
Small Might and Plasmids

[AN: So I erased the previous chapters involving Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I got major writers block when trying to introduce Charlie for some reason. Sorry I have a tendency to get ahead of myself. Anyway I am back and I will stick with BNHA for now]

On Present Mics radio show Animal by Neon Trees had just finished being sung by a mysterious caller

"YEEEAAA That was amazing little listeners! That was the one and only Wizard playing up another pre quirk era song. Animal by Neon Trees. Now Wizard do you have anything to say to the other little listeners?"

Wizard real name Alexander spoke into the mic "Yea I want to let everyone know I might not have time to sing for a while. Gonna be training for High School so I don't know when I will be free"

"Aww that's a shame but hey come back when you can little listener. Which High School are you gonna apply for?"

"U.A. Of course."

"I teach English there! Can't wait to meet face to face with our resident Wizard! YEEEAAA"

"Thanks Past Mic."

It was a little joke he made when he first started calling in. He said if Present Mic died would he then be Past Mic. Since then he has been calling him Past Mic. Mic doesn't mind so much since the listeners of his show find it funny.

With that said I end the call on my phone and my instrument. Walking out the room I see my mother watching the news in the living room. Something about a sludge villain taking someone hostage… 'WHAT!' I quickly enter the living room to watch. I see Bakugo in the sludge. Huh I didn't know the start of the series was today. Oh and there is my brother rushing in trying to save the twerp. Moms on the phone with Aunt Mitsuki aka Bakugos mom. Looks like I have been having a bit too much on my mind lately that I forgot about keeping an eye on this.

All Might finally shows up and saves the day while causing a change in weather with one attack. I must admit he is quite strong. If I didn't know how that quirk works already I would totally find a way to bring him under my scalpel.

Speaking of scalpel my Twilight Healing is now a lot like the Ope Ope powers of Law from One Piece. It really helped in my experiments. Though sadly my ope room is only a few meters in radius right now. But now I have AOE Healing too so it's a plus.

"I'm gonna go check on Izuku. Please stop crying in the meantime" She was pouring out twin waterfalls right now. I then quickly left before I could be pulled into moms crying fit.

Surprise surprise. I can see Izuku talking to Small Might. "Yo Izuku." This startles them both "Who knew All Might was so skinny" This caused AM to panic "Calm down, I won't tell anyone."

"All Might this is my brother Alex. I trust him completely I'm sure he won't say anything if he says he won't." Izuku tries to be helpful

"Alright young Midoriya I guess I shall trust in your brother not to reveal my secret" I can only nod. Not like he had a choice since I already know. It's not like he can have me arrested or something for knowing.

"Yea anyway successor huh. Good for you Zuku. I was going to tell you this soon but I guess I will do this now. I finally made artificial quirks" to demonstrate I hold out my hand, palm up, and show as crystals emitting electric arcs come from my palm

"Wow! That's amazing!" Izuku was really excited and began to ramble on the possibilities of the quirks I have made.

'Artificial quirks!? This boy is a genius! I must tell Nedzu' All Might thinks to himself. He probably would have thought something else if he knew All For One wasn't dead.

"Zuku you are rambling again. Now if you are done crying over your idol telling you you can be a Hero we should get home. Mom saw the news of you rushing that sludge dude." oh the look of panic on his face was golden.

"Wait young man! You said you can make artificial quirks. How?"

"Hmm well I been studying for it since me and Izuku turned four and learned he was quirkless. I spent years on this to get Izuku a quirk or rather a plasmid as I call them. As for the hows I can't reveal my secrets~. Though only the quirkless and myself can use them."

"I see. Can you tell me about some of the quirks you have made?"

"Plasmids not quirks. Not sure if they add a quirk factor or not. I guess I can tell you about a few I made that I will be giving Izuku. First is Shock Jockey the one you saw in my hands. It makes crystals with electricity you can even make traps with it because two or more crystals close together make a grid of electricity."

"Then I have some passive ones like one for minor regeneration, tougher skin, and intelligence boosters. Then I got ice making plasmids, fire plasmids, wind plasmids, a bunch of elemental plasmids. I'm gonna give Izuku the wind plasmid since it is a good crowd control plasmid which will help with capturing villains."

"Amazing! Why do they only work for you and the quirkless though?"

"Because quirks cause a change in the genetic structure. To make a plasmid for a quirk user I would need to personally change it up according to their DNA like I did for myself and I don't feel like going through the hassle to do so." On the other hand he is sure those with plasmids could get the One For All quirk but not handle getting one from All For One.

"Anyway me and Zuku need to leave before mom freaks out more. Bye Small Might" I say before grabbing Izuku and heading home with him


"So" I started off once me and Izuku were alone in my room. Mom hugged Zuzu for almost half an hour after fussing over him to check if he was alright. "I would ask how you met All Might but I don't really care that much about it. First off you did amazing today. Going in like that to save your old friend without hesitation that was very heroic but also stupid." Izuku sniffles at the heroic part mostly ignoring where I called him stupid.

"Now onto the second round of business." I go and open up a suitcase after dealing with all the locks I put on it from retina and fingerprint scanning to blood locking it. Need to be very careful with these after all. Soon all sorts of little vials were on display showing a glowing liquid of various colors. "These are Artificial Quirks or Plasmids as I like to call them."

"N-nii-san you actually did it?!"

"Of course. I said so earlier but I guess seeing is believing so here they are. Top row are Active Plasmids and the lower ones are passive Gene Tonics. Plasmids will allow you to make fire with a snap of your fingers, use telekinesis, and even freeze your opponents. Gene Tonics on the other hand can make your defense stronger, run faster, and even make you think quicker."

"Amazing! Do you know how this will effect the world you could get a noble prize or…" and Zuku starts rambling

"Zuku. Hey, pay attention!" I snap my fingers before his face. "Now that I got your attention back we can talk about the best ones for you. Since you want to be a hero I suggest plasmids that can stop villains fast such as the wind plasmid Bucking Bronco which temporarily levitates enemies, rendering them defenseless."

"Then you have Electro Bolt which allows you to send a jolt of electricity to stun your opponents/ This one needs to be watched because if you put too much into it or hit the target multiple times they could get severe damage or even die." Izukus eyes widen at the mention of death

"Telekinesis which allows you to do a lot of stuff I suggest starting on small objects. Winters Blast let's you temporarily freeze enemies and lastly Blink which is a minor form of the teleportation plasmid I am still working on. Blink lets you instantly appear anywhere with your line of sight that you can see clearly."

"Lastly is Shadow Storage which allows you to store objects in your shadow"

{Last one is from in Danmachi with Plasmids. I can't remember the proper name of this plasmid though}

"Now for Gene Tonics I think you could use Saver which allows you to use less energy when using your plasmids. Extra Nutrition does as it says giving you more nutrition from food and drinks. That can help keep you in your best condition when working out. Sports Boost will make you faster. Armored Shell reduces the damage you take. Researchers Eye will greatly help with your quirk Analysis. And Training Expert which will double the gains from working out which I am sure we will be doing a lot of the in the oncoming ten months."

"So what do you think?" His reply was to glomp me and tell me thank you over and over again while also rambling about how amazing I was.