
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Seni bela diri
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 52

Olivia(14) was in the wastelands as she was on the verge of death in the middle of a storm dust. With her faint eye sight In her situation, she asks herself "Is this really it? How I die? Oh yeah, it's because of my power. People feared my power and because of that, I was known as a threat to everything." She stretches her hand to the sky and with her dying breath, saying "Rambo, kojin, please anyone, help me. I don't want to die!", she then closes her eyes in death, but before that, she saw the shadow figure of a man approaching her. A couple of hours later, olivia wakes up and finds herself In a dark hall, laying down on a bed. She looks around and asks were she is, from the corners of the hall, a man with long spikey hair comes out and says "You're awake, that's good to see." Olivia asks the man were she is and who he is. The man responds by saying "We are in an underground lair I made. Took me a while to make this, but atleast i did it.", Olivia then says "I was sure I was about to die, how am I still alive?" The man responds "You were out cold for sure, but luckily I was able to find you untime and save you." Olivia pauses for a moment and with a look of depression, she says "I was treated like a monster, was casted aside like I was some kind of danger. Its not fair, I didn't known why.... but people were terrified of me. I didn't ever know why, but it hurts so much!", tears started to gush from her eyes as she begins to cry saying "It was like I was an entity.... that wasn't supposed to exist. I hate it, so much." The man looks at her and pats her on her head, he tells her "I somehow understand how you feel. To tell you the truth, I want to end this world. The only thing the people of this world know along with other beings out there, is just war, violence and chaos! That's why, I'll be the one to burn it all down!" The man then tells her "I can help you to control that power of yours, that power that people are afraid of." Ukina looks up at the man, as her eyes open up in hope. The man then says "I want to create an existence were people can live with each other, without wars or conflict, and I can't do it alone." He stretches out his hand and asks "Would you join me, young girl? Let's create a world were weakness is not mocked upon, and a world were power isn't discouraged." Olivia asks the man who he is, the man then says "I am zodia, the God of war and calamity. The man who will erase the world and its evil, and recreate a new one." He stretches out his hand and asks her to join him, ukina stretches put her hand towards him and ever since that day, Olivia became ukina. Few years later, after zodia was sealed away, ukina is in a giant hall bowing down to a large statue. Ukina then says "Master zoidia, it's been months since you have been sealed away, but don't worry, I'll restore you. This plan of mine will take at most, 16 years to execute. But don't worry, i shall have it fulfilled." One night, in deserted town shinki( 13years old) had brutally killed a couple of assassins, as he was just sitting on a building with blood stains on his hands. He sense a sharp presence from his surroundings and asks who is there. Ukina with a hood, comes out of the shadows and tells him "You're quite a skilled and ferocious one, aren't you?" Shinki asks who she is, ukina then tells him "My name is ukina. I'll cut to the main objective, you hate it right? How everything was taken from you, ive been watching you for quite a while. I want you to train hard, and one day, you'll join me." She sinks back into the shadow and says to him " I have high expectations for you kid. Till then, keep it up." Shinki doesn't seem to be fazed at all, as he continues to look at the night sky. Few weeks later, in the raining forest, saito(13) years old, was fighting a bunch of shikigami which were in the form of wolves chasing after him. While he was running, he gathers as much destructive energy he could, and just blasts it at them, completely burning them to ash. Another set of them launch towards him from above, but saito creates an arrow of purple destructive energy and launches it at them yelling "Ouf of my way" causing some tree's to blow up. Later on in the forest, while he was eating some meat infront of a camp fire, he looks at the burn marks on his hands. While looking at them, he says "I seem to be getting better at using my powers, but I keep getting burn marks. I guess my body really can't handle my power." He then hears ukina voice saying "Well I think you have alot of potential. For a kid of your age, you are pretty strong. You just need more training" she then says to herself "So this is kojin's son, huh. I knew he was power hungry and hated the weak, but i didn't think he'd transfer that dislike to his own son" Saito asks her who she is, ukina introduces herself "I didn't mean to startle you kid, I was just observing you. Nothing much." Saito was still suspicious and asks her "So, what do you want from me? You trying to kill me?", ukina blushes abit and says "You're a carefull one, aren't you. Well I noticed your skills and thought that you'd make a great solider one day. When you're skilled and strong enough, come find me. It will be a pleasure." She sinks into the darkness and disappears, saito was still abit suspicious but then he just smirks and says to himself "Is that so,then I'll take you up on that offer." Ukina had already made a plan that she will look for potential kids who would make fine and powerful people, so that she can create a group of soldiers that can carry out any task, this was also a plan so that she could revive zodia, although she couldn't bear to that people going through the same thing she went through, which was another inspiration of the dark sign. 6 years later, ukina was in a dark lair with nine people, which would comprise of her criminal group. Those nine people were tenko, jugo, bara, garou,mirio, Kirihai, kenji, sorata and shinki. After gathering them, she then declares to them "Let us destroy this corrupt world that turned us into what we are today. We are the dark sign!" At long last, her plans to destroy the world and revive zodia had commenced.