
Abilities (Passive skills/Buffs)

These are exclusively Passive in nature and cannot be improved, even through repetition. Instead these act as 'Keys' that unlock Skills which can be improved.

As such, instead of being ranked by how much mastery someone has over them, they are ranked by rarity.

Rarity goes like this:

X - S - A - B - C -D - E- F - G - H


{X} Blessing of the Records: [User can use the different systems found within the 'Akashic Tome'. More systems unlock as skill ranks up]


{S} Blessing of Death: [User gains affinity with death and those related to it. User is capable of interacting with death and it constituent parts]


{S} Blessing of Life: [User gains affinity with life and those related to it. User is capable of interacting with Life and its constituent parts]


{G} Confessional: [People are more likely to tell you the secrets of their past and confide within you[


{G} Full Body Hypermobility: [You are capable of contorting your body further than most joints should allow without any damage]


{C} Suggestion: Your words are more likely to affect another's actions or behaviour