt to her knees so that she could wade into the shallow pond. Arlot hesitantly followed his mother when she signaled him. In the middle of the pond, Vivian placed her hand to a simple, spherical statue and began to chant. Arlot didn't understand the language in which his mother was speaking or how she wasn't a chattering mess like he was. "Amiana was always better with things like this," the boy shivered.

Before Arlot could be sucked into his own sorrows once more, the water at his feet began to swirl into a downward spiral. Vivian took her son's hand into her own and gave him a soft smile for the second time now. The awkward silence about them was becoming bothersome, but it wasn't surprising to Arlot that his mother was like this. After the fight at last year's family gathering, Vivian hadn't visited home. "You and Uncle Xuario are always in a hot to cold relationship. I'm sure you'll be fine," was what Arlot wanted to say, but that wasn't the whole reason his mother was anxious. "Grandfather will be happy to see you, I'm sure," the werewolf boy said instead.

Vivian petted her son while the temperature began to rapidly increase. Steam took over the duo's vision and filled the air about them as a sauna might. The intense heat that surrounded the werewolves was unmistakable, and the clearing vapor only clarified it. Grand, clad iron gates stood as high as the eye could see. There was no doubt to the mother and son that they were finally in Hell. Vivian took in the scent of burning flesh before giving a subtle cough. The scent around the air was absolutely deplorable, the sounds were ear-piercing, and the sight was beautiful. Hellfire burned its ghastly green flames like a deadly field of grass.

Arlot covered his ears in preparation for what would happen next. "Forsaken of Heaven, show yourself!" yelled his mother. A skeletal being lurked from out of the shadows. "The prince doesn't wish to see you," he chattered. Vivian growled and walked past the man. "Tell him that I'll spill his dirty blood if he doesn't show up for this," she threatened. The man grinned slyly in response. "I will inform him of your words. Now, if you'll excuse me, Queen Vivian, the King is awaiting you in the den," he answered.

Two large doors and a little pride were all that stood between Vivian and her father, but for Arlot, what stood beyond was more than that. The werewolf boy shifted nervously when his mother gave him a knowing glance. "Are you not wanting to see her?" Vivian asked to her son's anxious face. Arlot ignored her worry and hurried inside to see a man lounging beside the fireplace. Arlot approached him with a handshake and straight face. "Ah, my nephew. I see my lovely half-sister has come to visit also. Pray tell, why did you not use your normal route?" the man asked as he licked his pointed teeth. "Well, Xuario," began the werewolf woman before an unkindly interruption.

"The Creature of Blood has returned, if I am not forsaken?" cut in a much taller and handsome man with a chuckle. "My son, having worked with the mortals killed by the beast, you should know this. How shall I make you a king of the vampires if you cannot handle checking for the causes of mortal deaths?" he sighed towards Xuario. "Lucifer," began Vivian as the man eyed her. "Father, I mean. I wondered if you had received any news of the beast. You see, Amiana was attacked last night," spoke his daughter. Xuario looked towards Arlot with heartening fret. "Is she alright?" the vampire pressed. Arlot swallowed hard as his uncle's eyes darkened. "Amiana... she isn't doing great. I know I'm not worthy of your daughter. I couldn't even protect my own sister," Arlot apologized. Lucifer hummed at his grandson's response, "Will you please go fetch that Xiana, my dear pup? The adults need to speak for a moment." At this, the werewolf boy excused himself.

Once the door had been shut, Lucifer began the conversation. "Vivian, darling, I do hope you know that as much I love seeing you, I do wish we had better circumstances. The Creature of Blood has certainly been a lot to handle this past week. Please know that I've had my spawns searching everywhere for it, although I have yet to come up with anything useful," began the raven-haired man. Vivian bit her lip while she thought. "What of the plant?" she asked. Lucifer opened his mouth in an "ah" form, "As for the plant, it was handed over to the gods quite some time ago. I find it couldn't have had much use anyway as it was withered." Xuario gave a snort while his father and half-sister talked about the golden flower. "I heard a child called Achilles bathed in it and is now invincible," laughed Xuiaro. No one else made a sound.

Vivian cleared her throat before continuing on. "As amusing as that is, we have a situation on our hands. Have any close to full blood vampires gone missing?" the werewolf maiden asked. Lucifer shook his head 'no' before looking to Xuario who casually sipped his red drink. Vivian became flustered, "Maybe you don't understand because you were young when the creature last attacked! Maybe you're acting like this because you don't like Scarrden, who only became family because of that damned beast! I've probably done something to make you hate me, but I know you care for my children. For Amiana's sake... Please, have you noticed any odd vampires lately?"

Xuario put his glass down and stared at his sister's desperate face. "Xiana came home at early morning a few days ago. I noticed a scar on her shoulder, and after having to demand her to pull her sleeve down, I found that it ran across her whole back. Xiana is so ashamed of it that she would probably never speak to me again if she knew I told anyone," sighed the vampire. Everyone became silent again before the fury broke out. "You- You didn't tell me such important information?" yelled the children's father. "I'm making an emergency meeting to all the races. Vivian, please stay at home and have a servant bring the rest of your family," her father ordered. Xuario agreed with him. "It's been a long time since you've spent the night. I would also appreciate it if Den would examine Xiana," he mumbled. Vivian softened to his last words. "You have much care for your daughter, my brother, even if she isn't yours," smiled the werewolf.