Lad reborn in an alternate version of Ben Tennyson, in which the summer journey begins when Ben and Gwen are 15. The main character knows the canon very well and will use his knowledge. --- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation. I hope it won't be that bad --- My patreon -
Check out my patr*eon if you want to get a few chapters in advance.
Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius
Having placed all the cryptids in special compartments of the airship, just prepared for the residence of these same cryptids, we went upstairs to the conference room.
Although the blue tiger cub didn't want to leave my hands and stayed with me. In general, I was not against it.
Sitting at a large table opposite each other, we all began to know each other in more detail. Finally, Gwen and Ashley were no longer ignored, and they too were able to take part in the conversation.
It turned out that Drew Saturday was really my godmother. They studied together with Olivia at the same university, and since then, they have been close friends. They even belonged to the same secret organization.
The Secret Scientists are a group of the world's most outstanding scientists who have protected the world from hidden and terrifying things. At least, according to Drew. Usually, there is nothing good in such organizations, so I should check them out.
Oddly enough, Doc and Drew did not hide anything from me and told the whole truth about their past. Much of what was described came as a surprise to Zak himself, but the older Saturdays were not opposed to telling the entire truth.
They even talked about the expedition that resulted in the discovery of the Kur Stone. By the way, Olivia was also there, as were the rest of the Secret Scientists.
Initially, there were only fifty Scientists, but when Argost stole the Stone, the Secret Scientists decided to retrieve it and infiltrated his Weird World, resulting in only eight people returning, including my mother, Drew, and Doc. Although they still managed to get the Stone of Kur. The Weird World is another castle of the dark lord full of traps and terrible cryptids.
I already thought that the terrible truth would be revealed that Olivia had died not due to an accident but due to penetration into the Weird World, but it turned out that this was not so. My local parents were killed in an ordinary car accident a few months after the Kur Stone incident.
This is, of course, quite a terrible irony, considering that there is no sense in the Kur Stone since Kur himself lives inside Zak, but at the same time, forty-two comrades were sacrificed by the Secrets Scientists to take the Stone from Argost and hide it away from him. Although I'm not going to talk about it, of course. The Saturdays should not know about this, at least not yet.
It turned out that Zak is now really only ten years old, which means that there are still a few months left before starting the storyline with the search for Kur. I remember very well that at the beginning of the animated series, Zak was already eleven years old.
According to Zak himself, his birthday is January 16th, which means that Argost's plan to find the hidden parts of the Kur Stone will not begin until next year.
This is good. I wouldn't want to deal with Argost again until the summer is over and I have enough problems of my own. Moreover, another clash with Vilgax should take place soon.
I will certainly not let Argost make his plan a reality and deal with him myself when the time is right. He has too destructive ambitions, and I cannot allow a real war with cryptids on my planet. Besides, if Olivia was initially involved in this case, I should finish it in gratitude for this new life.
And to be honest, I don't trust Zak too much. Most likely, he will stop Argost and defeat him, but as always in such stories, this will happen literally at the last moment, and only thanks to the protagonist's luck. I can't stake on something that ghostly, so it's best if I deal with it myself. But next year.
During our interactions with the Saturday Family, I noticed several discrepancies with what I remember from the animated series.
First Doc's appearance. If my memory serves me right, he must be missing one eye, and there must be gray in his hair. But there is nothing like it. Doc has both eyes intact, and his hair is still black. This is strange.
Secondly, it is strange that Argost has just started to release his show. According to Drew, Argost built his Weird World ten years ago, but for some reason, he only launched his «Weird World of V. V. Argost» show this month.
I thought he built his castle just to start his show, but apparently, this is not so. Or, all these years, he was preparing and planning his further actions.
And thirdly, I haven't seen Zak's weapons anywhere, which he uses throughout the series. The weapon itself was like a bird's claw attached to a staff. This talon allowed Zak to control his Kur powers. I don't remember how Zach got this claw, but I felt he should have gotten it by now. This will also need to be checked.
I do not know the reasons for the changes that I discovered, but do not forget that this is still an Alternate Universe. So there will always be differences, and it's good that they are small.
Interestingly, I can't read Zak's mind, and he is the first person not affected by my telepathy. At the same time, the boy did not even understand that I was trying to penetrate his mind. Apparently, his semi-cryptid nature gives him mental protection.
- Why haven't you dated Lex for so long? - Gwen asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
- You see, Gwen, we wanted Lex to be able to lead an everyday life that had nothing to do with the cryptids. - Drew replied.
- That's right, we wanted to protect Lex from our crazy life. - Doc added.
'It's strange to hear that from someone who dragged their own son into this crazy life.' - I thought to myself. Judging by the faces of the others, they also had similar thoughts.
You seem to have found adventure anyway, even without our help. - Drew said, clearly pointing to my alter ego.
Having cast a short glance at Grandfather and seeing his permission nod, I began to talk about the events that had taken place during this summer. I did not go into details and did not tell much information, but I still told about the Omnitrix, Vilgax, etc.
Doc and Drew looked at me in shock by the end of the story, hardly believing my words, and Zak and Fiskerton literally shone with delight.
- Well, like this, somehow. - I finished with a smile, looking at the expression on the faces of the Saturdays.
- It's… - Drew choked out.
- SO COOL!!! - Zak exclaimed, throwing his hands up. And Fiskerton imitated his adopted brother.
- No, Zak, and this is dangerous. - Doc said sternly, cooling the ardor of the guys.
- Doc is correct. Lex, you're only sixteen, and you shouldn't be fighting an intergalactic dictator and jumping around the country dressed as a hero. - Drew said in the same stern tone.
Before I could say anything, Grandpa took the floor: - Doc, Drew, I understand your feelings, but Lex is a smart guy, and he is mature enough to understand what responsibility lies on his shoulders. And believe me, my grandson can bear this responsibility.
- But… - Drew tried to say something, but Grandpa interrupted her.
- No, but. Lex has one of the greatest weapons in the universe in his hands, and the way he handled it makes me proud and supportive of my grandson. Whatever path Lex chooses, I will always be there to help him if needed. But in no case will I interfere with him. So don't interfere. - Max said with a frown.
Wow, sometimes I forget how cool Grandpa is. I did not know that he trusted and believed in me so much. It's nice.
Under Grandpa's stern gaze, Doc and Drew backed off and accepted his words. But finally, Drew added:
- We won't get in your way, Lex, but remember that we'll always help and be there if you need it.
- Thank you. - I said sincerely. Fortunately, everything went well, and I was already afraid that everything would end in a terrible quarrel.
There was a strange atmosphere, and even Zak and Fisk were quiet. To break this awkwardness, Gwen said:
We didn't even suspect that there were so many fantastic animals in our world. Previously, we only dealt with aliens and did not even meet cryptids.
- Actually, I met one. Although I'm not sure if I can consider her a cryptid. - I remembered.
- Yes? And who was it? - Doc asked curiously. His inner cryptozoologist instantly woke up.
- Krakken. - I said and created a magical construct of a lake monster in front of me.
Doc looked at the creature floating in the air with delight and then said: - From what I can see, it really is a cryptid. At least there are signs of this. But it would be better if I explored it personally. Where did you meet this Krakken?
- In Lake Michigan. We rested there at the beginning of summer. I found out about her when I met smugglers who wanted to steal her eggs. - I said.
- Now I understand why you call her in the feminine form. It's beautiful; besides, she has offspring. - with great delight, said Doc, he asked: - What happened to mom and her children?
- I stopped the smugglers and handed them over to the police. But I didn't know what to do with the Krakken. She has already attracted people's attention, and soon they could start hunting for her. In the end, I used the technology of one mad scientist and reduced the Krakken and her offspring several times so that she could hide in the depths of the lake and no one would bother her anymore. - I said.
- It's a good idea, but it could cause problems because it has become much more susceptible to other possible predators. Need to check it out urgently. We're flying to Lake Michigan. - Doc said in a voice that does not tolerate objections, after which he ran into the captain's cabin.
- Hmm… - I said involuntarily, looking at Doc's behavior.
- Haha, you get used to it. When Doc finds something interesting, he always gets too carried away. I'll bring snacks because it was long overdue for dinner. - Drew said and left the hall, apparently towards the kitchen.
- What were these smugglers? - Zak asked, still looking at me with stars in his eyes.
- The Jonah Melville Gang. - I said, again stroking the tiger cub, which had been lying in my arms.
- O? So we know him. It was he who collected all these cryptids to sell them at auction. - Zak was surprised.
- Yes? I thought he would be jailed for a long time, given that last time, I left enough evidence for this.
- Apparently, he could avoid prison thanks to his many connections. - Wise with similar experience, said Max.
- And what ended up happening to him after the cryptids escaped? - Gwen inquired.
- The police should have arrested his entire gang after their parents knocked them all out. But we chased the cryptids, and then we met you, so who knows whether he was arrested after all or not. - Zak said.
- Hmm… I thought I would never hear from him again. - I involuntarily expressed my thoughts aloud.
- Come on, let's check on the cryptids. They should be awake by now, and perhaps they need to be fed. - Zak said as he left the conference room.
- Meow! - issued a ball of wool on my hands.
- Umurrrrr rummmmarr. (It looks like the tiger cub agrees with Zak.) - Fisk purred.
- Yes, it looks like it is. / You're right, brother. - Zak and I said simultaneously.
And then, Zak and Fisk stopped abruptly and asked in shock: - Do you understand Fisk? / Weamrr rrammuur? (You understand me?)
- Well, yes. Although I do not understand how I do it. - I said honestly. I'm not even using my psionic abilities.
- Do you really understand what he's purring in there? - Gwen asked.
I just nodded at her question while looking at how happy Fisk and Zach were about it.
- I can't believe you really understand Fisk. Previously, only I could fully understand it. - Zak said with a huge smile.
- What about your parents? - Ashley asked.
- They understand what Fisk means, but they can't understand his exact words. - Zak replied.
- Umu. - Fisk nodded his head. Well, it doesn't even need a translation.
We entered the cryptid compartment and saw that the creatures had indeed awakened at that moment. As accustomed to this kind of activity, Zak gave each of us a bucket of meat giblets and ordered us to feed the predators.
I approached Kalopus and began to feed him. At the same time, the blue tiger cub climbed onto my shoulder and now sat and watched me feed the cryptid. I think he is still too small to provide him with meat, and I need to get milk.
- Lex. - Ashley said, walking towards me.
- Yes?
- Mr. Saturday said he hadn't seen Grandpa since your parents' funeral. But you said you never met Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, so what does that mean...
- Yes, I was not at the funeral. - I said, frowning.
- And why? If you don't mind telling me, of course. - Ashley asked, trying to be gentle.
- Honestly, I don't know. I guess I just wasn't ready. Let's not talk about it. - I lied and left the conversation.
- Alright, sorry for interfering with your own business. - Ashley said softly and left to feed the Chupacabra.
In fact, I did not go to the funeral because I was afraid that I would feel affection for my current parents. I just chickened out because I didn't want to feel the pain of losing them.
Although I always refer to them as 'local' parents, this is incorrect, and they are just my parents and real ones.
Given that my body was created at my request, and I have the heritage of both Anodite and Olivia's ancestor, it is evident that it was Olivia who gave birth to me and precisely from Karl. And although this was done by the Judge of the Gods at my request, this does not mean that they did not love me, and everything is just the opposite.
But I'm afraid to admit it because then it will hurt me. And in the end, instead of being grateful for the new life, I ignored them and didn't even go to the funeral.
To be honest, I was even glad at the beginning that I would not have new parents, fewer restrictions, fewer attachments, but now, I regret it every day. And I don't even know what to do with it.
- Guys, go eat. - Drew's voice was heard, which distracted me from my worries.
- We are going. - Zak shouted and led us back to the conference room, where delicious snacks were waiting for us.