

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Chapter 41 Inquiry rerun

"What do you remember the last thing about Eclise?"

"Eclise? The last time I saw him, he looked so lifeless and pale. He looked like he had seen a ghost."

"Could it be that he was scared of anything?"


"Ohh right. He once said he was scared of that one boy. Sain."

"Why was he afraid of him?"

"He said Sain was colourless and that he never knows what he's thinking."

"Colourless? Why?"

"I don't know. He just used to think deep."

"What did you see him doing the last time he came to school?"

"The last time when he came to school there was this huge commotion in our classroom with Sain suddenly collapsing and bleeding."

"Did Eclise know why he was in that state? They used to be good friends, no?"

"Yes. They used to be. But I can't tell. He was just so startled to see him fall."

"Honestly i find Sain suspicious as well."


"Whoever gets close to him, somehow dies. First Ms Yana and then Eclise. Its like he's a curse."

"So.. i saw you at hospital together with Eclise once, despite you're two years senior than him."


"Did he tell you something?"

"Yes. As he was walking out after seeing Sain, he said.. Sain Sinzer is insane and sinister. The words have bothered me since."

"I see. What do you personally think about Sain, though?"

"Personally? I thought he was frail and paranoid. There were also times he got harassed at school."

"Why was he harassed?"

"There's a rumour about him taking drugs. His teacher suspected as such. But later it was proved that he didn't."

"Who harassed him?"

"Seriously!! We were just having fun with him!! Honestly we.. i absolutely didn't mean anything bad."

"Calm down. You need not to be anxious."

"How could i not?! I'm scared! Ivian was the one actually harassing him! And now he's gone!"


"Yes! We couldn't get in touch with him since last night. And he's absent today!"

"Can't it be just random?"

"No! I received this message from his phone!" He turned over the screen at Xeno, showing the last message he received.

'I shouldn't have said that about his mother.'

His mother? "I see. Thank you."

Xeno conducted an inquiry at the school while Sain enjoyed his outing.

"Officer Xeno.. we found some specimens at Mr Arran's apartment. It looks like the hairs belong to Ms Rosalyn."

"Huuh? Ohhh. Thanks for telling me."

"At this rate it is clear that Mr Arran and Ms Rosalyn had some issues. If we pursue further we might even know who killed him." Says a colleague.

He stands up. "Alright. We're going to arrest Ms Rosalyn."

"Okay… Wait. What?!"

"Come with me. We're arresting her."

"But why? We still don't have definite proof against her. Not even an arrest warrant."

"It'll be an unofficial arrest under my command. I'll bear all the responsibilities so just shut up and come with me."

"Eehhhhh. Since it is you.."

"Bring some more officers with you."

As Xeno said, they went and arrested Rosalyn. They might've argued a bit in between but the arrest was successful.

"Now what officer Xeno?"

He relaxes his back and smokes. "Just wait a few more hours. He must be making a tough decision now."

"He..? Who?"