
Albert and Haesoo

Prince Albert travels to storia to retrieve the white fox and harness its powers under the disguise of the princess's body guard. A prince who does not believe in love and has his eye on the goal meets a kind and fun loving princess. Will he fall in love with her and give up his goal? will Haesoo change him and in the process both fall in love? Find out

Teresa_Earland · Sejarah
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4 Chs

Preparing for tomorrow

"I'm so excited chirpy! I'm going hunting with father!"Haesoo told her new pet as she was packing her things that she would use on her trip,her father had told her it's a three day journey.Her maids had come to help her but she declined,but they still stood around in case she needed anything.

"I don't even know what hunting is but I bet it's fun,cause father always brings back meat with him". Haesoo said to herself happily.

The maids looked at each other with expressions mixed with pity and worry.

"Poor princess, she doesn't even know where meat is from she'll be heartbroken" one maid whispered to another standing next to her.

"I know I feel sorry for her too, should we tell her?"The second maid asked.

"No don't get involved in this....she will find out on her own tomorrow, we can only pray that she isn't too shocked and distraught"another joined the two and expressed her opinion.

"Cay! where are you? here Kitty kitty" Haesoo called for her cat cay,a white fury cute cat.

Cay came out from under her bed purring and licking its paws.

"Awwn you're sleepy?'


"Alright its bedtime, thank you for helping me get my things ready for tomorrow you may leave now"Haesoo told her maids

"You're welcome your grace,Good night" They chorused and left the room.

"Good night" she replied. she then

took off her hair pins and slipped on her nightgown and went to balcony,the stars were smiling down at her and she smiled back.it was quite chilly but she didn't mind she was so excited about tomorrow that she didn't care about catching a cold.

"Stars please bless tomorrow and make it a memorable day for me" She said and went into her room to sleep, along with Cay and her other animals by her side.
