
Chapter Twelve: Into the Underworld

Author Note: Once again, I remind everyone to inform me if they ever notice some grammatical errors in this chapter so I can fix it.

I also recommend you all, to begin reading these past chapter Author Note's to actually keep up with information about this fic.


Main Character POV:

"Unfortunately, Kronos had managed to discover our location a couple of weeks ago. He was very angry when he had discovered that I aided you all in hiding and demanded an audience from me, so I went ahead and met him." Gaea continued, delivering some dire news.

" After a long conversation with him, out of respect for me, his own mother he had decided to wait a whole month before initiating any attack and unfortunately time is up, I am afraid." Gaea continued, the atmosphere on the island was tense as most of us were stiff at this news.

"Due to that, I believe that Hades should take lead and take a group with him to the Underworld, in order to rescue my imprisoned children, the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops." Gaea finally concluded.

After this there was nothing but a long chilling silence after that very long explanation and conversation with Rhea and Gaea who brought everyone up to speed, after introducing everyone to the newcomers.

By the expressions of everyone, you can tell that everyone was extremely tense due to our current situation. We are dealing with the Titans, in the Myths it originally took 10 years for the Olympians to overthrow them, however this was not your normal Greek story anymore.

This war is unpredictable.

During the conversation, Rhea had explained to us about the basics of Armaments in this world.

Basically, the Noble Phantasm system has been remodelled a bit to fit the narrative of this world, Kamui / Sacred Armour / Constellation Armour of Saint Seiya alongside Divine Armaments of Saint Seiya, Record of Ragnarök, Riordan, Dragon Ball can all be classified as Noble Phantasms if they have the qualifications to become one.

 Sacred Gears also qualify as Noble Phantasms. 

Here is the full detailed explanation.


Noble Phantasm: 

Noble Phantasms make up part of the existence of the Supernatural, the anecdotes about their prowess and weaponry all becoming part of the very "symbol" of their existence. As the "ultimate Mysteries" and embodiment of the supernatural beings, they are trump cards carried by each to be used at an appropriate time. Most Noble Phantasms will belong only to a single person, activated only by them, their true owners, by channelling Magical Energy into them and releasing their True Names.

They each possess a great amount of Magical Energy that show them being things "outside of normality", miracles exceeding both mortality and ordinary magecraft.

Noble Phantasm's are registered and acknowledged as 'Symbols of Power' and given certain classifications and characteristics depending on the origin of their myth and the battles it undergoes. Noble Phantasm's can only be shared or inherited through the Master - Disciple process, which the system thoroughly over sees in order to judge whether the User is worthy enough vessel for the said Noble Phantasm.

Noble Phantasms are ranked by their strength and Mystery. Those called "extremely average" are around the level of D Rank which have strength able to be represented through numbers and show only output of pure physical damage. For example, Gáe Bolg's thrown strike is a pure destructive attack, while its piercing version carries a conceptual effect, a "destiny interference type", that falls into a special category.

Noble phantasm's can be physical weaponry (Example: swords, spears, bows) or support items (Example: shields, rings, crowns). They can also be abstractions such as unique, often magical abilities (even close to or matching True Magic), unique (even conceptual) means of attack, curses, and changes to the very environment and its physical properties. Noble Phantasm's are concepts that were born out of the will of the 'Root' and the 'Counter Force' in an attempt to balance the world.

Anything and Everything has possibility of becoming a Noble Phantasm and when that possibility is created and deemed to be an appropriate fit that meets the conditions given, it is given a certain allotted amount of time before the system acknowledges it and registers as a Noble Phantasm. A power which can truly skyrocket the User's powers to unbelievable folds depending on the number of myths and stories it had amassed.

As Noble Phantasms are considered to be 'Crystallized Mysteries' and 'Symbols of Power' they can be considered as trump cards that can be used during battle. 

The maximum number of Noble Phantasms that a supernatural entity is entirely dependent on their Tier and Classification. Noble Phantasm work through the system with the help of Mystery, the mysterious energy fuelled by the 'Root' to the Akashic Record System, Noble Phantasm based on their rankings and classifications can even have the possibility of having an 'Absolute' Ability that effects all things. 

For certain beings, chances of the emergence of new Noble Phantasms are greater due to their higher Tiers and Classifications. For example, A Heroic being of Mythological origin has a very high chance to gain a Noble Phantasm through their lifetime due to their heritage and status.

Noble Phantasms can also get stronger and improve if greater feats are performed and added into its origin and historical fact data and file. Possibly adding new attributes and characteristics and undergoing evolution, evolution is an unknown factor that vary depending on the feat and information contained within each Symbol of Power.

Since, Noble Phantasms can also be defined by terms such as 'Symbol of Mystery', 'Manifestation of Origin' that allows Supernatural beings to use their own solidified feats such as stories, facts, events, history, myths and legends as their own symbol of identification or as Lethal Weapons, which is enhanced and fortified in nature due to the 'Blessings of the Root' through the system that originated the very concept of 'Noble Phantasm's'.

Noble Phantasms can be summoned and unsummoned at will and completely obey their owner. Each allotted Noble Phantasm is 'CERTAIN' to be the given the appropriate statistics.

If an Armaments, Tools and Techniques is turned to one of a Noble Phantasm Nature and has been classified as such it can be considered to be far superior to Non - Noble Phantasm labelled Kamui, Armaments, Tools, Perks, Skills, Abilities and Techniques of the same grade.


Whilst there are some similarities with Fate there is also some differences. Noble Phantasm's are apparently 'Decided' and not 'Created'. By the 'Will of Existence' itself, no less. 

The 'Will of Existence' must really hate the 'Ordinary' if its willing to go this far. I mean, going as far to say that higher beings have a higher chance of getting a Noble Phantasm due to their higher Tier and Status seems pretty bias to me.

Then again, I suppose this makes sense, I wouldn't be surprised if Gods were so great that even the sight of them using an ordinary mortal wooden stick to draw on the ground is considered to be a 'Worthy' sight for this system.

Kidding aside, this whole explanation sort of went over my head I am not going to lie. Basically, facing a Noble Phantasm is really hard if you don't have one especially if the person that has the Noble Phantasm is on your level. If it was a mere mortal using a noble phantasm against a god that is five tiers higher, then obviously it takes no genius to figure out that the mortal is getting absolutely curb stomped.

But Noble Phantasm's can be considered Absolute Tools so no tools of the same class or even a class higher can match them unless they have been recognized as Noble Phantasms.

I learned that the mere act of a 'God' wielding a selected weapon in battle is enough for the system to consider it a Noble Phantasm, which in turn gives said weapon possible abilities of the God, and if it's a mortal weapon then there is an almost 100 percent chance of it turning into a Divine Weapon or a Weapon of Anti-Divine or God Slaying Nature.

That's how important, powerful the gods in this multiverse are. They are so powerful they can influence the system with their mere actions. Now the thought of the stick that the god was temporarily using turning into a divine wooden stick with divine properties is quite funny.

Imagine if a god used an ordinary weapon for a demonstration of his power without major consequences and implanted in a stone and left. That weapon will undoubtedly become 'Legendary' for mortals and gain its own myths and legends thus turning into a Noble Phantasm due to the system processing the fact that a 'GOD' had used it and adding it into its historical file and data thus allowing the weapon to gain a massive boost in properties and power.

Meanwhile a mortal who just started training to be a hero and had forged a blade for his adventures would have to go on MANY adventures and achieve many feats and miracles for that tool or technique to even gain the opportunity to become a proper Noble Phantasm.

Of course, it depends on Tiers and the connections and encounters that you had. For example, a powerful human like Solomon would have no problem having several Noble Phantasms due to how powerful he is.

Speaking of Solomon, I can't help but wonder if the Throne of Heroes, Throne of Gods, Singularity, Lost belts or Holy Grail wars would even exist in this world. Even though Nasuverse had been used as a component there is really zero guarantee of any chance that any of the things that happened over there will happen here.

Heck, I doubt the end of the age of the gods will even happen due to the existence of all the other 5 franchises that still have gods in the present day and never had an event such as 'The End of the Age of the Gods'.

Just look what kind of worlds we are dealing with. 

Dragon Ball,

Saint Seiya, 

Record of Ragnarök,



and then there is the Nasuverse.

Man, this whole world is really messed up, it's really a very weird mix of everything. Like seriously, there is elements from every series, but nothing is the same as any series.

At least I know that Dragon Ball isn't mixed in this part of the macrocosm. God knows what will happen with things such as the Super Dragon Balls around.

If I remember correctly didn't, they say that there was a prime multiverse in this world of each of the component multiverses used for its creation?

If so, I really wonder if I will ever find a way to one of these prime multiverses just for shits and giggles. Questions for later, I suppose.

This really makes you think, however. As the sheer number of possibilities that could form are nearly infinite. The real question is how much power it gains during the process of evolving into a Noble Phantasm, and what sort of growth could one expect from a Noble Phantasm that is undergoing further evolution due to the addition of more accumulated myths and stories that solidifies the origin and foundations of the Noble Phantasm.

But it seems that Noble Phantasm's in this world have the same weakness as almost everything else, they can be overpowered by sheer overwhelming power. However, there is a huge perk of a Noble Phantasm overpowering anything of the same level and possibly a level beyond it quite easily.

With all this information in mind, there is bound to be a lot of confusion and questions regarding the topic of Noble Phantasms. For example, one major question would be Authorities. Both Classification and Personal Authorities, can they become Noble Phantasms?

According to what I had heard, Authorities have their own system going on, so it is quite complicated, and Authorities and Domains of the Gods can only become Noble Phantasm's through very strict conditions. However, this is a small exception such as the use of Authorities through a medium can bypass those conditions. Such as the combination of a powerful weapon with those Authorities can possibly lead to a new Noble Phantasm.

Unlike Authorities however, Skills, Techniques and Abilities such as Mage craft usually have a much higher chance at becoming Noble Phantasms but it's not as big of a chance as Kamui's, Armaments, Tools, Objects and etc.

With all that said and done, I should probably tune out my monologue and focus on the situation outside.

I refocused my attention outside in time as to hear the following.

"For this expedition, the members that are going will be Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Adamas, Poseidon and finally Zeus. You all are to go to the underworld effective immediately, the one leading this expedition is Hades due to his familiarity with the Underworld and his affinity with it. You are to free the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops and bring them here before Kronos's attack." said Rhea, gazing at her children one by one.

"Do be careful, the Underworld is very dangerous and has many threats and chaotic beings. The amount of time that it will take you to reach the deeper areas within the depth of the Underworld and safely arrive at the Nether Regions and the Labyrinth of Tartarus on its own is quite the dangerous endeavour."

Which received a nod from all of them except three people who furrowed their brows.

One of them spoke.

"Hold on Mother, I do have a request to make!" Zeus suddenly spoke, once again capturing the attention of everyone who seemed to be looking at him rather blankly.

Rhea sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"What is it, child?" Rhea asked.

"If we are going, then he should come along with us too." Zeus added with a smirk whilst looking at me as he pointed his finger at me.

This request from Zeus got everyone's attention, who turned their attention to me.

I kept looking at Zeus, both of us staring at each other intently.

"Hoh? I know what you are thinking, you haven't changed a bit Zeus." I told him with a smirk, my words prompted a reaction from him as he laughed goofily.

"Hohohoho, you know me too well! If I am to receive some sort of Divine Armament or whatever to help me grow stronger to face Kronos. I definitely wouldn't want my rival to fall behind, and whilst you may not be a Greek God nor part of our Pantheon, but your power and aid would definitely be necessary in overthrowing the titans." Zeus replied with a laugh, prompting me to laugh with him.

"Oh, are you sure this isn't an excuse? It's rather obvious that you want to have the opportunity to fight me again, especially after that year spent on training." I teased mockingly, making him stop his laughter and have the decency to look sheepish.

Which prompted everyone to deadpan, except for Adamas, Dionysus, Apollo and some of our other allies including some of the titans who chuckled at Zeus's true motives.

"Zeus, you moron...." Metis groaned.

"Well, at least he got his priorities settled." Dionysus added with a shrug.

Rhea was shaking her head in disappointment as Gaea responded.

"Whilst my grandson is a fool, he did raise a good point the foreigner's power could end up being a major factor during this war. If the rest the appointed party is okay with it, then Nocyr can accompany you to the Underworld and get his own Divine Armament forged alongside the rest of you." Gaea spoke with seriousness.

"Hah! I knew you would see my way!" Zeus celebrated only to have his ear pulled by Leto who told him that now was not the time.

"If you say so mother." Rhea began and looked at the rest of her children. "Are you all okay with it?" She asked looking at her children.

The first ones to respond were my companions who looked happy at Zeus's proposal.

"I concur! Nocyr is an extremely powerful ally and a great comrade. Having him come with us to the Underworld will definitely aid us in our goal and increase the overall combat power of our group." Demeter said, with a wide smile as she held grasped my hand and held it within her palms.

This promptly caught the attention of mostly everyone as they looked surprised by Demeter's action.

'Not to mention, this will give us more time to spend together.' Demeter thought with a giggle.

I felt someone pull me away, effectively removing my hand from Demeter's and making everyone look even more surprised.

"I am afraid I have to agree with Demeter on this one, having Nocyr is something that is quite necessary. There is no point on going unless he comes along." Hera spoke indifferently whilst glaring at her sister who seemed amused but after spending a year with them, I can tell that Demeter was not happy with this.

Soon enough, I got caught in between the two of him who caught my arms and started to pull me in each side as they threw insults at each other.

I looked at everyone who seemed absolutely shellshocked by what they were seeing, mostly their siblings and Rhea, Gaea, Metis and Amaltheia.

"Sisters..." Hestia spoke in silent disbelief not believing what she was seeing.

"Okay it's about time you three fess up, what happened whilst you were gone for a year? What kind of relationship do you even have? and you, did you do something to my sisters to make them act this way?" Adamas shouted looking absolutely flabbergasted by the behaviour shown by his usually cold, calculative and apathetic sisters.

This feeling was shared by Rhea who was looking at me as if I was a criminal.

"I did no such thing." I immediately denied before looking at the two seriously as they stopped fighting and looked at everyone in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that, nothing really happened during the year except for the training itself, isn't that right sister?" Demeter laughed awkwardly as she nudged her sister.

"Yes, all we did was train and work on our Domains and Individual power. As for what kind of relationship we have with each other, I think you should hear it from him, shouldn't you be the one to tell them Nocyr?" Hera added with a serious nod, then changing her gaze and looking at me, giving me the lead of the conversation.

Unbeknownst to me however, Hera and Demeter looked at be intently wanting to know my response regarding that question.

"Uh, Sure. Me, Hera and Demeter are nothing more than comrades, which is why you all shouldn't bother overthinking things." I spoke calmly, which made me quite nervous due to the sudden chill I had.

This only increased when I saw Demeter's expression with a kind smile. However, something inside of me just screamed telling me that the smile on her face was anything but kind.

I gulped as I saw Hera looking at me with dead eyes that pierced a hole through me, with a hint of disappointment on her face due to what I had said.

I think that was the wrong answer.

I looked at everyone who looked at the three of us completely unconvinced and some even had sweat dropping off their forehead due to Hera's and Demeter's reaction to my words.

I saw Zeus look at me with pity as he shook his head muttering something that could be faintly heard.

"How dense." Zeus muttered disappointedly.

Surprisingly Dionysus, Apollo, Aphrodite and even the two titans Prometheus and Epimetheus nodded at Zeus's words whilst Hermes and Athena merely smiled awkwardly at the situation.

Adamas, Hecate, Metis, Amaltheia, Leto and Artemis merely looked at me as if I grew a second head.

Gaea and Hades had a neutral expression that didn't show any specific reaction, Poseidon was well Poseidon.

Rhea looked at me deeply and sighed.

"Once this is all done, you and I need to have a LONG talk young man." Rhea told me with a stare that seemingly said, 'I have seen everything now'.

I chuckled nervously, yup it seems that definitely was the wrong answer.

~ A short amount of time later~

After that dramatic incident. I was finally able to calm both Demeter and Hera with the help of Hestia and a few others. Hera and Demeter seemed to have come to a realization that I was extremely dense, or so they said. They kept their distance at the moment due to their anger, but they still insisted that I come along.

After that, it was left up to the other siblings.

Hestia being the gentle familial one, would normally not have any sort of objection. Adamas seemingly had the same opinion as Zeus, he saw me as someone whom he wanted to test and measure his own strength against.

Hades on the other hand, was somewhat curious about my origins and my recent development with his sisters seemed to have made him a bit thoughtful. Then there is Poseidon who frankly didn't care either way, but he added that he was interested in seeing how far my potential goes as he was able to sense how much I improved from this year of training.

So, seeing as all of the siblings seemingly had favourable impressions of me. They all agreed on me coming along with them, as such I ended up being included alongside them during this expedition.

Right now, we had separated from the Main Base, and we were being led by Hades towards a certain location.

"So elder brother, why are we not just going there right away?" Adamas asked Hades, who was flying in front taking the lead.

"That is mostly due to the unfortunate fact that we are not the only ones who have access to the Underworld, if we were to open a gate or portal recklessly, we could end up alerting Kronos or one of his allies with our abrupt entry, which could put our mission at risk." Hades explained.

"I see, I assume you have some sort of plan considering the fact that you are taking us somewhere?" I asked him which earned a nod.

"Indeed, we are heading towards the deepest, most isolated, desolate and largest underground cave within Crete. There is usually a gate that leads into the Underworld." Hades explained further.

As far as I know, the Greek Pantheon has around a total of four main heavenly realms. The first of the realms is Terra otherwise known as the land or earth realm which is the domain of Gaea. 

This is where Crete is also located.

Then there is the Heavens or the Sky, the Highest point realm in Greek Mythology and the future home of the Olympian Gods, and the current home of the Titans. This used to be the Domain of Ouranos, until he was overthrown, and his current status is unknown, so nobody knows whether or not he is still alive.

Then there is the Greek Atlantean Realm of the Seas, Oceans, Rivers and Lakes. Apparently, the deepest part of the Ocean lead to a totally different realm from the seas seen in this current plane. 

Inside that place, the seas are truly infinite and full of all kinds of aquatic beings. This is the Domain of Pontus and currently ruled by Oceanus.

Then there is the last and most mysterious and mythical of the Four Main Realms of the Greek Gods, the Underworld which has many names such as The Netherworld, The Afterlife, Hell and some parts of it being called Heaven.

The Domain of the Strongest out of the Four Protogenoi, Tartarus who had apparently chosen Hades as his successor. Hades said that the Underworld was currently in a state of absolute chaos due to the lack of proper management and absence of a ruler. So far, the Greek Underworld never had an official ruler, and Tartarus doesn't really want the throne, so he offered it to Hades.

Hades was extremely fascinated and curious about the Underworld and wanted to see how far he can improve it and be able to properly gauge the full extent of the potential of the Underworld.

Henceforth, he accepted and was declared the official future King of the Greek Underworld.

To me this story was really quite fascinating but inwardly I couldn't help but agree that Hades was the best suited God for the job. Even more so if its Record of Ragnarök's Hades.

"We are here." Hades suddenly stopped and spoke looking down at a massive ravine.

"Hm, so this is the place you spoke of brother?" Hestia wondered, as the ravine seemed to be quite deep.

Hades nodded and motioned us to follow him to which we nodded.

We all went down.


The End.

Note: Hello everyone! sorry for the late update. I got caught up with my work and couldn't find any proper time to really focus on writing recently. 

Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions, reviews will also help me spread this story a bit more.

There is a lot I want to say to you guys right now, but I will leave it for later.

Thank you for reading.