
First Potions Class

Today will be our first day for potions, double potions. I am very excited though I probably shouldn't be if like in canon it is just a Cure Boils potion we will work on which sounds completely boring. But it will be the first potion I will be making so I guess it is good for experience at least. I made sure Harry read the book on potions and even gave him random information such as the answers to the questions Snape asked Harry in canon. I wanna see what Snape will do if Harry knows the answers.

Potions class took place down in one of the dungeons. It is colder here than the rest of the castle and is quite creepy with the pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls. Everyone sat in pairs and I decided to partner up with Neville to prevent all those potion accidents that happen in canon and fanfiction.

Snape walked into the room at exactly 9am. Snape started the class by taking the roll call though he paused my name just briefly but then it proceeds like canon when he gets to Harry's name.

"Ah yes," he said softly "Harry Potter. Our new... celebrity."

Snape finished calling the names and looked up at the class. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word, after all no one wants to get on Snapes bad side by not paying attention. "As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death. If you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He says looking at Harry

"A powerful sleeping potion known as Draught of Living Death, sir" This caught Snape by surprise if the slight widening of his eyes was an indication. It was so slight I doubt anyone else caught it. I only did because I was watching him when he started to ask the questions.

"It seems you opened a book before coming here" I can only roll my eyes.

"Black where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoer"

A bezoer can be found in a variety of creatures but the best and most commonly found are ones found in the stomach of a goat as the bezoer is too small to be of use when found in other creatures."

"5 points to Slytherin" I can hear some of the Gryffindors mumble about biased treatment.

"That's not fair! Harry answered his question right but didn't get any points" Ron said loudly.

"5 points from Gryffindor for shouting at a teacher. Tell me Weasley what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Ron shifts in his seat "I-i don't know. I think Hermione knows though" I looked at Hermione, she was practically standing with her hand raised.

"Sit down" Snape tells her sternly causing her to sit quite quickly "Mr. Malfoy answer the question I gave Weasley" I notice he called me, Harry, and Ron only by our last names. No Mr for us apparently. Just a bit more bias.

"They are the same plant sir. Also known as aconite" He Draco said smugly. I bet Lucius had Snape teach Malfoy about potions ahead of time. Snape is his godfather after all.

"5 points to Slytherin. Well why aren't you all writing this down" He says to the class who immediately began writing down the questions. "On the board is a recipe for the Boil Cure Potion. Follow it exactly as stated. You have two hours to bring me an acceptable potion. Begin!" He said to the class.

Everyone got up to get the correct ingredients from the cabinets before returning back to our seats. I start up the flames and I help Neville prep the ingredients. After a bit I add the horn slugs before catching Nevilles hand about to add porcupine quills. "Not yet" I say to him before turning off the fire and removing the cauldron from it carefully. "Now add them." He does so and I hand him the stirrer "Now stir it counter clock wise five times. Good." Pink fumes start rising out of the cauldron signaling that we had done it.

"Look a perfect potion" I say to Neville to bring out more confidence in him. I notice that a very small amount of my magic reacted with the ingredients as we prepared the potion. It was so small I bet even squibs could make this potion despite their extremely small reserves.

"Hm" Snape was now looming over us looking into our cauldron "Five points to Slytherin for a perfect potion." He said before walking off. Now that was either bias or he spotted Neville almost making the mistake with the quills… Probably the bias.

Snape went around the room taking points from the Gryffs while handing out points to Slytherins. No wonder Slytherin won the House Cup seven years in a row. I really hope this is one of the good Snapes though. He already showed his care to Slytherins on our first day but he does appear to be very bias to his own house. Don't know how he interacts with Puffs and Claws so I only have this class to judge.

He still found some excuse to take points from Harry either for something he did or didn't do or something his partner Ron did or didn't do. At the end of class I had bottled up all the potion properly and gave them to Snape. I do believe healing potions of this quality will go to Pomphry to save money on buying them.