
Short lived happiness

Another day, another day of turmoil and distress but it was going to be different today. I had successfully registered for my final exams all thanks to Zukor, and had weeks to go before the exam. I decided to go to school today not to learn, but to visit some of my friends, especially Annika and Noxolo. It was Noxo's birthday and I decided to give her a surprise visit . Later, we would all go to watch a movie at the town's cinema. School looked the same as I remembered, the old paintings were still there, the broken windows and doors and not to mention the leaking roof. For a big school, you would think they would do some renovations, but they didn't since the proprietor was out of town for many years now. Some of the students who knew him came to welcome me while some kept dragging me towards their class. They would end up ruining my surprise, so I secretly went away from them and went to Noxo's class . As planned, I had already informed Annika to ready a bucket of water for me. Part of the birthday tradition was to pour the birthday celebrant water and it was great fun for the friends of the celebrants. Noxo was in the exact position I needed her to, near the school garden, which would prevent water from spilling on the tiles and instead on the grass. I signalled Annika as she handed the bucket to me while distracting her. Slowly, I crept behind her and poured the entire bucket of water on her. Bewildered by the action, she slowly turned to at me and screamed in excitement on seeing me and in confusion with the water gently dripping from her. I won this year's challenge, Last year she won the competition of who would pour the most water on the celebrant. My birthday was a few months ago and she didn't succeed in sneaking up on me, but this year I did. Unknowingly to me, she had a trick off her sleeve . Though I had won the game, it wasn't yet over. She secretly kept a bottle of water beside her and spilled it on me. Next, we had a water fiesta, joined by our other friends. We stopped noticing the principal approaching us and hid from his notice . Not long after, the bell rang for the end of the lunch break and they all went to class while I went home, but not without promising to see each other at the movie theatre.

I arrived home only to see mom, which was unusual since she had never return home early before. I greeted her and was about to pass by her until I noticed a medical report on the table. Fear gripped me at the thought of her being sick. I have seen how those who were not living with their birth parents suffer and I knew mine would be worse if I was left in the hands of my stepfather. Apart from that, it was already difficult living without my dad. and I doubt I could survive without my mom. She meant the world to me. and I wasn't ready to lose her. I asked mom about the report, she handed it over to read it. and I was left speechless. It was something that I never expected would happen, though it was possible. but I didn't want it to happen. Mom was currently two months pregnant with my stepdad, the man I dreaded the most. I always wanted a sibling but that was when dad was with us. I prayed that one day mom would see stepdad's true colours, divorce him and get back with dad, but that won't be possible with a child coming into the family. Mom might not want to divorce him again and I would be stuck with him forever. Although I was still very happy since I wouldn't be lonely again, I would now have a sibling to play with . If it was a girl, I wouldn't let her get close to him and if it was a boy, I wouldn't let him grow up to become like his father. I hugged her tightly, congratulating her . She was surprised by my sudden gesture but was glad I got the news happily. We spent the rest of the day talking about possible baby names for the child . I almost forgot I had to meet my friends at the cinema and quickly went to get ready. My friends were thrilled to know that I would soon become an older sister and we celebrated Novo's birthday at her house. A guy walked into the sitting room where we were all sitting down on the chairs watching TV. I hadn't seen him before and had no idea who he was. but he might be someone special for Noxo to hug him and leave with him after ensuring us she would be back in a few minutes. Annika silently told me he was Jordan, Noxo's boyfriend, who she had never told me about her having a boyfriend. I thought we all decided we would tell each other when one of us decided to date a guy. I was happy for her, she had found someone who would love and cherish her and not everyone was as fortunate as that. Though Zuko had asked me to date him once But I refused, due to reasons best known to me. I didn't want our relationship to progress into a life relationship. and I also didn't wish to be in a relationship or even get married to anyone. To me, marriage was a cage for women created by men for their benefit where they could abandon them at any time. It took a while for Noxo to come back. So I decided to play Noxo's brother's video games, which Annika was an expert at. Born into a family of boys and being the only girl, she was taught how to play the game as a master and occasionally beat her brothers. She was hard to beat in the game and so any girl who played with her lost. I took up the controller, wanting to win her, having double thoughts . One kept on telling me I was just a beginner, while another told me I could win her if I had the courage. I played the game as my last with all my mind and skills. Gradually the game became tough . I was at the best of losing and suddenly I had a victorious breakthrough. I jumped up in happiness, while my friends congratulated me while Annika stared at the controller shockingly. She was amazed that I had won her and was short of words. She quickly got up and declared a rematch but I quickly declined. Noxo came in crying, which got us wondering what had happened . We all cuddled her asking her what was wrong. She narrated what happened between her and her so-called boyfriend . He had broken their two-year relationship, worst of all, on her birthday. We comforted and consoled her . Annika went in to get a bowl of ice cream for her and the rest of the day we kept silent.

I was sad for Noxo but still felt it was meant to happen. Men were predictable and they tended to change girls, not like their clothes since they often wore dirty clothes but more like their data subscriptions. The next day, I had a study session with Zuko . He was a great tutor and also made all the subjects seem easier. We went through some differentiation questions in Maths, then studied the chemical formulas and theories. Half way through our study session, Zuko decided we should have a break for a while. He began narrating an incident that happened at home between his mom and dad. Recently, they had been having some issues . It was revealed later on that Zuko's father was having an extra marital affair. His father's excuse was that Zuko's mother couldn't give him another male child, which sounded absurd to me. Zuko became upset that his parents would soon divorce . I kept a hand on his hand, comforting him that it would be okay. I knew how it felt to not live with both parents, especially when you leave with a wicked stepparent. An unexpected thing happened . Zuko held my hand and leaned over to my face. Before I could comprehend what would happen, he gently placed his lips on mine and the most memorable thing happened. I Akhona was actually kissing Zuko . I wanted to push him off, but my emotions didn't let me do that, I guess I liked the feeling. He let go of my lips and stared in my eyes . Something told me he wanted more, but there was no way that would happen. He continued tutoring me, both of us ignoring what had just happened. On our way back, I could hear my stepfather yelling my name and was walking towards us. Zuko held my hands and drew me close to him as we silently approached my stepfather. He yelled,"So this is where you are! You are heard romancing this boy instead of working, right? You refused to even come home to do the dishes . Today I will make sure I deal with you! " . He brought his hand to drag me away from Zuko, but Zuko held me tight, refusing to let go. He threatened to beat up Zuko but he didn't fear. I had to beg Zuko to let me go with him after he threatened to report to mom. I didn't want him to go and tell her lies about me. I was dragged along by my stepdad back home. Unfortunately for me, mom was already home. and she appeared furious. She yelled at me where I was all this time . Before I could reply, my step dad cooked up a story about how he caught me in a boy's house making me live with him. I pleaded with my mom that he was lying that I had no sex affairs with anybody and that I was only studying But my mom refused to believe me and yelled back that I was angry. My stepdad echoed back what she said, which got me angry and I yelled back that it was my dad who I had a sex affair with. I narrated how it all began and how he kept on harassing me. One would expect my mom at this point to believe me, but instead my mom stood there looking at me in disbelief while my stepdad landed me a slap on my face. He began insulting my mom for her lack of proper upbringing and how I was falsely accusing him just because he had exposed me. I tried explaining, but my mom silent and yelled at me to leave her in front. and I ran to my room, slamming the door behind me while keeping my face on my pillow.