
Akiara Reina to Another World

This is a cliché story, everyone has seen and read about this kind of thing happening however, 'Akiara Reina' never imagined she would be in this kind of position. The fantasy world full of adventure and action still does not have the strength to face the cruel world, she must fight from the lowest point. Reina meets three strangers named Morgan, Luza and Hugen.

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3 Chs

Guild Master

In the course of many obstacles, Reina takes cover behind Morgan, Hugen and Luza. Still with the same monster body of a human with the head of a horse. This time the monsters attacked more aggressively than before, Hugen felt pressed but was helped, Morgan. Luza protected Reina to keep she safe. Morgan and Hugen were very compact, they both took turns attacking the monster.

"You stay behind me, you stay calm," Luza said to Reina.

"Yeah, I'll try to stay calm."

"Groaaa!" The sound of a monster screaming as it got stabbed by a sword in its chest.

Reina could breathe a sigh of relief, she already felt very safe. Morgan looked at Reina, they both seemed to be looking at each other in a way that made Hugen curious. Luza explained that the use of blood from each monster can be sold for uses such as healing potions and immune boosters, that's why Hugen is in charge of collecting monster blood. Having only walked 100 meters, they were intercepted by a monster that had a head like a tiger's.

"There are ten, Luza help while protecting Reina," Morgan said to Luza.

"Okay, I'll use arrows," said Luza as soon as a bow appeared.

"I'm going first!" Hugen attacked first.

This time the monsters are more agile to keep up with Morgan, who is assisted by Hugen. Luza guessed arrows when a monster wanted to attack Hugen from a blind spot. Reina who feel much help, Reina picked up a pebble and threw it at the observing monster. Monster forehead with holes— Morgan, Hugen and Luza were shocked by what they saw, Reina didn't think it would be so easy to kill a monster with a pebble.

"Reina watch out!" Luza screams.

"Ah!" Reina was hit by a knife that shot through she's left shoulder.

Luza rushed to Reina who was now holding her shoulder, she felt an excruciating pain, the knife not only stabbed her but pierced through. Luza gave a healing potion, the potion in a glass bottle that was opaque red liquid was unmistakably monster blood ingredient.

"Hurry up drink!"

"Mhh~" Reina drank the potion with a very bad bitter taste, she tried to keep gulping it down. "Aah~ it hurts~" Reina was in a lot of pain as the open wound slowly closed to recover like before.

"Hold on, you have to endure the pain!"

"I will try..."

"Morgan, she's recovered!"

"Good, damn it, Hugen protect Reina too! I'll go myself!"

"Morgan very angry ..."

The three remaining monsters become Morgan's opponents who move swiftly to attack and dodge knife throws and one spear throw.

"Death Sword Dance!"

An attack that relies on speed to corner three opponents, Morgan sees an opening and slashes the neck of the monster on his left. One monster wielded a long sword and the other wielded a short sword, they both lost within a minute. Hugen saw those eyes again that he hadn't seen in a long time, Morgan was really angry even though it was a stranger who was attacked.

"Hugen, collect their blood."


"Is she all right?"

"She's fully recovered, she can actually attack like that..."

"..." Reina saw that she's shoulder had healed without any aches and pains.

"I'm done with my work, Reina, you were great but just now was very dangerous." Hugen came up with his suggestion.

"You're so reckless," said Morgan, glaring at Reina sharply.

"Sorry, I just wanted to help, I saw earlier that your position was in danger.

"She wanted to help Morgan," Hugen muttered.

While continuing the journey, Hugen invited Luza to talk to each other, Hugen felt that Morgan's attitude was very unusual. Hugen also brought up the problem when Reina attacked the monster with a pebble, but it was very strange that just striking it directly could pierce the monster's forehead. Luza was silent for a few seconds then turned to Hugen, Luza pulled Hugen closer, she whispered the possibility that Reina is a woman who has special abilities.

"We really need to bring she to the Guild."

"She is so mysterious, I'm curious about Reina's power."

"Keep your voice down."

"Yes, Mom ..."

"I'm not your mother, don't call me Mom."

Morgan and Reina walked behind Luza and Hugen. They were both silent and their steps seemed to be talking to each other.

"Sorry I was rude, I was just reminding you that what you did was very dangerous."

"Mhh, I won't be like before, I won't repeat it."

"Morgan is trying to get close to she."

"You're right, I feel that Morgan likes Reina."

"I'm getting jealous," Hugen muttered.

"You like she too?"

"She's beautiful, I like it."

"You are so trash."

"I'm kidding, you're prettier."

"Shut up, you're talking nonsense."

"Hey, you're single, I'm single, we're very compatible aren't we?"

"Damn it, loser man, you don't try to tease me with petty words."

When it was evening, they arrived at the royal city. Reina was amazed by what she saw, she really enjoyed the beautiful. They entered the city, they were not questioned by the gatekeeper. Hugen explained that they were quite famous, so it was impossible to show any identity anymore. Their goal is to head to the Guild, and inform the Guild Master about everything that happened to Reina's matter. A 32-year-old woman is now listening to all of Hugen's explanations. That woman named Erisa, ahe is a Guild Master.

"Since I am now the Master of this Guild, I will wisely assist you."

Luza stepped forward, she elbowed Hugen who was pensive looking at Erisa.

"Pervert, you realize."

"Ahem, we've finished our work."

Erisa after getting an explanation, she looks at Reina with eyes with interest.

"You are so pitiful, I will help you, and you must take good care of Reina."

"She is wiser than before," Hugen whispered to Luza.

Reina listened to all the explanations from Erisa who told Morgan, Hugen and Luza about the task of the three of them. Reina looked at the right palm, she recalled the incident she defeated a monster.