
Alien Invasion of Another World

Unqestionably ruling their galaxy for two thousand years, the Selenian Empire stands united and proud under the unchallanged rule of the Supreme Overlord, feared and revered by all those living in it's domain. The time of peace however ends, when a scientific breakthrough reveals the existence of another world, where space is still a virgin territory, and the day is ruled by magic, swords, and sorcery. Intrigued by this discovery, the Overlord decides to subjugate not just it's people, but also the powers coarsing through the stars of this new frontier. Yet instead of system destroying weapons or innumerable armadas, the first traveler of this new world will be an explorer vessel and it's ragtag crew, tasked with breaking a path before the real invasion can began.

Imperial_Guard_42 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Using his minimap and the tracking signal of Helena's suit, the captain arrived to an inn located on the middle of the city. It was a two story building made out of wood and stone, with a sign on the front depicting some kind of fire breathing lizard, possibly a dragon.

Upon entering he quickly noticed Helena, and a hooded figure beside her. Judging from the armor, the stranger must have been thier new recruit trying to hide her identity from the people looking for her. Upon noticing the captain, Erina waved him to the table, arriving just in time to catch a waitress taking thier order. Since he didn't had time to look through the menu, Natra decided to skip meal, ordering instead some ale. Of course normally he wouldn't drink on a mission, however he didn't want to risk getting thrown out, something which in the case of establishments like this was a real possibility. While they waited for thier food and drinks, Helena quickly updated the captain on thier progress.

Upon thier arrival, they used Helena's key to sneak up into her room using a back entrance on the building. After that they waited there for several hours before the guildhall finally became empty. Luckily thier registration went off without a hitch, and Erina managed to convince the receptionist to delay the report of her return by a few days. They also took their first quest, and since the crew wanted to leave the town behind, they choose a delivery job. It was considered a medium difficulty mission, and thanks to Erina's already high rank they only needed to pay the five silver insurance, which they will get back alongside the reward after completion of the mission.

- I mean not as if it's a difficult job - said Helena - we have two weeks to complete it, and the ship so we are not in a rush. Besides even if we fall behind somehow, we have a safety net thanks to the ship's teleport ability, or it's FTL drives.....

- Currently we dont't - interjected the captain - since these functions work based on either a localized grid system, or having up-to-date stellar navigation data, none of which we currently posess. As long as we can't find a way to obtain these, we are stuck using sub-light travel. However your idea was excellent. It gives us a reason not to linger in this place, something I wanted to avoid. Where does this quest takes us?

Helena began looking through her records, however before she could answer, the waitress arrived with thier meal and ale. After thanking the service, the captain waited for her to move out of sight, then turned back to the girls.

-So the quest's destination is.....

-Renna - came the answer from Erina - the second largest city in the Kingdom besides the Royal Capital. It's a port city, and moderately famous because most of the smaller nobles have built thier summer residences there. Also there are a lot of shops selling magic tools in it's northern quarter. Of course they were mostly aimed at the aftermentioned nobles or wealthier adventurers, so thier prices can be a bit.... steep, but you can not complain about thier quality.

-Renna it is then... - decided the captain - however we still have no idea where it is, so tomorrow our first order of business should be gathering information. Particularly in the form of maps. The more detailed the better, however I want to prioritize size and accuracy, so we have at least a general overview of this country, if not the continent. Also if anyone finds any scrolls, books, or other things containing what they deem useful information, then do not hesitate to buy them, but maps first. Any questions?

After recieving a resounding no, and finishing thier meals, the team began to prepare for the night. At the counter Helena rented two rooms on the first floor. One of them will house both girls, while the other one was reserved for the captain. With thier dinner included, she paid seventy-eight copper coins for the rooms, without any breakfast in the morning. This wasn't a problem, since the captain carried plenty of dried rations, plus enough water to go with it.

Going back to his room, Natra stepped out of his armor, then began going through checklist of common maintenance practices in order to ensure the functionality of his gear. Fortunately everything was in order, the only thing he needed to do was the cleaning of his power claws, a process only taking five minutes. After completing this routine, he locked the door, shut down the power of his armor, put the lights out, and went to bed. After all, he couldn't risk something or someone catching him in an exhausted state.

The night went similarly for the girls. While understanding the importance of proper maintenance, the unfamiliar gear and material caused enough frustration to Erina to almost leave it as it is. Luckily Helena was quick with her own armor and weapons, so she had time to guide the ex-guildmaster through the entire process. After all the girl was one of them now. Besides if she is preoccupied with the gear, maybe she won't notice that thier room only had one queen-sized bed.