
Unending sorrow

I woke up early as always to fill the drums by fetching water from the tap in the compound. Due to bad plumbing system the water couldn't flow in the house so we had to fill the drums to be able to use water. Mum assigned me to help fill the drums before they went to work,while I later got ready for school. Though after I stop schooling I still needed to fill the drums in the morning,I would have prefer filling it in the night but I usually wash the dishes during that time. In a family of three there was not much dishes but when you had a stepdad like mine he was like five humans in a body. After eating his first meal he request for four more meals with different plates refusing me to watch the former ones he used until he was done. He mostly did that purposefully to delay me in my watching in the evening,while mom was asleep he came to me to fulfill his sexual desires. I wasn't still safe in the morning when fetching water since I went through the same thing always. I quickly filled the waters before anyone could wake up,I had spied on him in the room to make sure he was still asleep so that I would be free that day but the devil was at work. While filling the sixth bucket to fill the last drum that was half full,the devil incarnate woke up without me noticing and slowly crept behind me. I finally felt his presence when I felt a hand dragging down my night wear while I struggled to get free,no matter how much I wrestled with him he was stronger than me. He dragged me inside,threw me in the couch and succeeded in completely removing my night wear. I laid on the couch naked before my step dad,he quickly began the business he wanted with me until I got wet enough for him to have sex with him. It was a painful experience,tears gathered in my eyes as I remembered the first day he took away my integrity,a day that how I wished I had decided to live with my dad instead of my mom.

I had turn thirteen, not long after I saw my first period and I felt more like a lady than a child and my body was an evidence to my maturity. My step dad slowly started getting interest in me since after the first day I mistakenly came out naked to collect my towel. It was the biggest mistake of my life,I had no idea that my stepdad was still in the house and he saw me coming out from the toilet naked,I quickly hid behind the door while he walked away. I was scared he might report to my mom about that,since he disliked me from the very beginning and saw me as an enemy to their relationship but he didn't do that. Gradually he kept staring at my anytime I came close to him and sometimes touched me sexually either on my waist,breast or my buttocks. A certain day came when mom has travelled and I was left alone with him. Immediately she left he came to my room, requesting me to bring his food to his room which made it strange since he had never been nice to me before. Due to his show of politeness I decided to bring his food to him,I walked into their room,kept it on the bed and looked around for him. I felt a hand gently caressing my breast, gradually he stopped caressing it and gently went to my waist area while he kept kissing in my neck from my back. I got away from him in shock, turning to face him I saw a different side of my step dad and I could see something was bulging out of his trouser. He came closer to me begging me to let him have me for the night while I slowly walked back only to be stopped by the locked door. He pinned me to the door and proceeded to continue what he had started. I resisted but he was still adamant,he unbuttoned my top, unhooked my bra and through it on the ground. My boobs popped out,facing him and he began sucking my nipple. I tried pushing him away at the same time pleading him to stop but he kept on continuing. I could feel a wet sensation underneath me and couldn't quite comprehend what was happening to me. He finally stopped sucking my breast and went towards removing my skirt. I pleaded with him in tears to stop what he was doing but he slapped me on the face instead, dragging me towards the bed and through me on it. He held me down with one hand while he dragged off my skirt and my pant. I was now completely naked before him,he proceeded to undressing himself and I wished I had closed my eyes at what I saw bulged out from his trouser. A sight that I have never seen before,his manhood stood erect facing me while I felt completely wet underneath. He began kissing me violently while I struggled. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain like a knife just pierced through me and felt completely weak. I must have fallen unconscious,since I woke up naked on the bed dredged in blood with my naked stepdad sleeping next to me. It dawned on me he had succeeded in defiling me and I was no more a virgin. I couldn't hold back tears and let it flow down to my cheek,the sniffing of my nose awoke my stepdad who was visibly angry for waking me up. I yelled at him that I would report to my mom about what he has done but he threatened me to not say anything unless he would make sure my mom hates me and I would be left to live on the street. I stood up from the bed not knowing what to to do again and went to my room to continue crying. Mom came back the next day and she didn't notice anything different about me which made me disappointed. I was hoping for her to notice something different in her daughter's life using her mother's instinct but she was do engrossed in her work that she didn't feel my presence. After that very day my stepdad sexual harassment started and I had became his sex pet ever since.

He finally got off me, leaving me naked and helpless on the couch, weakly I got up and dressed up to continue filling the drums. I always wondered why mom didn't have a clue of what was happening,she was in oblivion to what I was passing through no matter the hints I gave her. Or maybe she knew what was happening and didn't care about me but no mother can do that to a child no matter what. Later in the afternoon at the supermarket Zuko came to see me after a long time,he was the only guy I was free with and the third person who knew what my stepdad always did to me. In his usual joyful mood he walked up to me and stopped me from continuing what I was doing. "Hey leave me let me continue my work",I said pretending to be angry and he replied,"No work as long as I am here,right now all you need to do is to have fun",he said in a stern and amusing tone. "You must be joking, I'm working",I said and took the the book from him and continued what I was doing while he watched me. Knowing him well he won't give up easily from stopping me to work. He stylishly took away my books and ran away with it. I had to chase him round the supermarket to get back my book. He let me have it back and had succeeded in stopping me from doing my records. We sat down on one of the benches outside while he told me all about his day. How he woke up late for school,he had to run to catch the bus and exaggerated a little about him being faster than the bus just like the famous super fast marvel character flash. I laughed at his exaggerated stories and funny hand movements he did. He narrated his school experience and brought out his notebooks so that I could use them to study. This year would have been my final year in secondary school and I was hoping to register for my final exams even though I hadn't been to school for two years. Thanks to Zuko he did well in tutoring me on what they taught them in school and helped me in my studies. I already had enough money to register myself for the final exams,all I needed was my documents which I didn't have. I was born in a mid wife's house so I had no birth certificate and my early school days certificate weren't available either. Although Zuko had told me those weren't necessary for the final exams but I needed them to enable me gain admission into a university. He kept on talking while I remembered the first day I met him,then no one would have known we could become close friends. I has just gotten admission into a state school in junior secondary before I changed to the Virgin Mary Senior Secondary for girls. Since I was young I had no closeness to boys,I hated them due to the hatred of my stepdad and the anger towards my dad for leaving me. I saw males as demons sent into the world to devour females. My attitude towards them was harsh,mean and rude,I treated males with no respect no matter their age and dealt with them when needed. I had my dad's force,bravery and strength,no one could put me down and win a fight against me. An incident happened once in school in my final year in junior secondary school at the beginning of the term. Zuko had walked up to me in his jovial manner and I hadn't found his behavior amusing and was annoyed by his attitude. I simply told him to get away from me,which angered him and he spoke up rudely telling me to shut my mouth. He grew up in a family of seven,six girls and one boys. Being the only son and last child his father thought him he was the head and women was meant to respect men and if they refuse you had to put them in their place. He often got his sisters in trouble due to his disobedience to them and got away with it since his father always took his side. Such male thinking angered me and as he spoke about it at my face I became filled rage. I held his collar tight, pinning him to the wall and punched his face making his mouth to bleed. I warned him to never say that again and yelled some sense into him while giving him a massive beating. I was stopped from killing him by our class teacher,the next day both our parents were called and his dad as expected exaggerated the matter and took his side. My mom simply apologized and prompted me to beg them but I refused since it would mean they had succeeded in belittling women. I got expelled due to my refusal to accept my fault. On reaching my step dad elevated the matter and from that day he came up with a plan to stop me from schooling. Mom had changed me to an all girls school hoping I won't cause any problem there but she was wrong. Apart from males,I found out that females tend to also want to rule over other females and also made them their sex puppets which also got me angry and I couldn't just keep still and watch it happening. Weeks later I stumbled upon Zuko and surprisedly he apologized for what he did,he had gone home to think about all I had said to him and realized that his father was wrong about females. He also went further to apologize to his sister about his behaviour and had change ever since. I wasn't move by his apology since my resentment towards males would always still continue and nobody could change it. He did all he could for my forgiveness which I couldn't understand why and it kept bothering me,I wondered why he didn't just forget it and continue his repented life. Gradually I started warming up to him and we became very close friends eversince he helped when I was in serious trouble with my step dad. On that day he had save me from my drunk father who wanted to fulfill his sexual desires which I really didn't want to on that day. He had distracted my step dad and took me to a safe place here I could hide from my step dad. From that day he became one of the greatest friends I ever had.

I came back to reality to see Zuko still talking and couldn't understand what he was saying again. I simply let out a laugh to get his attention which he didn't understand why I was laughing. He inquired what the laughter was about and I simply told him it was nothing. He threatened to punch my face jokingly if I didn't stop laughing and I replied him that he knew that he couldn't win me in a fight. He laughed saying he was stronger than how he was then and he could now beat me. I also reminded him I was also stronger, meaning I was stronger than him. He brought out his hand and challenged me to an arm wrestle which I complied confidently. While arm wrestling I noticed he was slowly winning me and it was proving he was stronger than me but I couldn't let him win . I might not be stronger than him but I could use my brains. I began staring at him, making his concentration turn to me and won him as I got the chance to. He shouted in confusion that I had cheated but I declined the claim and told him I did nothing. Males were all the same,they got lost in the eyes of females or their body. I got up from there to do a celebration dance while he kept saying that I had cheated. I asked him what I did but he became speechless since he couldn't explain how I cheated. I walked away victoriously, carrying his notebooks along and was happy that the dignity of women was still kept. One day I would do the same to my step dad and would make him pay for his crimes and insults.