
Alexandra The Great

Alex has been feared all her life because of her abilities but she will soon come to realize that she is the only person that can prevent destruction upon her family. Will she be able to do it?

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Cerulia, humans and magical creatures lived together in harmony. King Edgar and Queen Marie, the rulers of Cerulia, were kind and generous people and that resulted in them being loved and adored by every human and creature in the kingdom. Their lives seemed perfect but there was one thing that they truly longed for; a child.They king and queen had wanted an child for the longest time but they were starting to give up hope.

"Oh Edgar, I wish we had a child to fill these walls with laughter and joy. We've waited for so long and I'm starting to think all this waiting is hopeless," Marie said.

"I feel the same way dear, but who knows, maybe our wish will come true when we least expect it too," Edgar said.

"I don't know but I hope you are right," Marie said, with a hint of hope in her voice.

And their wish indeed came true, the queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Alexandra. They were so joyful and a 7 day celebration was held to commemorate the birth of the baby princess.

The little princess did everything that normal babies did. She cried, laughed, ate, and slept. The king and queen were overjoyed to see their little girl grow up. But as time flew by, they started to notice that their daughter was different. The weather seemed to coincide perfectly with the emotions he was experiencing. When she was happy, it would be sunny. When she was sad, the sky was cloudy and the atmosphere was gloomy. When she cried, it rained heavily, and when she was angry, great thunderstorms would appear even if it was sunny the whole day. It didn't take long for the king and queen to realize what was happening with their daughter. At first, they didn't think much of it, but as Alexandra grew older, and she started to experience more emotions, they grew worried. They knew that they had to keep their daughter's emotions in check before something terrible happened.

Soon enough, everyone in the kingdom had heard about Alexandra's powers. Some people thought it was because she was blessed. Some thought she was cursed. Her parents decided not to tell er about her powers because they didn't want her to be scared of herself. As she grew older and became smarter, she became well aware of her powers and she started to fear what she could do to the kingdom if she didn't learn how to control her powers. She wa conflicted and didn't know how to do that so she grew up so self conscious about her feelings that she started to neglect everything else in her life. She was so focused on controlling her powers that she wasn't able to live out her childhood and do all the things she wanted to do. Parents who thought she was cursed, forbade their kids fro ever going near her.

By the time she was 18, she had no friends because everyone was scared of her and were worried about what she would do to them if they got on her bad side. Her only friends were her pegasus, Argomedes, and her phoenix, Flayme.

"I wish I had actual friends but everyone is terrified of me, even my parents," she said to Argomedes, which led to the pegasus giving her a questioning look.

She chuckled and said, " You know that's not what I meant. You and Flayme are my friends but I wish I had other ones. Everyone hates me".

At this point, she was on the verge of tears.

"I didn't choose to have these powers but everyone looks at me and treats me like I'm some kind of monster"

The sky started to get cloudy and Alex noticed instantly. She blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall from her brown eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as she did, the clouds disappeared, and the sun cam out from behind them. Alex had no reason to be happy but because she knew what she was capable of, she was forced to maintain a happy nature at all times. SHe continued her rant to Argomeded but little did she know that someone was listening.

"She is exactly who I need to initiate my plan".