
Alfonsi: Chronicle of the Seven Realms

(UPDATES WILL RESUME ON THE 6TH OF OCTOBER 2024) Life is hard. It is hard on the homeless, the tired and the wealthy. It is hard on Azra, the King's only son and heir to the Alfonsi throne. A child of unknown talent with the weight of his people on his shoulders. Holding the ability to control so much yet do so little is a frustration that can lead to madness. A balance is needed, between good and evil, ethic and moral, kindness and severity, though it's damn near impossible to achieve. Life is hard, but when Azra is sucked into a hole and spit out into an entirely new realm... life just gets harder. ...and you thought there was a rock bottom.

Inari_san · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

How I Love Being a Woman

The screams that pierced the Lady's room were beginning to sound borderline demonic to everyone but Adaline herself.

The tense atmosphere dulled the luxurious ambiance that usually dwelt within the space.

High beams and glittery gold trimmings brought the sky blue walls into clear focus. Through the floor to ceiling windows that were cracked open, the evening sun was setting the clouds in a pink and orange array of hues. A light cooling breeze blew the lacy curtains into a fluttering dance. It would be a peaceful way to end the day, if only-

At the sound of another blood-curdling scream, the female healers shuffled nervously closer to the bed. Hands splayed out towards the writhing woman sweating on the linen laid down especially for this purpose.

The weak light emitting from their hands seemed to have little to no effect on the Lady. If they chose to strengthen the healing magic, then it would also affect her womb and cervix, inevitably putting the baby lodged there in danger.

Lady Adaline had gone into labor in the early hours of the morning. Originally, the midwives had hoped her contractions would reach a climax around midday and the baby would have been pushed out by now.

It seems that their hopes were in vain. Babies within the royal Alfonsi bloodline tended to have a high rate of birthing complication. In the worst case scenarios, the children would pass on moments after exiting the womb.

The head midwife Agatha had a perpetual frown on her face that had only deepened as each moment went past. If things went on like this for much longer, then the possibility of this child taking his first breath of air would dwindle to a zero.

"Lady Adaline, we need to get this baby out of you. Please push when I say so."

Adaline was ready to unleash a torrent of curses. When she finally blinked her eyes free of tears and sweat, the look of pure determination on the older woman's face stopped her.

"Are you ready?"


Agatha nodded at the other midwives to keep the Lady's legs in position. Any wrong move could cost the life of the next in line for the throne.


Adaline let out the cry of a seasoned warrior heading into battle.

Agatha nodded as she saw the crown of the baby beginning to emerge.

"That was good, another."

Adaline sobbed and slumped further into the bedding. The sudden burst of strength she had managed to dredge up from the depths of her soul felt like it had been sapped from her very bones. She had been at this all day and she was just about ready to raise a flag of surrender.

"I can't!"

Agatha glanced up at the Lady and had to keep the smile of admiration from taking over her features. She had lasted far longer than Agatha thought she would. This was a strong woman, and if they could just get through this, she was sure they would have a baby that was just as strong.

"Lady Adaline, if you do not push now then you run the risk of depriving your child of oxygen. Each second you do not push you are strangling the baby."

Adaline pushed a stuttering breath from her lungs. She felt like she was barely getting any air herself. How was this child feeling, unknowing and confused? A painful throb resonated within her heart.


Agatha nodded, giving the Lady just enough time to regain another breath before instructing her to push once more.

Adaline knew instantly that the baby was gone.

From the beginning she never liked being pregnant. It was always painted as a magical nine to ten months when in reality it was hell. The swollen feet, sickness, discomfort, and that was leaving out all the stress that came with carrying the heir to a throne.

Despite that, she felt strangely empty now that the baby was gone. As if a piece of herself had been ripped away.

Not that any of that mattered. Soon she would be able to look at her child's face. The baby would be swaddled in soft quilts and placed in her arms. Adaline was sure that she was going to tire of the loud crying quickly. 

She sunk deeper into the bed as the healers work at a slow, methodical pace to mend her abused and tired body.

Adaline's mind was still reeling from the delivery, but something at the corner of her brain began to itch, quickly gaining her attention. The itch turned into a feeling of impending doom. There was a newborn in the room.

Yet it was strangely quiet...

Adaline forced herself to raise her head from the pillows to see what was going on.

Agatha had moved and now the midwives were surrounding her. All speaking in such hushed tones that Adaline couldn't begin to decipher. Not that she was able to pay much attention to what they were saying. Her focus was solely on the bundle Agatha was clutching as if her life depended on it.



Adaline blinked her eyes but what she saw was no illusion. The silent baby being held had skin that was somewhere between a blue and gray color.

She spoke despite the sandpaper texture that roughened her words.

"What happened? What happened! Did I-"

Did I kill my child?

A sob stopped her from forming thought into sentence.

As if her voice had broken a silent spell on the healers and midwives, the room erupted into panic.

Adaline could just barely hear Agatha say something about the Court of Mages before she sped off towards the door, the assistant midwives right behind her.

Her view was then blocked by the rich green robes assistant healers wore. The comforting words from these women passed through one ear and out the other. She couldn't see or feel anything.

The image of a still baby wrapped in white cloth was burnt so deeply into her eyes it made them water. 

The heightened emotions mixed with the exhaustion of giving birth left her more tired than she realized. She wasn't sure how long she was flitting in and out of consciousness. At one point she felt her skin being cleaned as a comb was gently pulled through the tangled sweaty mess her ash blonde hair had become.

What felt like days later, she opened her eyes to see the King of Alfonsi positioned in a chair next to her bedside table.

Matteus Alistair Alfonsi sat with his shoulders relaxed and despite there not being a crown atop his snow-white waist long hair, it might as well have still been there from the aura he exuded.

Adaline had never met a man like him before. While she was never around royalty, there was just something about him that pulled her in like a magnet. Or maybe it was his face. Adaline was always weak to a good-looking face, and Matteus's face was something to be studied by the painters and poets.

An angular jawline and regal nose set a beautiful backdrop enhanced by thin pale pink lips but for Adaline, it was his eyes that had a special place in her heart. Matteus's were almond shaped and framed by long white lashes that only made the color of his irises stand out even more. They were a vibrant yellow, looking like molten gold was trapped just beneath the surface.

In all he had the kind of features that hinted to a cold, even mean type of beauty. The man was anything but.

He sat there and stared at her for what must have been a full minute, gaze unreadable. 

Suddenly, Adaline began to squirm. She knew the maids had cleaned her up some but under his eyes she felt vulnerable, which was new. She hated how self-conscious she became with just one glance.

Adaline was once again reminded of how frustrating and painful love could be thanks to Matteus.

"Stop moving around. You just gave birth and then put your body through rigorous healing sessions. Relax."

Adaline stilled and smoothed a hand down her belly, which was now deflated. She bit the inside of her cheek and glanced over at the ruler.

"Our child?"

"The Court of Mages are tending to him. They are the best Alfonsi has to offer. Trust them, and if you cannot then trust me who has appointed them. I would never leave the life of our son in wayward hands."

Adaline felt a small smile stretch across her lips.

"Son... then he must look just like you."

Matteus hummed as his eyes soften.

"He has your eyes."

A bittersweet feeling of longing filled Adaline's chest. Matteus saw the change on her face and brushed a cool hand against her forehead before caressing the apple of her cheek.

Adaline leaned into his touch as if on command.

"I want to meet him."

"You will."

"Have you given him a name yet?"

Matteus shook his head gently.

"I want us to name him together."

Adaline's smile grew as she simply looked at the man. She loved him, so much she hated it. It really was a shame that she would never be able to tell him.

"Together then."