
First sight

A girl (Aharim) is very pretty and live with joy. Her only aim to achieve something in a modern as well a beautiful world. She stands around her house and think about her future to achieve something. She always think about "how i will succeed in the world" and "when I become a star?" my name speak and stand around the world is the goal. She was eagerly waiting for her opportunity and attended many more programs to improve her innovation.

She was very beautiful and her thoughts is to make her life beautiful with her lovable hero, but her life full of sad. She never be happy even a day. When she completed her schoolings and stepped up forward form her job. She never have any ideas to achieve a goal in her life.

She attended many more "women empowerment and self-employment" programs .She attended many more interviews also, but she doesn't get any chances too.

Actually she was very bold and modern, but this experience makes her heart broken and felt very lonely. Tears fallen from her beautiful eyes and turns into pale red. At that time, a pure melodious song is running around her.

Suddenly she waked up and rub her face, with fresh look she wondering here and there. "What happened" the surrounding persons were noted. A fantastic motivational song is sung by her best friend. She ran very fastly to meet him and hug tightly.

Yajiv- her best friend from her childhood. He was settled in Singapore for his career.

He was a motivational speaker and well settled of his entire life.

Aharim wake up from his chest and Yajiv took up her chin with fresh beats. Aharim felt happy. Yajiv's aim to come in Canada is to celebrate the born day of Aharim. Beautiful girl of Aharim born on Jan, 22.

Yajiv understand about the condition of Aharim.

Aharim was one of the best and more talented person in her education. Aharim's mom was a good and pleasant appearance of wonderful lady with smiley face. Aharim's first and foremost lovable best friend in his world is her mom. She share anything around her and if she has to take a decision in critical situation a first she discuss with her mom.

Aharim's dad was a perfect gentleman with terror look. He loves his family very much. Aharim hate her dad, because he doesn't think about his family, he always think about his life only and enjoying with friends and spend a money lavishly. This is the main reason that she hates her dad. She doesn't know the aim of his daughter and not to take the steps to know about her goal.

Ahari feels very badly, that no one should take care, so "I will succeed in my life with fresh look and forward to my success. Aharim feel very lonely.

One day Aharim's dad went to America of about a business meeting and her mom was slept on the sofa in the living hall. Aharim packed her things in a carry bag and with beated heart. She softly stepped forward to go outside.

She saw her mom "tears fallen from his eyes" and said from his heart "Iam sorry mom. I can't do this if you stand in front of me ","I am not leaving from you, don't worry about me... I will succeed in my life.....

"I Love You Mom"...and stepped for her future.

After that she went to Canada. Then she get tried for a part time job, atlast she got a hotel and she completed the short term course for her career, the fees get paid is the money from the part time job.

Aharim's mom noticed that her daughter leave from home, suddenly she get upset and she didn't know" What should she do?".She fall on the bed and cried of thinking about her daughter's future.

Suddenly,strike her mind about the Aharim's friend,Yajiv.Yajiv was working at Singapore,Aharim's mom think about that Aharim should sent to Singapore to meet Yajiv.

She contacted to Yajiv. Full of tired,Yajiv was sleeping on the bed.A smooth melody rings from the mobile.He rub his eyes and searching "where is the mobile?".The mobile is on the table near his bed.He turn and rolled to pick the mobile and attended "hello...!". The other side there was a sad speech, he suddenly upset,get waked and questioning " Who is this?" Aharim's mom start enquiry about her daughter. Yajiv blinking his eyes and don't know how to answer her.....He get started with shivered voice "What happened and where is she?".Aharim's mom cried and said the situation and said that she thought that Aharim should came to meet you,that's why she call Yajiv. Yajiv was confused and don't know how to calm her.He said that "Don't worry about her ,I will find her and inform to you...." "I know she confirmly came to meet me"..... suddenly the call ends.Yajiv was shivered and walked here and there,and think about the sweet meaningful memories of Aharim.Yajiv and Aharim was very smart and they never leave just a day from his childhood days. Aharim said Yajiv to go to Singapore for his career.

Yajiv has only dad.His mom was dead when he was 2 years old. Aharim and Yajiv are two in world's look but they were one in lovable look. They always share everything such a simple matter in their life. Aharim was totally forget about her family when meet Yajiv, and she about her family also. When Yajiv settled forward in his career, he didn't notice anyone around him.After a long days,Aharim's mom give an information,that could think about Aharim.

Yajiv in the balcony,makes very fresh feel in the chill morning. Suddenly he feels that someone around him.He turns,a pale pink coloured unicorn with wings.He rolled his eyes and took forward his steps to unicorn. He stepped forward ,the unicorn stepped backwards and turn around to run.Yajiv run to follow the unicorn,he lost. Yajiv slapped his left chin and ran around there.. Suddenly he noticed that ,a girl with long fairy hair is sat on the hill at long distance, he embraced!.. Suddenly he wake up!..It was a beautiful dream and a sad news is he doesn't find the fairy girl.

Full of his thought is about the dream,the next morning his assistant come to his cabin.The table fully covered with paper.Yajiv was searching something.

His assistant Laura, asked him what's the matter? sir.Do you want any help? and what are you searching?..

Yajiv didn't bother about her. Yajiv got tensed and suddenly screamed " Stay away from me".

He was confused and tensed,he rubbed his hair and take the chair to throw away.

Laura screamed and hide her face with both hands.

At that time the door opened.His assistant Laura run away from there. What's your problem man ? shouted by Lavstin.Yajiv's best friend in Singapore , "Lavstin". Yajiv bend her head.Lavstin goes near to him and asked "What happened?"

He hugged him and cried loudly.Lavstin kept his hand on Yajiv's shoulder and said " it's okay man, just cool". They leaved there and went to Yajiv's flat.Yajiv was very sad and didn't share anything to Lavstin. Suddenly he started murmuring that " I want Aharim" "I Love her". Noticing that , Lavstin was shocked and asked "What?.. What you said?" Yajiv said she was my bestie.

Huh....Lavstin blinked his eyes,because Yajiv didn't share about Aharim to him.

Lavstin kept his hand on Yajiv's shoulder and asked,"What are you saying?" .I didn't understand.

Yajiv said ," I want to share something and this is not the right time" and he left away from there.

Lavstin didn't ask anything to him.Yajiv was totally confused and he was comparing both the dream and about Aharim.

( Yajiv, when he was settled in Singapore and started with a new beginning in his career, earned and spent his money lavishly.He didn't think about or take care of anyone.)

Yajiv went to club and become drunk,disco was playing in background and beautiful girls were surrounded him and start enjoying. Yajiv was not interested and shouted " Stay away from me". The girls were shocked and they leaved.

He don't know,"what to do? " and "what is happening around him?". He felt very sad with full of depression.He kept his hands on his head with tightly locked and screamed" Ahhhhhhhhhh...."( voice raised).

All of them were shocked ,because 'Yajiv was not a person of feeling about something '.

His surrounding turn into full of silence, noticing that Yajiv stand up to leave and went near to his car.His eyes were dancing here and there, blurring and fells down, his eyes closed

He feels that someone is helping him to stand erect and he goes to unconscious.