
Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

An ultimate warrior, the one and only Alchemy Emperor, Ling Han, had died in his quest to achieve godhood. Ten thousands years later, and he, with the "Invincible Heaven Scroll", was reborn in the body of a young man with the same name. From then on, winds and clouds moved, as he set himself against uncountable geniuses of this new era. His path of becoming a legend has begun once more. At all eras, and underneath the heavens, I am the strongest!

Flying Alone · Fantasi Timur
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3796 Chs

Breaking into the Forbidden Area

Penerjemah: _Dark_Angel_ Editor: Kurisu

"Anyone else not convinced?" Ling Han stopped moving, and smiled at the others.

Everyone else shook their heads. This guy was really too fierce. Anyone who was not in Gushing Spring Tier was completely unqualified to come to blows with Ling Han.

The few Gushing Spring Tier martial artists gave a humph. They had no fear of Ling Han, yet they dreaded facing Liu Yu Tong. Currently, Liu Yu Tong had her sword in hand and was standing guard by Ling Han's side, so no one dared to make any reckless moves.

Most importantly, they did not have the time to bother with Ling Han right now. That stalk of Spiritual Medicine had escaped into the mysterious zone, so the most important thing now was how they were going to tempt it out of there.

More and more people poured out to surround this area on all sides.